Tuesday, September 25, 2012

From the Secret - Giving, Receiving and Having Faith

Whatever you want to bring into your life, you must GIVE it. Do you want love? Then give it. Do you want appreciation? Then give it. Do you want understanding? Then give it. Do you want joy and happiness? Then give it to others.

You have the ability to give so much love, appreciation, understanding, and happiness to so many people every single day!

The fastest way to receive is to give, because giving starts the reciprocal action of receiving. We all receive according to how much we give. Give the best of you everywhere you go. Give a smile. Give thanks. Give kindness. Give love.

Your giving should be a giving without expectation of return - a giving for the sheer joy of it. Not forced giving. That does not work.

The ancient Babylonians practiced a vital law that was the cause of their immense prosperity. They used the tithing law, which involves giving one-tenth of all money or riches that you receive. The tithing law says that you must give to receive, and the Babylonians knew that the practice of this law opened up the flow of abundance.

If you are thinking, "I will give when I have enough money," then the tithing law says you will never have enough money, because you have to give first. Many of the wealthiest people on the planet tithed their way to wealth, and they have never stopped tithing!

Because everything already exists in the spiritual world, what you want also exists, and in fact it has always existed because there is no time in the spiritual world. That can be a difficult idea for our limited physical minds to understand. But the important point is that if what you want already exists, then you will understand that the moment you ask it is given to you. And all you have to do to bring what you want from the spiritual to the material world is to emit the exact same vibration as what you want. You do not have to create what you want, as it already exists.

BE the vibration of what you want, and you will bring it into the material world through you.

And you may ask, “how do I know that this will work?” Do not worry about the how. Just have faith that it will be lit up to you.

Every religion on the planet has told us to have FAITH.
Faith is trusting in the good.
Fear is putting your trust in the bad.

Faith is when you cannot see how, but you absolutely know that the moment you have the dream it is given to you, and all you have to do is relax and allow the Universe to magnetize you to your dream and your dream to you.

Related Post
Faith in ourselves

Being a Beacon of Hope for others

You can be an inspiration for someone who is experiencing difficulties by not lowering yourself to their sadness, but by lifting them up through the light of your joy.

You will always know if you are being the light of inspiration by how you feel. If you can maintain your good feelings, the light of your joy is shining and bright. The moment you begin to feel heavy or not good you will know that the negativity of the problem is affecting you, and you really must step away and restore yourself to feeling good.

You have nothing to give anyone unless the joy within you is radiating outward.

There is no limit to how high you can increase your frequency, because there is no limit to the good thoughts you can think, or the good words you can speak, or the acts of kindness that you can perform. Besides transforming your own life through lifting your frequency, you lift others' lives too. The positive frequency of your energy emanates out like the ripple from a stone thrown into water, touching our planet and every living thing on it.

As you rise higher, you take the world with you.

No person or power in the outside world can compare to the power you have within you. Seek the power within, as it knows the perfect way for you.

Dhyan Vimal said “You are the rest of humanity”. In other words, if it were to be, it would be up to you. Each of us, individually, are the “rest of humanity”. Therefore, if we want something to change, it is up to us to change. Instead of looking for someone to inspire us, be the inspiration for others. And when you do, you find your purpose.

And when you find your purpose, it is like your heart has been set alight with passion. You know it absolutely, without any doubt."And in the words of Larry Diangi, "When your dream becomes your purpose, you become unstoppable".

A parting note: no matter what you do, at least half the world will be against you. So just do it anyway. And be a beacon for others.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

From the Secret - How to get what you want

Have any of us really asked ourselves what do we really want? Most of us go by life without thinking if the path we’re on is really the path we that we really want to be on. Neither do we stop to look if that path is taking us to the destination that we want to arrive at. Most of us are quite frankly in automation. The definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result”. Granted, it is not as simple as it sounds… finding out what you really want. But suppose that you do find out what you want, how do you go about getting it?

Well, where the Law of Attraction is concerned, supposing you found out what you wanted, your job, then, is to hold to the outcome of what you want, and to feel the outcome as though it is here now. That is your job. The HOW it will come about is the Universe's work. So many people trip up on this and try and work out the how.

Here is a simple example. A person wants to go to an expensive college, and so they try to work out how they will get the money for college. But the outcome is to be at the college. The person must focus on being at that college - that is their work.

Focus on the outcome and allow the Universe to use its infinite ways to make it happen.

When you are out of harmony with the law, you experience lack in your life, but that is just the experience you are creating. The Universe is continually giving, and so you must learn how to tune yourself with the harmony of the Universe. And the perfect melody is this: good thoughts, good words, and good actions.

Your thoughts and feelings are cause and what manifests is effect, so if you internalize what you are wanting you are completing all you have to do. As it is within, so it is without. As it is on the inside of you, so it is on the outside of you.

Remember, inside you is the cause and the outside world is the effect.

If you want to see a new political party take over the government, then be pro that political party. Not anti the incumbent! Focus on the outcome.

Related post:
  1. Power of Manifestation
  2. Creating The Mould of Your Mind
  3. The Creation Process
  4. More on the Creation Process
  5. Creative Abundance

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

From the Secret - Creative Abundance (pt 1)

Whatever the financial situation you are currently in, it is one that you have brought into reality through your thoughts. If it is not what you want, then you have created it unconsciously, but still you created it. When you can see this you will understand how powerful you are at creating. And now all you have to do is create what you want, consciously!

When you close your eyes and you visualize having money and imagine doing all the things you want with that money, you are creating a new reality. Your subconscious mind and the law of attraction do not know whether you are imagining something or whether it is real. And so when you imagine, the law of attraction receives those thoughts and images as though you were actually living them, and it must return those visions to you.

When you are in the place where what you are imagining feels real, you will know that it has penetrated your subconscious mind, and the law of attraction must deliver it.

When you go to pay your bills, use your imagination, and make up any game you like. Imagine your bills are checks, or imagine that you are giving the money as a gift when you pay them. Add zeros to your bank statement, or put the Bank of the Universe check from The Secret website on your bathroom mirror, on your fridge, at the bottom of your television screen, on your oven, on the visor in your car, on your desk, or on your computer.

Play, pretend, and make up games that will infiltrate your subconscious with the feeling of abundance.

If an action in your life feels like it contradicts what you want, then use your imagination while you are doing the action. You can use your actions every day to help create what you want. For example, when you are driving your old car you can imagine that you are really driving the new car that you want. When you reach for your wallet you can imagine it bursting with notes. You can change any action into a game of make-believe that is in line with what you want.

Remember that the law of attraction does not know if something is real or imagined.

Related post:

  1. Power of Manifestation
  2. Creating The Mould of Your Mind
  3. The Creation Process
  4. More on the Creation Process

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

From the Secret - Negativity

When you criticize or blame anything or anyone, notice how you are feeling. Those bad feelings are telling you clearly that you are attracting negativity. Take notice of the infallible guidance that the Universe is transmitting to you through your feelings.

Feeling anything less than good is simply not worth it.

When you look at yourself and feel dissatisfaction about any part of you, you will continue to attract feelings of dissatisfaction, because the law mirrors back to you exactly what you are holding inside.

Be in awe and wonder at the magnificence of you!

You cannot bring what you want to you if you are feeling stress. Stress or any tension at all is something you have to remove from your system.

You must let the stress go - it is the only way you can bring what you want. The emotion of stress is saying strongly that you do NOT have what you want. Stress or tension is the absence of faith, and so to remove it all you have to do is increase your faith!

Here is a checklist to make sure you have your receiving channels open:
Do you receive compliments well?
Do you receive unexpected gifts easily?
Do you accept help when it is offered?
Do you accept your meal being paid for by a friend?
These are little things, but they will help you know if you are open to receiving. Remember, the Universe is moving through everyone and every circumstance to give to you.

Never let a day pass without looking for the good, feeling the good within you, praising, appreciating, blessing, and being grateful.

Make it your life commitment, and you will stand in utter awe of what happens in your life.

Related post:

  1. Being Aware of Criticism
  2. Of Negative Thoughts