Wednesday, May 30, 2012

From The Secret - creating the mold of your mind

Nothing whatsoever is difficult for the Universe to create through you. You can create anything you want, and all you have to do is live in harmony with the law of attraction. You provide the mold of what you want, and then the Universe fills that mold.
Your job is easy - create the mold with your mind!

Plato said, "Know thyself," and never were more important words spoken. You must know yourself; what you are doing, what you are saying, what you are feeling, and what you are thinking, so you can bring yourself into harmony with the law.
Know yourself.

If you are complaining about things in your life, you are on the complaining frequency, and you are not in a position to attract what you want. Get on to the frequency of good with your thoughts and words. Firstly you will feel good, and secondly you will be on the frequency of receiving more good.

If there was a particular house you wanted, or a particular relationship or job you wanted, and you didn't get it, the Universe is telling you that it was not good enough and did not match your dream. It is also telling you that it has something BETTER and more worthy of you.
Something better is coming… you're allowed to be excited!

The law of attraction is the most wonderful law. It is steadfast, and gives every single person what they are predominantly focusing on. You are no exception to the law, and it is yours to use in whatever way you want.
The law cannot fail. We just have to learn how to use it correctly.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012

From The Secret - our highest power is love

Our highest power is love, and it is one thing each of us has an unlimited amount of. How much love do you give to others in one day? Each day we have an opportunity to set out with this great, unlimited power in our possession, and pour it over every person and circumstance.

Love is appreciating, complimenting, feeling gratitude, and speaking good words to others.
We have so much love to give, and the more that we give, the more we receive.

If you find yourself in a negative situation with someone in your life, take a few minutes each day to feel love within your heart for that person, and then send it out into the Universe. Just doing this one thing helps to remove any resentment, anger, or negativity towards that person.
Remember that feeling resentment, anger, or any negative emotion attracts it back to you. Feeling love attracts love back to you. What you are feeling for another, you are bringing to you.

You have the power to transform negative change into positive, but you cannot do it by resisting the change. Resisting the change is choosing the negative path - you are focusing on the negative, which brings with it even more negativity, pain, and misery.
To transform the negative into positive, first look for the good and positive things in the situation. There is good in every single situation, and as you look for the good things the law of attraction must present them to you. Additionally, command that this change will bring unlimited good and positivity, and know and believe in your heart that as you command it, it must be done. This is choosing the positive path.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

What do you want?

What a million dollar question...

Really.. What do YOU want?

Most people would answer "money" in a nifty. You ask them if they are sure, they stop a while, think a while and say "money" again. But I honestly doubt that is what they truly want.

In my opinion "money" is what their minds cook up as what they want. Probably as a defense mechanism of sorts to help them run away from some pain, event, shortcoming, something unfulfilled or an inadequacy that is buried in their subconscious. Which in return may have created belief systems in them that their problem lies in lack of money. Or "money" as a means to get away from it all. And as they move along in their daily lives, more events further strengthen that belief system until the real root of it is hidden so deep they don't even know its there. To make matters worse, their ego also adds to further strengthen those beliefs. (This is just my opinion and I may not have written the above to explain it very well)

Anyway, what they really truly want is hidden beneath all that and in my opinion, many people never find out what they really wanted until its too late. Spouse leaves them; or they still feel empty despite all the material successes; or they feel unfulfilled even on their death beds; or remorse at death bed etc.

So, I don't know. What do you think? More importantly, how do you get to know what you truly want? Is it like what career counselors, psychologist, doctors or other so called experts say that you have to "find meaning in what you do"; or "like your job"; or etc etc. Or worse, like what religious staunchies (sorry to say, especially christians) say that you have this feeling coz its your soul telling you that you have accept that "Christ is your saviour" la or better still, "you are a sinner". Sorry dude, I don't belief in bullshitting myself with what so called smarty two shoes PhD holder's (read as Permanent head Damage) advices. This is not some physical ailment nor psycho case. Neither do I subscribe to what does religious staunchies "blind-faithfully" preach. While I am not saying they are always wrong, I think sometimes we need to look deeper instead of academically (or mentally) reasoning it out or just pushing it all to "so-and-so is my savior".

And frankly, if you dig deep, you'll be amazed at what you discover. I know from my own personal experience, that what we thought we want and have actively been pursuing can be very different from what we actually wanted deep down inside. And sometimes reading a book may give insights into what we seek. Sometimes we think we are alone with certain feelings and thoughts. Reading a self help book or sharing your thoughts or feelings with people who will uplift you may reveal that you are not alone.

And this has happened twice in my life already. While I will not reveal both incidents, I'll just briefly mention one of it. In 2005, I attended a training on self awareness after two friends recommended it to me. I actually decided to attend that training not because of what the training say it can offer but because I liked what I see in one of my two friends. If it was up to the other friend, he would have "blown me out of the water". You can say that I joined for all the wrong reasons. However, one of the exercises in the was on discovering within ourselves, what we truly wanted. Well, for that exercise to work, you have to tell your brain to go to sleep otherwise it will interfere and for those who are strong minded (strong mental bodies), they would mental masturbated their way through that exercise "thinking" that they have found what they wanted. No. We had to put our brains to sleep. :-)

At the beginning of the exercise right through the midst of it, I thought I wanted success but what blurted out of my mouth was that I was looking for love. I was like, "WTF? Where did that come from?". I realized that what I really wanted was to settle down with someone whom I love, whom would love me, and together we can grow through thick and thin, mutually building on each other's strengths while complementing ear other's weaknesses. So it was through that one exercise that got me started on looking at settling down. And not just with anybody. I was quite clear on the kind of woman I was looking for. Well, to cut the long story short, I met my wife in the same training school (different class of course) and today we've got 3 beautiful kids.

So really, what DO you want? money? money can't buy you happiness. I'm not saying it's not important. It is important especially if you live in the city with inflation so high nowadays. But is that really it? Most of us get so caught up with our everyday lives that we do not even stop to question if the path that we are going down on everyday is leading you to where you want to be or if the path is the path that we want to be on.

Well, by asking the right questions, eventually you will find your answer. Even if you do not yet find what is it you want, you may first know what you do not want. And to me, that's a start. But please don't focus on what you do not want because that adds energy to it and brings more of it to you. Knowing what you do not want can be the first step but you need to then continue the search to find your passion.

Friday, May 25, 2012

From The Secret - play games with your bills and see yourself in joy

How do you get your attention off the bills when you are trying to attract money? You pretend, you make believe, and you create games with those bills to trick your mind into thinking good thoughts. Get your mind so busy with make-believe games of what you want that there is no room for it to send you thoughts of lack.
You are a creative being, so find the best creative way for you to turn your bills and bank statements into a make-believe game of abundance.

Every day, or at the very least once or twice a week, take a few minutes and focus on seeing yourself in joy. Feel yourself in joy. Imagine only joy ahead in your life and see yourself basking in it. As you do this the Universe will move all people, circumstances, and events to bring you that joy. You can't be in joy if you have money worries, or health worries, or relationship problems with friends or family. So deposit some joy in the bank of the Universe as often as you can. There isn't an investment that is more worthwhile.
May the joy be with you.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Power of Manifestation - energy perspective

Why do some people seem to be able to manifest better than others? To these people, manifestation just come naturally. Whatever they want just comes to them. In some cases it is like magic or the universe conspiring with them to give them everything they want. Whereas for some others, manifestation is like next to impossible. They just cannot get what they want. Or the opposite of what they want manifests instead. Ever wondered why?

Well.. I'm no expert but I believe it can be explained from an energy perspective. Let's look at our chakras first. The chakra responsible for manifestation (well, at least from a work perspective) is the basic chakra. It is located at the bottom of the spine.

People with strong manifestation abilities have strong basic chakras and like wise, people with weak manifestation abilities have weak basic chakras. Well, there are exceptions to the norm i.e. certain beings may be able to manipulate energy but that is besides the point. Those are of a different school and well, they've learnt certain arts. But even then, their basic chakras still do play a role. But what I am talking about here is the average Joe. 

For the average Joe (or Jane), our basic chakra plays an important role. So what sets the people who manifest easily apart from those who have difficulty manifesting? Surely something sets them apart. Well, there is....

Think of our chakras like muscles. The more you exercise them, the stronger they get. So for the basic chakra, the more you use it, the stronger and more powerful it gets. How then do you use it and strengthen it? Well.. you can start by meaning what you say. Surprise?

Successful people
Think of it... look at successful people out there. I mean really successful people who made their money by their own grit (blood and sweat). I do not mean those who inherit it. Nor do I mean those who got it through ill means. Successful people's words have power. They say it and its like the whole universe conspires with them to deliver what they want to them. And the thing about these people is that they always mean what they say. Their word is their honor. When they say they will do something, they will do it. There is no mucking around. They go out and do it and get it done. They just mean what they say. If such a person gives you his/her word, you almost feel like you know this person is going to deliver to his/her best ability. 

Unsuccessful people
On the other hand, look at unsuccessful people who seem stuck or those who think the whole world owes them a living etc. Most of them are just looking for handouts. They say they want to change their lives but when shown the task they have to do they start giving excuses. They are always looking at blaming someone for their predicament. It's always someone else's fault. And... they also don't mean what they say. Their word has no honor and no power. They say they will do something but almost always never get it done. Or if they do get it done, it is after being chased for countless times. And when chased (bugged) to do it, they do finally do it, but reluctantly so. Well, if you weren't going to do it, why say you will do it. 

Increasing our manifestation ability
Ever gave much thought to this? So how do we increase our ability to manifest? Well... there are many ways like the law of attraction, energy manipulation etc etc. But the most basic fundamental is honoring your words. The next time you say you will do something, make sure you do it. When you start to mean what you say, your basic chakra starts to expand. The opposite happens when you say you will do something but later do not do it. But if you are a person who has difficulty following up on your words with action, then start with something small. There is no point setting yourself up to fail. Start with something small first like say... doing the dishes when you say you will. That is a simple enough task I believe. Well, if it's not, I'm sure you can find something. Start with something small and easy and then work your way up. And never ever start something you already know you will have difficulty committing and following up with.

Cheers.. :-)

related post:
Is it true that people who are poor have chosen to be poor

Sunday, May 20, 2012

From The Secret - listening to what you are saying

Once you know the law of attraction, you can make the best discoveries about yourself by listening to what you are saying.
When you state something as an absolute fact, realize that it is something you really believe, and that belief is creating it in your life. As you hear your words and realize that you are saying something you do not want, switch immediately and rephrase your sentence with the words of what you want. You will learn so much about your past experiences and what you have created when you listen to your words. And then as you catch your words and change them, you are changing the entire course of your future!

Are You Destined to Be Part of the “Working Poor”?

This is an article taken from Rich Dad Poor Dad Blog. It's good read as the problem is also here in Malaysia. It's just that they hide it very well here so we think it is still ok. However, to make matters worst here, the GoM actually uses EPF money protect their own interest e.g. buying PLUS but in the pretense that it is for the people's interest. This was a trend that actually started during TDM's final few years in power. That line should never have been crossed. He set the trend, and so the next 2 PMs just followed the precedence.

Are You Destined to Be Part of the “Working Poor”?: Have you planned for your financial future with goals, a financial education and action steps? If not, you may end up one of the “working poor” or a poverty statistic. Kim Kiyosaki shares her tips on how you can avoid this ugly surprise and take control of your retirement.

Read full article here

Friday, May 18, 2012

From the secret - 30 day exercise

Here is something you can do that is the one of the most powerful uses of the law of attraction. This exercise is thirty days of an avalanche of giving.
Every day for thirty consecutive days, give. Give joy, smiles, warm words, love, appreciation, and compliments to everyone you meet, including strangers, friends, and family. Speak from your heart, giving the very best of you in every moment of your day, and make it your mission to make every single person's day better with kind thoughts and words.
As you give the best of you, you will be staggered by the speed that it comes back to you.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

From The Secret - Imagine writing an email of what you want to the Universe

Imagine writing an email of what you want to the Universe. When you are happy that your email is very clear, you hit "Send" and you know your request has gone into the ethers. You also know that the Server of the Universe is an automatic system, and it doesn't question email requests. Its job is simply to fulfil every request.
If you begin to worry and stress that you haven't got what you wanted, then you have just sent another email to the Universe to stop your order. And then you wonder why you haven't received what you asked for.
Once you Ask, know that the Server of the Universe is an automatic infallible system that never fails, and expect to receive your request!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Intuition - Our Inner Voice

This write up is a follow up to a friend's blog on her inner voice. I am not saying that I am right. This is my opinion of it based on my limited knowledge on the subject. So here goes:

Like she wrote, everybody has it, its there, we know its there, we doubt it, we believe in it and then we don't believe in it etc. Well... some call it intuition. Some call it gut feeling. Some call it guardian angel. Some call it inner voice. Then again... for some, it would be your higher soul's "voice". Whatever you call it, bottom-line is it serves you. But you don't necessarily listen to it. Sometimes to your own peril. Sometimes, you listen to it and then realize that in the long run, its not exactly to your highest good.

The source of our gut-feel
Well...the thing is this, our "intuition" as we call it could actually be one of our bodies "talking" to us. What we call our intuition need not necessarily be our higher self. This so called gut feeling can come from numerous origins. Namely:
  • One of our chakras e.g. Solar Plexus, forehead;
  • Our etheric bodies i.e. emotional body, mental body;
  • Our soul;
  • Our higher soul; or even
  • Our guides, guardian angels, or another higher being
Well... if your intuitive source is your soul, higher soul, guardian angels or spirit guides then they would have your greater good in mind. Even if it is with another higher being like say Guan Di, Kuan Yin, or an Ascended Master, then it would be for the greater good also. In fact, if it is one of these higher beings, then it would not just be for your higher good, it would also include other's higher good also. However, if it is from one of your own etheric bodies then not necessarily. Why? Because your emotional and mental bodies are just like your physical body. Well, to be fair, I would say none of the above would actually want to harm you intentionally. Its just that the emotional body and mental body have their own selfish needs and so the intuition that comes from them may not necessarily be to your highest good but serves their own interest. Confused?

Our Etheric Bodies
Here, let me attempt to explain. Our emotional body governs our emotions. Our mental body governs our mental. People who are highly academic have a strong mental body (usually). So if their mental faculties cannot reason or logically rationalize something, they will discard it. Similarly, people who are highly emotional have a strong emotional body. If things don't "feel" right despite their mind telling them that it is logical, they will still discard it. For most of us, our 3 bodies: physical body, emotional body, and mental body are going in 3 different directions at the same time. Only a highly developed soul has the 3 bodies aligned to the soul's will. And for an even more highly developed person, the higher soul governs and aligns all the etheric bodies including the soul. 

Anyway, lets take someone with a strong emotional body. Such a person would react emotionally to almost everything. So when we get an intuition on something, it could be the emotional body reacting to the situation and telling you to respond (or even react) in a certain way... which helps you at that point of time but which may not be to your higher good in the long run. Kinda complex huh.. But alas.. that's us humans. the same goes for people with strong mental bodies. I must say though, some people may knowingly choose to respond in a certain way that conveys emotions. This is different from reacting emotionally. This is purposefully responding in an emotional way to generate a desired response. That is someone who have his mental body governing his emotional body to respond in a certain way.

What if our source of intuition is our Solar Plexus?
Lets now look at what if the source of intuition is our solar plexus. Well.. our solar plexus is the source of our "I want this and that". Living in this world of duality at this point in time with all the development and fast paced life that we all lead, most of us would have highly developed solar plexus. And our so called gut-feeling comes from there. But again, it not necessarily serves our higher good. Don't get me wrong... it does serve you. It serves your lower interest. One of separation which is necessary for survival. But not if we are striving to be a better person looking beyond survival and looking at abundance.

What if our source of intuition is our Forehead chakra?
The forehead chakra is where our third eye is located. This chakra gives you access into the inner world. With a developed forehead chakra, we may be able to see the non-physical e.g. spirits, energy etc. The source of intuition that comes from this chakra, now I can be wrong, would most likely be our higher self or another higher being. Well, while not much is known about this chakra (heck, some schools even purposely hide the real location of the third eye and purposely say that it is the ajna, the area between your eyebrows), intuition that come from here is definitely better than that from your solar plexus.

In summary
Anyway, I think I'll just stop here. Just to recap.. What we call our intuition can come from many differing source depending on our level of development. All of us have intuition. We may choose to ignore this inner voice. Some of us listen to our gut-feel attentively. People who are street-wise have developed the knack at listening to their gut-feel (usually the solar plexus). One thing is for sure, for the spiritually inclined, we tend to pay attention to our intuition. And we purposefully develop it such that it comes from a higher chakra and not the solar plexus. This coupled with consistent meditation is the first step to developing our psychic faculties (latent in most of us). Having said that though, this should not be the reason to develop spirituality. It is a side benefit/effect of spiritual development but it also doesn't happen to every aspirant.

Monday, May 14, 2012

From The Secret - u must b happy to bring happiness in

You must be happy now to bring happiness into your life through the law of attraction. It's a simple formula. Happiness attracts happiness. Yet people use so many excuses as to why they can't be happy. They use excuses of debt, excuses of health, excuses of relationships, and excuses of all sorts of things as to why they can't use this simple formula. But the formula is the law.
No matter what the excuse, unless you begin to feel happy despite it, you cannot attract happiness. The law of attraction is saying to you, "Be happy now, and as long as you keep doing that, I will give you unlimited happiness."

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Conversions in the Name of God? really...

Certain religions in the world place importance on their followers bringing in the numbers. Well.. perhaps not a top priority but certainly with importance placed on it i.e. spreading the word of god. Some of them openly encourage it. Some are more subtle. Some have man-made rules or doctrines that state once you're in you're forever in. Amongst those obviously practicing such active "enrollment" processes are Yi Kuan Tao (A Taoist Sect), certain sects of Christianity, Jehovah Witness (mainstream christianity does not view Jehovah Witness as Christian), even Moslems to name a few.

While the majority of every religion's followers are good natured, mean no one any harm and are moderates. The same cannot be said about the loud-mouthed I'm holier than thou minorities. Well... In my opinion, if you need to recruit for the glory of your god (small caps intended), then obviously your god cannot be The True God. The Surpreme Being, Surpreme God, One Source or whatever else you may call Him/She/It is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omni"you name it". He is All Loving, All Compassionate, All Forgiving. He is also Just but not in any vengeful way. He certainly does not punish. And He most certainly does not need you to do any recruitment on His behalf. Only a lesser in-adequate being needs that kind of recruitment (or any other "needy" process for that matter).

Throughout history we have seen how certain religions embark on "missionaries" armed to the teeth. Their conversion of the natives of new found lands are basically a "convert-or-else". Of course, not all are like that. Some missionaries do not practice this. But those few are rare indeed.

While some Christians today may look upon the crusades as "not so holy" and a thing of the catholic past. Some may even admit with regret about the crusades, they are still very much into conversion today. In the past, it is done with the sword and spear and eventually guns and cannons, today with international agreements in place, they can't just walk in with guns ablaze. However, it is still done subtlely in missionaries disguised as charities with conversion as the hidden agenda. I use the word disguised because when you have a whole group of staunch religious believers that their-way-is-the-only-way in this whole universe, and they set out to "help" a group of people who are not, then it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what the real intention is. "Spreading the word of god" as they call it. Really... if you truly are out to give, you just give with no conditions attached. There is no need to be a believer of your religion to be part of your team nor recipient of your charity. But of course, they will deny it... as usual. So what's new? But I must add here... most of the time, it is staunch followers that are the over-enthusiastic recruiters. They are also the most intolerant ones that are indirectly making the world a worst place for everyone. Let's face it, if you strongly think that your way is the only god damn way in the whole universe and that everyone else (including other sects of your religion) are wrong, then you are essentially a hypocrite even to your own family and friends who do not share your religious view despite your being nice to them. You are basically saying to them in a subtle manner that they are going to hell and that unless they let you "save" them by joining your brand of your religion, they're screwed.

Lets not forget the Taoist group that has enrollment as a kind of "sales quota". And I say sales quota without apologies because guess what? They have quotas to meet. For gawd sake... is your god that lowly and insecure and so afraid that it will disappear into the annals of history like other demigods that it needs to get its head honcho to get the ma-chais to go on a numbers game recruiting people into their fold? Its like its some sort of sport. How repulsive and disgusting! What a lesser being of a god you've got. Clearly not the Highest of the High. And to further raise eyebrows, when informed of other's misfortunes or circumstances like for example: kids misbehaving etc, they can say things like we're different, those things don't happen to us because we're baptized. WTF? What so great about you being baptized in Taoism? With that kind of I-am-mightier-and-holier-than-thou attitude, your self professed "good karma" is going to run out faster than you can imagine. Geez. How repulsive... how deviant!

Well, I believe most old souls tend to tolerate and not pay attention to these overzealous religious recruitment process unless perhaps if stepped on once too often. There is always a limit to one's patience. Old souls within each religion also tend not to engage in these numbers games as they know deep down inside that it is bull crap. As I have said many many many times before, ALL the rivers in the world lead to the oceans! And I say "ALL" without exception. In fact, geologically, there is also NO separation as we all know today, there is water underground in the soil. If you dig deep enough, you will eventually hit the water table and with it, water. This is a scientific and engineering fact. So essentially the oceans, seas and all water bodies are actually one. So really, whose glory are you out for when you recruit? Your own glory? Your religious head honcho's glory? or some deviated lesser god's glory? What if one day, ETs arrive and they have their own religion and they are also like you, on a conversion process (not very spiritually evolved ETs obviously but that's besides the point) and guess what, their guns are bigger. How then? Ever thought about that? Then again, maybe you'll say, there is no such thing as ET. LOL! What a waste of space if we're the only ones around in this vast universe. Wake up! Haiyayai...

Related post:
  1. Heaven and Hell
  2. Perversion of Religion
  3. The Difference between being religious and spiritual
  4. Religious Dogma

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Blame Game

This is a very good write up by Robert Kiyosaki

The Blame Game
What makes someone successful? Knowing a problem and complaining about it? Or knowing a problem and creating a solution? One is the blame game. The other is the solutions game. One requires no financial education. The other requires a high financial education. Which game do you play?

Read full article here: The Blame Game

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

From The Secret - you are never alone in anything you do

You are never alone in anything you do, unless you think you are alone, which is a scary thought for anyone. When you know that you have the power of the Universe responding to your every thought, waiting and ready to help you accomplish anything, then your fear will disappear.
You have the greatest ally that has access to all energy everywhere. Nothing can stand in its way - and all you have to do for your Universal partner is believe.

Are women more hardworking than men?

I’ve seen quite a few women managers push their staff like dogs/workhorses. Their staff work late into the night and come in early in the morning out of fear. Makes me wonder what kind of life are they leading? While I’m sure there are men managers who are like that also but there seems to be less of them around compared to women managers. That got me wondering why the difference.

The general trend now seems to be that women are taking on more roles in the traditionally male-dominated work place. And they are generally more hard-working. So is it that women are just more hardworking than men? Or is it a recent trend? Or is it something else? Please don’t get me wrong... this is not about gender bias or gender wars etc. Just a look at it and trying to understand the difference in general work attitudes.

Well perhaps we should look at the workplace first.

Today, most of us are working longer hours for so-called higher pays that cannot keep up with real inflation (not official inflation which is manipulated). And the longer the hours we work, the less time we have for our spouse and children. Granted, today your spouse is also probably working late but then what about the kids? Working longer hours also doesn’t guarantee that you be a performer though there are some retarded bosses/managers who equate longer hours as proof of performing. Well, some people will just manipulate this and do the work only after office hours to make it look like they are hardworking. Other staffs then get disillusioned about the performance measurement.

Furthermore, the difference between a performer and non-performer could be just a month’s bonus unless one is the super performer. And to be the super performer, the sacrifice could be so huge only a few are willing to pay that price. And that price is usually family. And this haven’t taken into consideration the cock-sucking, ass-kissing, corporate politics, and backstabbing that comes hand in hand with being the super-performer. Let’s be honest, no one becomes the super performer without politics. Even if you do not play the politics, the one who is promoting you or putting you on the pedestal is definitely playing politics for his/her own personal gain and inadvertently creates negative vibes from others towards innocent-little-you. I know of one such innocent and naive person who is used to the point he don’t even know who he is anymore.

Let’s also face the hard facts, in today’s fast tracked world, no matter how good a performer you are, if you dropped dead today, by tomorrow someone else takes up your role (even if it was temporary until a suitable replacement found), the company moves on at a snap of a finger as if you didn’t exist. The only moments when you “still existed” is when someone can’t find something and someone else puts the blame conveniently on dearly departed you. The only people who remembers you are your family, relatives and close friends.

So coming back to the issue of differences between men and women:

This is just a thought of mine (or if you want to call it a theory, that’s fine by me). Men have generally been the primary force in the economy for decades if not centuries. It so happened that the way society of old was shaped, the men go to work while the women tended to the home. Within the 20th century things started changing. And I think this was accelerated during the 2 world wars. However, ever since money became currency and the rules of money changed, men, over the years, found that no matter how hard they worked (as employees or small self-employed) they just cannot keep up with inflation. We are not talking about the financially educated like what Robert Kiyosaki says. Those are a different category all together (and one that we should all strive to be like).

Anyway, coming back... could it be that since men subconsciously realized that if they kept doing what they are doing as employees, it just won’t get them anywhere and so it’s like a lost cause to fight for in the first place. And so they, whether consciously or subconsciously, just became “lazy”. I know many men who are looking around for opportunities but they know not what they can do. Call it mid-life crisis if you want. Particularly those in the professional field. The problem with being a professional is you become so specialised you can’t do anything else. The feeling of being trapped is there. And after many years in that mucky feeling, eventually the “I care not” attitude sets in. So the “job satisfaction” comes once a month at the end of the month and perhaps a bit of “yippee” comes in once or twice a year during bonus and increment season. This is not to say that men don’t do work. Of course they do. They do the work that is given to them but not necessarily as if they own the company...get the drift. Perhaps this is a result of men knowing that no matter how much they do for the company, at the whim and fancy of the employer, they can be removed and forgotten within a day. They know they are like drones despite all the HRD hype and promises of “our employees are our assets”.

Women on the other hand only recently came into the workforce in force, relatively compared to men that is. This new found “freedom” (or empowerment) if that’s the right word to describe it, gives them the euphoria of being in control. Though I must say it’s more like a false sense of control. Perhaps this is something men came to realize earlier on (being in the work force longer) that the one really in control is the one who signs the pay check. Women may know this but not “own” this fact yet. There is a difference between knowing something intellectually and actually knowing something to the extend it becomes part of you. And so women get their sense of achievement and satisfaction in the work they do. To the point it is like as if they own the company, which BTW is a good attitude and your employer will love you for it but let’s be realistic, they will still not treat you like family.

So today we have many women bosses (managers not employers) who like to tell their staffs to work harder. In my mind, we should be working smarter and not working harder as we all have 24/7 and so working harder sends you to the grave faster as a pauper but that’s my opinion. So could it be that women are at that stage like men were when the industrial age first came about. But because men have already been through more at the workplace for a relatively longer period, more men have become disillusioned whereas women are still more enthusiastic about work being relatively new to the work force. Could this be?

I wonder...hmmm...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

From The Secret - everything has its origin in the mind

"Everything has its origin in the mind, and that which you seek outwardly, you already possess. No one can think a thought in the future. Your thought of a thing constitutes its origin."
Your Invisible Power

Monday, May 7, 2012

From The Secret - your feelings are monitoring your thoughts

Always remember that your feelings are monitoring your thoughts for you. Your feelings are telling you whether you are thinking thoughts that are good for you or thoughts that are not good for you. If you can become more and more conscious of how you are feeling, then you will become more and more aware of what kind of thoughts you are thinking. Your feelings are unceasingly telegraphing messages to you.Listen to your own being!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Charity from the Heart or with hidden motives?

When we give, do we give with true generosity or is there a hidden agenda (strings attached)? We all know of people who give money and then like to blow their own trumpets don't we? Is that charity or just stoking their ego? In my opinion that person wasn't doing charity out of generosity but using money to stoke his own ego. Sort of like a "I'm rich, you are not. So here, it's your good fortune that I am willing to give some of my money to you so you better listen to me (or put me on a pedestal)" kind of mentality.

I don't know if you know people like that but I know one. Well to be fair perhaps this was how it has been in his little town and everyone he has given money to, just puts him on the pedestal and sings to his tune whether willingly or unwillingly. Well, where I come from, that kind of act does not gain one any respect at all. In fact in my books it is one of the fastest ways to lose respect. He did it to a few people in full view of me and then had the cheek to tell me something along the line that "see I have money and can give money so that everybody is happy". And he said this not just in my presence but in the presence of the recipients too. I was like WTF?!?! Now this happened few years ago but I just happened to reflect on it now. I recall how I just completely lost all respect for this person. In my mind he wasn't genuinely generous. Granted he is very very rich. But his mentality is that of a person sooo unbelievably egoistic, his so called charity comes across as show-off, belittling, self-centered and even to the extend of treating others like dogs. Sorry dude. With all due respect to you for being one generation above me, you just lost my respect for you in all other areas...right down the sewer pipes.

We also know people who like to brag about the perfectness of their lives. Always saying "this is my good karma". Even to the extend of bragging when counseling others to the point they get the opposite result. Imagine a marriage counselor while counseling, brags about the perfectness of his/her spouse in front of the patient who is already thinking that his/her spouse is less than what he/she would like and that patient then goes into depression and ends up hating the spouse even more. Sooo counterproductive. That's what I call a "wan kat" counselor. In my opinion, such a person is only being self centered, righteous and just plain showing off in a "I'm holier (or greater) than thou" attitude. Definitely not in any position to counsel anyone. Oh puhleeezzz. Don't believe that this kind of counselor exist? Trust me. They do. I know one such "mighty me, myself and I" counselor. Sigh... Well then again, perhaps the intention was good but the delivery was very upsetting. If the intention was to use our own life as an example of how we solved certain problems that may seem similar to the ones faced by the person under counseling, then its different.

True charity comes from the heart. One does not need to claim any credit for the act. If any pleasure is derived it is from the sight of seeing someone else's life transform before you. It transcends religious boundaries, cultural boundaries, and every other boundary there is. There is no such thing as "I'll help you but you need to convert to my religion because its by the grace of My God that I do this charity to you". That is plain hypocrisy. Your real intention for doing charity was to increase you ranks of followers for your religion and that does not cut it! Most Christian charities, in particular, fall into this hypocrisy trap. Buddhist do not do this (though some do). The truth of the matter is that people who truly give from their heart just do it. They do not need to be long to ay religion. They don't announce to the world their actions. For us small timers, we just give in the manner that suits us. However, if there is a need to raise funds, then the appropriate channels are employed to do so. But it's never to blow their on trumpet. It's never for the "greater glory of their God". God is omnipotent, He/She does not need you to blow his glory all over the planet. 

And the act of giving knowledge is the highest form of charity as you would then be helping a fellow human being improve or transform his/her life. You are in essence giving a fishing rod in opposed to giving just fish.

Energy-wise, when one gives, energy is being sent out and like energy returns to you. So when it comes to charity from the heart, like energy returns to you. This is like karma or cause-and-effect. You will receive what you send out. The universe will work it out. You need not have that intention. However if you are looking at getting a name or "hao lien" then...well...that's all you get then. No good karma at all. Of course I am not saying we do charity for the purpose of creating good karma. No... Like I said its gotta come from the heart else forget it. You won't enjoy it, it's like a chore and people will eventually see through your less than noble intentions. Or if you are just looking at stoking your ego then guess what? Negative karma is created.

I must add here....bragging also creates negative karma. If you keep bragging about how perfect your life is to others, you are essentially creating a lot of negativity. And so guess what..that so called good karma will run out faster than you can imagine. And IMHO you would be lucky if it runs out within the same lifetime so that you are warned of it and can immediately take actions to rectify the situation. Otherwise you maybe wondering in a future lifetime what it was you did the last lifetime that made you have to go through shit "now".

Related post:
Do we give fish or the fishing rod?
Is it true that people who are poor have chosen to be poor

From The Secret - stilling your mind with meditation

To still your mind, sit down each day, close your eyes, and just watch your thoughts. Don't resist the thoughts, but just watch them come into your mind. As you watch each thought, it will disappear. Practice this each day and you will get better and better. You will find your mind will be without thoughts for five seconds, and then ten seconds, and then twenty seconds.
When you can command your mind to be still and have it obey your command, just imagine the power you will have to create what you want.

From The Secret - gain control of your negative thoughts

Your life is in your hands, but you must learn to gain control of your thoughts. All of your problems of fear, failure, and doubts are because your MIND is ruling you. Your mind has taken over and you are the slave and victim of your uncontrolled negative thoughts. It is as simple as that. Take control of your mind and your thoughts. Every day, bit by bit, watch your thoughts.
When a negative thought comes, stamp it out, and refuse to allow a negative thought to take root in you by thinking of something good instead. Think more and more and more good thoughts, and soon they will come automatically.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Bhagvad Gita – Chapter 18 – Final Words

This article is taken from Guru30's blog. You can access the full write up here. It's good read to understand a little about hinduism. The Bhagvad Gita – Chapter 18 – Final Words:

---Start of Article ---
Arjuna asks Lord  SriKrishna : “What is the difference between renunciation and the renounced order of life." And Lord SriKrishna replies thus: Giving up activities that are based on material desire is called the renounced order of life (Sanyaasa) and giving up results of material activity is called renunciation (Tyaaga) Renunciation is of three kinds. sacrifice, charity and austerity. And they are not to be given up. However, these actions should be performed without attachment to results. They should be performed as  duty. And that is my opinion. One must never abandon duties prescribed to him/her. Anyone who gives  up his activities because of illusion, then he/she is in a mode of ignorance. One who gives up because of physical inconvenience is in the mode of passion. One who performs his/her duty with a sense of obligation renouncing all attachment for it and its results is said to be in a mode of goodness.
Those who have not renounced,  face the tree fruits of their actions after death – evil, good and mixed. But those who have renounced have no results to suffer or enjoy. According to Vedanta, there are five causes for the achievement of all action. They are the place of action (body), the performer, the various senses, the different endeavors and the Supersoul. Any action that a man performs by mind, body or speech is a result of these five factors. Therefore, without considering the five factors, a person cannot become a doer. A person liberated from false ego and whose intelligence is not bound, he/she is not bound by action.  What motivates action is – the senses, the object and the agent.  According to the three modes of nature (gunas) there are three kinds of knowledge, action and the doer.
There are also different kinds of intellect and determination as per the three modes of nature. There are three kinds of happiness that conditioned souls enjoy, depending on their modes. (rajasic, tamasic or sattvic) The duties of various people (Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishnavas, Shudras) are categorized according to the material modes that arise from their nature. By properly performing one’s duty, everyone attains perfection. One can attain perfection by worshipping God, who is the source of all beings. It is better to perform one's duty , even imperfectly, than to perform somebody else’s duty. By performing one’s duty, as prescribed by his nature, one does not incur sin.
All work is mired by some defects, like there is smoke where there is fire. A person can attain the supreme state of freedom from karma by self-control, detachment and disregard for material pleasures by practicing renunciation. By disciplining  oneself through intelligence, by controlling the mind with determination, controlling one’s speech, body and mind, being detached, by forsaking egotism, force, arrogance, lust, anger and possessions, one is fit for Brahman realization. One who has realized Brahman, is content, neither hankers nor laments, who is impartial towards all, attains transcendental devotion to me. Only through such devotion, one can understand me as the Godhead.
Surrender unto me in all activities and endeavors. Under my protection and power, always think of me. If you fix your thoughts on me, instead of egotism, you will conquer all your problems. God resides in the hearts of all beings, directing their wanderings by the magical power of Maya, on which they are seated, like a machine. Surrender to me completely and you will attain absolute peace and eternal abode.
I have explained to you the knowledge that is most confidential. Meditate on it. I have said what is the best for you. Fix your mind on me. Be my devotee. Sacrifice for me. Offer obeisance to me. In this way you will surely come to me. I promise you this because you are my dear friend. Take exclusive refuge in me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear. This should never be explained to people who do not wish to hear it. One who explains these secrets to my devotees engages in the highest devotion to me. He/She will undoubtedly come to me. No one in this world will be dearer to me than my devotee. It is my belief that whoever studies this sacred dialogue of ours worships me through his/her intellect. Even one who merely listens to this conversation with faith, devoid of envy, will attain the auspicious worlds.
So Arjuna, has your ignorance and delusion been removed?
Arjuna with folded hands, told the Lord that it has.
Sanjaya who was witnessing all this says that the amazing form of Lord SriKrishna is wonderful and a delight to remember.
Always …