Tuesday, January 15, 2013

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear

When you read a personal development book, spiritual text or even watch a spiritual documentary or personal development documentary (like The Secret), you can take into your mind only the knowledge that is on the same frequency as you at the time. The next time you read the same book or watch the same film, you take in much, much more. And this process never stops. You will continue to discover something more in every reading or viewing, and the principles become clearer and clearer and clearer. That is because your consciousness is expanding every single time. Robert Kiyosaki has stated in his books about a person's context i.e. how much a person's "cup" can contain. The more a person develops his mind, the more his "cup" can hold. Jesus has warned not to cast pearls upon swines, hence all teachings are in parables. And as a person grows in the mind, more are revealed through the same text.

This concept is exactly what Buddha meant when he said “When the student is ready, the teacher appears”.

And it is exactly this expansion of consciousness that would deliver all faiths and religion in the world today towards the One Source. What do I mean by that? Let me explain here.

Every religion did not start out as religion. At the time the teachings were delivered, they were philosophy. The teachers, or Avatars if you prefer, were delivering a philosophical teaching to the masses in the form of parables. Truth was delivered watered down to simple understandable parables based on the level of spiritual development of the people at that location at that point in time.

Any other way and the people there would have completely missed the teachings. If one’s context or ability to receive is small, how can one receive higher knowledge? Those same parables, revisited after years of practice would reveal different levels of truth that would then now be acceptable to the people whereas in the past, they would not have been able to accept it.

Just look back in your own life. Were there not times when you were completely revolted by certain things but many years down the road, the same thing no longer revolts you but instead you can actually see how it can make sense? And that is just one lifetime. Imagine matters that are of a grander scale like universal truth.

We now know that when we look at our hands with a sufficiently powerful microscope, we can see smaller than our cells right down to the atoms. And we know from mainstream science that atoms consists of protons, neutrons and electrons. Quantum physics is now exploring even beyond that to the nano scale. So what we essentially call our physical body is actually a whole lot of empty space! Now imagine, if you were to tell that to someone from the time of Christ. Can you imagine the reaction they would have to you? And if you, in all your ignorance, insist on your facts (and they are facts), you will only antagonise the masses and you may just end up like Christ on the cross... or worse.

Do you see what I mean now?

The teachings that were brought forward by the various great teachers of our time were universal teachings/truths handed down since the time of Atlantis and Rama (both great civilizations before our earliest recorded history). But they had to be delivered in parables in order to “neither cast your pearls before the swine”. However, with consistency of practice over lifetimes, those who choose to go on the path, would be able to see more layers behind those teachings. Those same parable would reveal higher meanings and teachings to the initiate in order for him/her to continue on his/her path to the One Source.

Take Buddhism for example:
The 1st turning of the Dharma wheel i.e. Buddha’s original teachings, we have now the Theravada sect. At the 2nd turning of the Dharma wheel, we now have the Mahayana sect. At the 3rd turning of the Dharma wheel, we have the Vajrayana sect. So there are now 3 main sects in the world today. Each sect claims that their path it the path to follow for Buddhist. The Theravadas say that theirs is the original teachings inferring that the other major sects are not following Buddha’s “real” teachings. Mahayanas on the other hand say that theirs is of higher teaching or a “greater vehicle” inferring that the Theravadas are a “lesser vehicle”. The Vajrayana also look upon themselves as the highest teachings of Buddha but the Theravadas and Mahayanas do not buy in to their claim. Actually all 3 sect are merely different levels of teachings. If one is to follow the Buddhist path through the many lifetimes, one would start with the Theravada teachings and eventually over many lifetimes of spiritual practice (not religious practice), receive insights and grow into the Mahayana teachings and as one continue to grow, eventually it leads to the Vajrayana teachings.

The same applies for many other religions in the world. There are outer teachings and inner/higher teachings: The Christians and the Gnostics; Muslims and the Sufis; etc.

When the Student is ready, the Teacher appears.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to burst the bubble but this is not a buddha quote

