Saturday, June 9, 2012

Advice when asked and given but not taken (updated)

Do we? I'm not so sure...

Granted, if we never asked for advice, we may not like it, nor would we accept it when some smarty two shoes busy body gives us some unsolicited advice. I mean, who're you? I never asked for your opinion. So shut the f%$# up and mind your own business! Familiar?

But what if we actually did ask for advice. We actually actively went to seek others for advice. Would we accept the advice when it is given? Especially if it is not to our taste.. Hmmm... I think, as human beings, we may not accept it. Or we may accept it but do nothing about it. Sound familiar?

But what's the point then for seeking advice when we are not going to heed the advice? I'm sure we all know people who were in some sort of fix and they came to you for advice and you helped them in a whatever way you can. After some long session through coffee or tea perhaps, you thought you have gotten through to them and they seem to have "seen the light". Then come a few weeks or months later, you found out that they didn't act on it at all. At first you thought they have found another way to solve their problem. And that is fine, after all, there are more than one ways to solve a problem. Then you realize they not only still have that problem, they didn't do anything at all to solve that problem. On top of it all, they are still complaining about the same problem! That would be like.. "You had a problem. You came to me for advice. I've shown you a way out (or several ways out). You said you will act on it. And then, you don't. Why? Because you were too busy? Helloooo?!"

In my opinion, such a person never had any problems in the first place. He/she was actually just looking for attention. An attention seeker as some would call it. A drama king or queen. Nothing more. In my book, it means, no more advices would be given. I will no longer entertain any request for help regarding the said matter. In fact, in future, on other matters, I may reserve my opinion as it would be a waste of my time and effort. The person's record shows that that person will not act on anything. So too bad..

Lets look at another scenario, say it really is a problem that the person really needed advice on. However, for whatever stupid reason the person didn't act on it after receiving the advice(s). Well, then if the problem gets worse, don't blame anyone else. People must understand something here. Nothing changes if nothing changes. We cannot expect a different result if we keep doing the same thing over and over again. The definition of insanity is expecting a different result doing the same thing repeatedly. So, if someone's problems persist because of non-action on their part despite receiving numerous advices, then, well... they asked for it.

But people will be people. And we all know people who had problems, asked for advice, got the advice, then slept on it and then blame others for it when the problem escalates. We can only look on at the ongoing drama and sigh. Just too bad.. you dug your own grave. Take responsibility of your own life for your own sake.

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