Monday, July 30, 2012

Is Your Spouse an Asset?

Is Your Spouse an Asset?: Is your spouse an asset or a liability in regards to your dreams of financial freedom? Things can get stressful when it comes to marriage and money, but if you work on your financial education together, you’ll be able to increase your wealth and have a positive relationship too.

This is a very good article from Rich Dad Blog which I think would be good to share. So here it is:

Have financial freedom AND a positive relationship!

If you stop working today, how long can you survive financially? And I’m talking about on your own without receiving money from a spouse, boyfriend, partner, friend, or anyone else. If you have no idea, it’s time to increase your financial I.Q. and change your situation.
Now is the best time to pursue financial freedom. In a recent, Wall Street Journal article entitled, “Renting Prosperity,” it explains how we are a nation of renters. People are renting everything from homes to cars to books, and more to increase their wealth.
In fact, I mention a story in It’s Rising Time! about this. A lady named Marilyn loved designer handbags, but she couldn’t afford them anymore. So what did she do? She created a business to rent them out, and today, she makes a nice, monthly profit from her small boutique of rental handbags.
The point is to be creative and stop thinking like the status quo. There is always opportunity when you have a financial education. And I know that some of you may be fearful and hesitant to pursue your financial freedom dreams because of your significant other.
Is your spouse a liability or an asset?
If you asked your spouse to take an accounting, real-estate investment, or other, financial class with you, what would he say? Hopefully, he would be supportive and want to work with you to secure your financial future together. After all, if you’re going down one path and your spouse is going down another path, it’s going to be very, very difficult when it comes to you and your money.
And I know there are a lot of spouses out there who are big liabilities. But if you’re in a bad relationship with an unsupportive partner…
Don’t let that stop you! Do it anyway!
Get a financial education. Pick up a book, go online and look at the information that’s out there. Get started now, and take action.
And if you are planning to get married and not sure if your future spouse will be an asset or a liability, play the CASHFLOW® game together because you’ll see behavior you’ve never seen before. It’s amazing when you put people in a game environment… their true behavior comes out, and you’ll see their financial habits on that game board.
A couple that studies and gets rich together, stays together.
This is the mantra Robert and I have had for a long time about marriage and money. Most couples fight over money, and why would you want to fight with someone you love over something dumb like money?
Plus, being married can actually make you wealthier. A study of about 9,000 people by Ohio State University’s Center for Human Resource found that “divorce reduces a person's wealth by about three-quarters (77 percent) compared to that of a single person, while being married almost doubles comparative wealth (93 percent).”
Getting a financial education gives you the opportunity to do something together. If you and your spouse are an asset for each other, you can learn together, grow together, make money together, invest together, get cash flow together, and more. It’s actually a lot of fun. And while the journey to financial freedom is not rocket science, it does take time and effort.
With this in mind, what are you and your spouse going to do today to increase your financial education together?

Monday, July 23, 2012

Systemic Destruction of All That No Longer Serves Our Higher Good

Every religion in the world talks about this. Although there may be some slight differentiation, there are common themes that they agree upon. So while it may depend on what one's faith is, there are some common things that all religions seem to point to. And that is that something will happen at around this time period. Some people thought that it would be in the year 2000. But 2000 has come and gone. Now it is 2012. Some talk about the Mayan calendar. Some people think the world will end. Most think it is baloney that it will end. Alien theorist thinks that we will be re-visited by the "Gods". Religions claim that Matreiya, Jesus, Iman Mahdi (or whatever else you want to call it/him etc) will be coming. But that's like kinda 12 years late. Then again, Edgar Cayce said to one of his "patients" (I use the word patient coz I can't remember his name) that that "patient" has a long life and will only die when Christ returns. Well... that "patient" died in 1985 if I remember correctly. So that effective means that if Cayce is right, Jesus should have been "re-born" again already. So that makes him 27 years old this year. Maybe not time to reveal himself yet. Hey... it wasn't like the world knew who he was back then, 2 millennia ago right. He only attracted attention when he started gathering a following... know what I mean. So give him sometime man. He's only 27 tops. Heck, if he was re-born in 2000, then he's only 12 years old...duh. Patience patience. ;-p

Well, the above is just some musings but in my opinion, 2012 will just past by for most of us without much major hoohaa apart from what we've grown used to this past few years... upheaval in many parts of the world and maybe in our own lives (especially if one has not been working on one's own self in any particular aspect of one's life). But most certainly the world isn't going to end. We'll just have more upheavals. And that's probably what it is. Upheavals and more upheavals. Why? Supposedly, the new energies coming in (if not already here) are forcing us all to consciously (or unconsciously) flush out the garbage or old status quo (or whatever you want to call it) that no longer serves us. Carpets are being removed and Skeletons are coming out of the closet so that the cleansing and healing can begin. Some people are sensitive to energies and they have claimed that they "feel" the change. You don't need to be a rocket scientist or a theologian. All you need to do is just take a look at the world and see what's happening and tie it back to what some new age joker is saying and it kinda ties in. So perhaps we need to all take a step back from the trees and look at the whole picture. Perhaps by studying what all the ancient scriptures are saying, together with the new information made available this century, without bias towards any one religion, a clearer and truer picture will emerge.

The message that seems to be being conveyed is that in our next step of evolution as a race of beings, we are moving towards an age of self governance, of love, compassion, justice, etc. Some call this a new golden age. And before any staunch religious person start claiming that the Golden age is actually not real and that it is actually the devil or false avatar or whatever, look... the golden age means very different things to both light and darksides. Both sides have golden ages and they call the opposing sides dark ages ok. To the dark side, a golden age to them means they enslave everyone and control everything etc and a dark age to them is when they cannot "cari makan". To those in the light, a golden age means an era where justice, equality, peace, love, compassion etc reigns and a dark age is when evil reigns. Obviously both sides would be fighting for their own "golden age" to become reality. But supposedly, what's coming is that of light. We've been in darkness for long enough. So lets be clear on which golden age we are talking about.... that of Light.

As such, all relationships (or "contracts") that no longer serves our higher good are being systematically destroyed so that we can all collectively and individually move to greater heights. Looking at the world today, it can be said that we are seeing this happening at all levels of society. Some of us may brand this as a "good vs evil" battle. Some of us may look at it otherwise. But essentially the common thing here is, if there is something clearly not right with it, it is being exposed, awareness is being created about it, people are clearly reacting and responding to it (how they react and respond is their karma), some countries have gone into major upheaval with dictators overthrown (clearly the new age does not have space for dictators and their kind). Though it remains to be seen what would happen to the Federal Reserve and those big corrupt superbanks.

At a more micro level, even marriages and relationships within families are being "re-visited". Pent up emotions and issues that have been swept under the carpet for decades (and the people involved had attempted to pretend that all is fine) have been brought to the surface and a healing forced upon all. In one instance, a family who had many pent up issues had those issues brought up in the most unlikely manner. A daughter who in my opinion, is a harmless soul who would never intentionally hurt anyone, became the catalyst for the explosive event for all her uncles to resolve some differences between them. Well... while I do not know the exact details, it appears that those old pent up issues were finally settled and they all could move on. Unfortunately, it may have resulted in her own father passing on to the other realm possibly out of sadness. Sigh... Then again, really nothing to be sad about as "death is just the beginning" as Gandalf the White said to Merry in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Well, coming back, I don't think its her fault as she really is a simple person who would not harm a soul. She was just the catalyst that the universe chose to use to spark the healing for all of them.

In another case, a relationship that wasn't working due to some issues was forced to come to a junction where the couple involved needed to look at where they are and where they intended to go. He decided to end that relationship. She then had the opportunity to move on to a whole new life. A path that may take her down a completely different destiny. However, he ended it not because he no longer loved her. On the contrary, he made the decision to end it because he loved her and didn't want her to waste her time waiting for him (he had some confidence issues). Now that to me is what it means by really loving someone. You are able to let the person you love go so that that person can achieve greater heights and not be tied down by your's selfish needs. Being a smart girl however, she tested him. His response would decide for her which course of action to take i.e. to move on or force a re-alignment. His response, by means of his actions and mannerism, told her that he actually still loved her. And so she made the decision to stick with him despite having another path opened for her. And together they re-aligned themselves and got married. Hence the new energies essentially made them come to head with what wasn't working with them and forced them to address the issues and re-align or end it and move on. They re-aligned and thus now move on together as a couple. I am happy for them and wish them all the best.

In another case, a relationship that is also clearly not working is constantly at war. It takes two to tango. If only one side wants to improve the relationship by resolving the issues while the other refuses to give way at all, it is a matter of time before the one that wants tires out and no longer wants to. And when that happens, the other one would have a major (if not impossible) uphill task to rejuvenate or resuscitate the one that has given up. They are clearly not aligned and this relationship is clearly not serving their higher good. Not only are both not benefitting from the relationship, all parties involved are being sucked dry because of this union. Perhaps with the sole exception of the stubborn recalcitrant party that refuses to admit that he has some issues that needs to be addressed even when it is clear to all that he is the party to blame. It's sad to see one destroy oneself through self sabotage. It is even sadder to see one purposely holding one's other half down like a chain to a bedrock for one's own egoistic self serving purpose, prohibiting the other to fly when it is clearly that party's destiny to fly. But it becomes atrocious when one's sabotaging also involves poisoning of a child's mind. It also becomes an unwelcome intrusion to others when close relatives become effected by one's purposely selfish actions and the constant warring. When a parent says to a child that the other parent is bad, he/she is essentially telling the kid that half of the kid is bad. Where else do you think dysfunctional adults come from? sigh.. truly sad. As long as this relationship does not get a reboot i.e. re-aligned to a common goal with both parties taking up ownership of it, the upheavals will only become stronger and stronger and its only a matter of time before something becomes a catalyst to force both parties to make a final decision on their relationship. No prizes for guessing what the outcome will be. And don't anyone say "poor kid" over that. As long as they remain together without re-aligning themselves, then it is "poor kid" because the upheavals will leave scars in his memory. However, if they cannot re-align, then breaking the relationship actually saves the kid's future and minimize the scarring and the kid can start to heal. For other couples in similar situations, they have parted ways and they have begun their healing and both parties have moved on to achieving things they want to achieve. For this particular couple, one wonders how much pain must the universe send to them before they face up to their problem and resolve it like adults. Cancer is bourne of such unresolved issues. The food we eat is just one of the many catalyst. sigh... I feel sad for them. It is clearly one party's destiny to achieve great things this lifetime but due to some karmic seeds, makes the decision to enter a union that chains the legs even when it was clear from the start what this relationship would be like. I am also flabbergasted. To me, if the one that was meant to achieve greater heights achieves it, it is actually also good for the spouse for it also helps the spouse realize his/her fullest potential. So I truly wonder what goes on within the deviated minds of some men.

Well.. for those of us who work on ourselves, keep working on ourselves and bask in the new energies. The next few years are going to be really interesting.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Yogic diet

This is an interesting article on Yogic Diet as recommended by Pranayama Pratitioners.

Dietetic Discipline
The proficient in Yoga should abandon articles of food, detrimental to the practice of Yoga. He should give up salt, mustard, sour, hot, pungent and bitter things, asafoetida, worship of fire, women, too much walking, bathing at sunrise, emaciation of the body by fasts, etc. During the early stages of practice food of milk and ghee is ordained; also food consisting of wheat, green pulse and red rice is said to favour the progress. Then he will be able to retain his breath as long as he likes. By thus retaining the breath as long as he likes Kevala Kumbhaka (cessation of breath without inspiration and expiration) is attained. When Kevala Kumbhaka is attained by one, expiration and inspiration are dispensed with. There is nothing unattainable in the three worlds for him. In the commencement of his practice sweat is getting out. As a frog moves by leaps so the Yogi sitting in Padmasana moves on the earth. With a further increased practice, he is able to rise from the ground. He, while seated in lotus-posture, levitates. Then arise in him the power to perform extraordinary feats. Any pain, small or great, does not affect the Yogi. Then excretions and sleep are diminished; tears, rheum in the eyes, salivary flow, sweat and bad smell in the mouth, do not arise in him. With a still further practice, he acquires great strength by which he attains Bhuchara Siddhi which enables him to bring under his control all the creatures that tread on this earth; tigers, Sarabhas, elephants, wild bulls and lions even die by a blow given by the palms of this Yogi. He becomes as beautiful as the God of Love himself. By the preservation of the semen a good odour pervades the body of the Yogi.

Yogic Diet
Instinct or voice within will guide you in the selection of articles of diet. You are yourself the best judge to form a Sattvic Yogic menu to suit your temperament and constitution. Further information is given in the Appendix.

Take wholesome Sattvic food half stomachful. Fill a quarter with pure water. Allow the remaining quarter free for expansion of gas and for propitiating the Lord.

Purity in Food
“Ahara-suddhau sattva-suddhih, Sattva-suddhau dhruva-smritih, Smritilabhe sarvagranthinam vipramokshah.” By the purity of food, follows the purification of the inner nature, on the purity of the inner nature the memory becomes firm and on the strengthening of memory follows the loosening of all ties, and the wise get liberation thereby.

You must not practise Pranayama just after meals. When you are very hungry, then also you must not practise. Go to the water closet and empty the bowels before you begin Pranayama. A Pranayama-practitioner should observe Samyama (control) in food and drink.

Those who are-strict and regular in diet derive immense benefits during the course of practice. They get success quickly. Those persons who suffer from chronic constipation and who are in the habit of defecating in the afternoon can practise Pranayama in the early morning without answering the calls of nature. They should try their level best by some means or other to get an evacuation of their bowels in the early morning.

Food plays a very important role in Yoga Sadhana. An aspirant should be very, very careful in the selection of articles of diet, in the beginning of his Sadhana period. Later on when Pranayama-Siddhi is obtained drastic dietetic restrictions can be removed.

This is a mixture of boiled, white rice, ghee, sugar and milk. This is a wholesome combination for Brahmacharins and Pranayama-practitioners.

Milk Diet
Milk should be scalded but not too much boiled. The process of scalding is that the milk should be immediately removed from the fire as soon as the boiling point is reached. Too much boiling destroys the vitamins, the mysterious nutritive principles and renders it quite useless as an article of diet. Milk is a perfect food by itself, containing as it does, the different nutritive constituents in a well-balanced proportion. It leaves very little residue in the bowels. This is an ideal food for Yogic students during Pranayama practice.

Fruit Diet
A fruit diet exercises a benign, soothing influence on the constitution and is a very desirable diet for Yogins. This is a natural form of diet. Fruits are very great energy-producers. Bananas, grapes, sweet oranges, apples, pomegranates, mangoes,Chikkus (Sappota) and dates are wholesome fruits. Lemons possess anti-scorbutic properties and act as restoratives to blood. Fruit-juice contains vitamin C. Chikkus increase pure blood. Mangoes and milk is a healthy agreeable combination. You can live on mangoes and milk alone. Pomegranate juice is cooling and very nutritious. Bananas are very nutritious and substantial. Fruits help concentration and easy mental focussing.

Articles Allowed
Barley, wheat, ghee, milk, almonds promote longevity and increase power and strength. Barley is a fine article of diet for a Yogi and Sadhaka. It is cooling too. Sri Swami Narayan, the author of ‘Ek Santka Anubhav’, who wears a Kaupin of gunny bag, lives on bread, made up of barley. He recommends barley bread to his disciples. It is said that Emperor Akbar lived upon barley.

You can take wheat, rice, barley, milk, bread, cow’s milk, ghee, sugar, butter, sugar-candy, honey, dried ginger (Soont), green pulse, Moongdal, Panchashaka vegetables, Peypudalai, potatoes, raisins, dates, light Khichdi of green dal. Khichdi is a light food and can be agreeably taken. The food should be reduced in proportion to the increase in Kumbhaka. You must not reduce your food much, in the beginning of your practice. You must use your commonsense, all throughout the Sadhana. Toor-ki-dal can be taken. The Pancha-Shaka belongs to the species of spinach. They are excellent vegetables; the thick succulent young leaves are boiled and seasoned or fried with ghee. They are five in number, viz., Seendil, Chakravarthi, Ponnangani, Chirukeerai and Valloicharnai keerai. When the Pingala or Suryanadi runs in the right nostril, you must take your food. Suryanadi produces heat. It will digest the food well. You may take jack-fruit, cucumber, brinjal, plantain-stem, Lauki Parval and Bhindi (lady’s finger).

Articles Forbidden
Highly seasoned dishes, hot curries, chutnies, meat, fishes, chillies, sour articles, tamarind, mustard, all kinds of oil, asafoetida, salt, garlic, onions, urad-ki-dal (black gram), all bitter things, dry foods, black sugar, vinegar, alcohol, sour curd, stale foods, acids, astringents, pungent stuff, roasted things, heavy vegetables, over-ripe or unripe fruits, pumpkins, etc., must be avoided. Meat can make man a scientist, but rarely a Philosopher, Yogi or a Tattva Jnani. Onions and garlic are worse than meat. All food-stuffs contain a small quantity of salt. So, even if you do not add salt separately, the system will derive the necessary quantity of salt from other food-stuffs. The giving up of salt will not produce deficiency of hydrochloric acid and dyspepsia as allopathic doctors foolishly imagine. Salt excites passion. No ill-effects are produced by the giving up of salt. Mahatma Gandhi and Swami Yogananda had given up salt for over thirteen years. Giving up salt helps you in controlling the tongue and thereby the mind also and in developing will-power too. You will have good health. Sitting before fire, company of women and worldly-minded people, Yatra, long walk, carrying heavy burdens, cold bath in the early morning, harsh words, speaking untruth, dishonest practices, theft, killing animals, Himsa of all kinds either in thought, word or deed, hatred and enmity towards any person, fighting, quarrelling, pride, double-dealing, intriguing, back-biting, tale-bearing, crookedness, talks other than those of Atman and Moksha, cruelty towards animals and men, too much fasting or eating only once every day, etc., are not allowed for a Pranayama-practitioner.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

From The Secret - who we really are

Resistance blocks what you want from coming to you. You create resistance in yourself by feeling anxious or worried about what you want. That tension causes the resistance and blocks delivery.If you feel tense when you think of what you want, it is time to relax, relax, relax. Let your body relax your mind by allowing your body to be floppy and as fluid as water. Every time you feel yourself starting to tense up, relax your body until you feel floppy again.

You can also be limiting yourself by the story you have created about you. Here are some simple examples of how the story we have created about ourselves can limit us:I am no good at math. I have never been able to dance. I am not a very good writer. I am very stubborn. I don't sleep well. I am very moody. I struggle with my weight. My English is not good. I am always late. I am not a very good driver. I can't see without my glasses. It is hard for me to make friends. Money seems to slip through my fingers.

The moment you become aware of what you are saying, you can delete these things and rewrite your story!

Here is a description of who you really are:
I AM whole.
I AM perfect.
I AM strong.
I AM powerful.
I AM loving.
I AM harmonious.
I AM happy.

And with that, start to become increasingly aware of all the magnificent things in your life. Feel gratitude toward all the people who have given so much through their work and inventions so that you can have a much easier life. Did you take a shower this morning? Did you use electricity? How did you get to work? By car, train, bus, or did you walk in your shoes? Did you pick up coffee or listen to the radio or make a call on your cell phone or take an elevator? You use so many inventions every day of your life. Are you taking them for granted or are you being grateful for them?
We are so blessed - really we are

Thursday, July 12, 2012

From The Secret - Living in Bliss

To live equally balanced between your heart and your mind is to live a life of bliss. When your heart and mind are balanced, your body is in complete harmony. And so is your life.

And how would you do that? There are several ways and here are some to name a few.

Continually monitor how you are feeling. You want to be feeling life flowing through you like a river, rather than tensely holding on to life. You can tell by the way you feel if you are relaxed and flowing, or if you are holding tension inside you. One way of releasing any tension is to decide that you are going to give the very best of yourself to everyone. As you give the best of you, you are opening up the flow of the Universe to move through you. And it feels so good!

Through gratitude (also see more on gratitude)
To understand the power and the magic of gratitude, you have to experience it for yourself. So why not begin by deciding to find 100 things a day to be grateful for?
If you practice gratitude every day it won't take long before gratitude is your natural state of being, and when that happens you will have unlocked one of the greatest secrets to life.

Through Visualization
To practice the art of visualization, begin by thinking back on your day. Choose a wonderful scene or moment from your day, and replay that scene in your mind. Picture the place, the people, the background sounds, the colors, the words that were spoken, and every detail of that scene as you replay it in your mind.
This is a very powerful way of improving your visualization skills, and at the same time you are attracting more wonderful scenes into your life.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

From The Secret - Thinking Positive

Every single day, no matter who you meet in the day - friends, family, work colleagues, strangers - give joy to them. Give a smile or a compliment or kind words or kind actions, but give joy! Do your best to make sure that every single person you meet has a better day because they saw you. This might sound like it is not connected with you and your life, but believe me it is inseparably connected through cosmic law. As you give joy to every person you meet, you bring joy to YOU. The more you can give joy to others, the more you will bring the joy back to you.

Therefore think kind thoughts. Speak words of kindness. Act with kindness. Make kindness your state of being in thoughts, words, and actions. There are many degrees of kindness, and it is interesting to realize that what people call "evil" is simply the absence of kindness. There is no source of evil - only the absence of kindness. There is only One Power - and it is all positive and all good.

While admittedly it does take practice. At the start you may find it difficult if you have been thinking negative thoughts for a long time. But that’s where your will comes in. Use the power of your will and do the things that will change your life. Practice the principles of The Secret every day. Use the power of your will and determine to LIVE these principles. Use all the laws of nature for your benefit. Use discipline to practice every day without exception. You are the only one who can strengthen your will. The changes you see will be in exact proportion to how much you commit to doing them.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Paradox of Government

This is a recent post on Martin Armstrong's blog - Paradox of Government.

Paradox of Government

The food stamp program, administered by the is Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing the greatest amount of free meals and food stamps ever in its history.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the Department of the Interior, asks us to “Please Do Not Feed the Animals.”

Their stated reason for the policy is because the animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.

Is there a paradox in philosophy between the Departments of Agriculture & Interior?

Perhaps we reduce the cost of government by transforming the jobs there into low paying positions without pensions that will be provided to people unable to find real productive jobs. This will reduce the cost of government and lower the cost of just feeding the animals who have become dependent.


From The Secret - More on the Law of Attraction (pt 2)

With this law, there is no past or future, only the present, so you should stop (quite a task to stop, I admit) referring to your life in the past as very difficult, or full of hardship and pain, or in any other negative way. Remember that the law operates only in the present, so when you speak of your past life negatively the law is receiving your words and sending those things back to you NOW.

An example on the Law of Attraction at work: Many people who diet lose the weight and then put it back on, because their focus was on losing weight. Instead, make your perfect weight your focus. Therefore, whatever is your strongest focus is what you will attract. That is how the law works.

Focus on the wonderful things about you, and when your mind starts to criticize any part of you, stamp out those thoughts. Stop them immediately and switch your mind to the good things about you. If you focus on the good things about you, you will attract an abundance of the good things. Be kind to yourself, because you deserve it!

Also know yourself! Watch how you manifest the small things in life and think about how you felt inside with those things. Think about how easily they came. You will find that you thought of a small thing once and never thought about it again, and then it manifested. What really happened was that you didn't think any thoughts or speak any words which contradicted what you wanted, so the law of attraction was able to do its work.

The law of attraction cannot change anything in your life that you hate, because hate prevents the change from coming. Since the law is giving us exactly what we are putting out, when you hate something the law must continue to give you more of what you hate. You will not be able to move away from it. Love is the only way. If you focus completely on the things you love, then you are on your way to a beautiful life.

Besides, there is not a single instance in history where hate has brought joy to human beings. Hate destroys those who hold it in their minds and bodies. I'm not saying it's easy especially if external forces trod on you or attempt to take your rights away, etc. Being human, we do sometimes give in. However, we need to catch ourselves and choose to respond differently. If humanity released all hate, fear, and resentment, then no dictator could ever rise, and we would have peace on earth. Peace on earth can occur only through peace within each of us.

Note that this does not mean that we ignore or turn a blind eye to injustice. Choosing to ignore injustice actually encourages the perpetrators. Put it this way... when u are skiing down the slope and you realize you see a tree in front of you, what do you do? 1st scenario would be If you keep focusing on the tree. This will result in you getting hurt by crashing into it. The 2nd scenario would be to focus your attention away from the tree and steer clear of it while keeping the tree at the back of the mind (so that you know it is there but you are consciously moving away from it). The likelihood is that you will get out of harms way. However, a 3rd scenario would be pretending the tree isn't there. This scenario would be the worst as it is going to make you crash right into it and it's going to be even more painful than the first scenario. get my point?

Related post:

From The Secret - More on The Creation Process

The Supreme Power of the Universe is the supplier of all things, and the law of attraction is the distribution manager of those things. You are a central point of creation on Earth, and it is through you and your use of the law that the Universe can bring creation into our physical world. What a beautiful system!

Each one of us is the creator of our own lives, and we cannot create in someone else's life unless the other person is consciously asking for that same thing. For example, when someone wants to be well, then others around that person can use their powerful focus of pure wellness for them. The positive energy will be received by the person because they are asking for it themselves, and it will help them enormously.

The process of creation is the same for all things, whether you want to bring something to you or remove something negative from your life. If you have a habit you wish to break, or anything negative you wish to remove from your life, you must focus on what you want. That means you visualize and imagine yourself in that negative-free state right now. Imagine yourself in as many scenes as you possibly can where the negative situation is completely absent. Imagine yourself happy and free. Eliminate any picture from your mind of you with the negative situation. Just imagine yourself in the state you want to be in, and feel that you are that, right now.

What is the most powerful thing you can add to the process of creating what you want? Ask for others as you ask for yourself. An easy way to do this is to ask for ALL, which of course includes you. Ask for a good life for all, peace for all, abundance for all, health for all, love for all, and happiness for all. When you ask for others, it comes back to you, so the law has it ALL covered.

Past post on creation process

Sunday, July 1, 2012

(Official Movie) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?

This is quite interesting to watch and maybe take a thing or two from: