Friday, June 29, 2012

Ouija Board - Safe or Dangerous?

Oooo... This is a very interesting article from Manor Journal that I just gotta share it on the blog.

-Begin article from Manor Journal-

Is it OK to use a Ouija Board?

A number of people have asked this question, so I think many more people must be wondering about this topic.

No, they are unreliable and dangerous.

Ouija Boards are often found in department store toy departments and in toy stores. It's a divination board that has the letters of the alphabet, the numbers, plus the words "yes," "no," and sometimes "good-bye," and "maybe." A three-legged device is used as a pointer. Someone can ask a question, their hands are placed lightly on the pointer and an answer is spelt out by a visiting "spirit."

They actually do work. A real spirit will usually come and give you a response. But you will never see a witch or psychic use a Ouija Board. Why so?

Ouija Boards have a huge problem. The problem is there is no way to arrange for a specific spirit, like a specific deceased relative or friend, to come and answer questions. No one knows why, but friendly spirits don't seem to like Ouija Boards. Or they don't like the company of negative spirits that are drawn to Ouija Boards. In fact, the very last place you are likely to contact a deceased relative or friend is through a Ouija Board.

Using a Ouija Board is like opening the front door and asking everyone to come in. You have no idea who will actually walk in the door. It could be neighborhood thieves, murderers, insane people, etc...It is not that the Ouija Board is "evil" as some people believe, it is that some spirits are simply not nice, well-meaning, or mentally well balanced. Some unkind spirits find joy in frightening humans. Others find joy in giving wrong or harmful information.

Thus, I must tell you that the use of the Ouija Board is simply unreliable and surprisingly dangerous.

If you have a Ouija Board I strongly urge you to get rid it now!

Destroy it and thrown it out in the trash.

-End article from Manor Journal-

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

From The Secret - the Law of Attraction

There are two kinds of people:
Those who say, "I will believe it when I see it."
And those who say, "To see it, I know I must believe it."

You are an electromagnetic being emitting a frequency. Only those things that are on the same frequency as the one you are emitting can come into your experience. Every single person, event, and circumstance in your day is telling you what frequency you are on. If your day is not going well, stop and deliberately change your frequency. If your day is going swimmingly, keep doing what you are doing.

Sometimes it is better to focus on one thing at a time, so that you harness all your energy for the one thing. That said, you can list multiple things that you want and spend one day at a time focusing on each one, feeling as though you have received it. You will most likely find that the things you have the least concern about will come first, because your lack of concern allows the Universe to easily deliver.

Resistance blocks what you want from coming to you. You create resistance in yourself by feeling anxious or worried about what you want. That tension causes the resistance and blocks delivery.If you feel tense when you think of what you want, it is time to relax, relax, relax. Let your body relax your mind by allowing your body to be floppy and as fluid as water. Every time you feel yourself starting to tense up, relax your body until you feel floppy again.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Cleansing Negative Energies

Some people are sensitive to the unseen. They cannot explain it other then to say, "something in that place gives them the jitters" example. While most ordinary human beings are just plain insensitive to energies, there are those amongst us who are naturally more sensitive. And for these sensitive individuals, the degree of sensitivity may also differ. Some of these sensitive individuals are so sensitive, they can even tell, literally, the quality of the energy around them. While this article is not about how some people are sensitive to energies, it is about what to do if we sense negative energy permeating around the environment that we are in. And I don't mean, negative energy from a physical sense. I mean really, pervasive negative quality of energy that sends shivers down your spine. The creepy supernatural type, if you must.

Here's what the Manor Journal have to say about this:

Clearing Out Negative Energy (From Manor Journal)

It may not be a surprise to learn that a building, a home or office, has the ability to capture and hold negative energy. This negative energy is generated by low vibration thoughts that are expressed mentally, verbally, and even physically. Low vibration energy is produced by sadness, anger, and resentment. The presence of an accumulation of low vibrations might become evident in negative ways and can manifest in emotional and physical symptoms, such as unexplained physical discomfort, and inter-personal disharmony.  Everyone can be affected by it. In fact, thenegativity can become self-regenerating in a perpetual cycle of unhappiness.So, what do you do to clear out the negativity? There are several things you can do that are very effective.

1) Clean the house/apartment.  
If you have purchased an old or new house or apartment, make sure the home is physically cleaned. There is an old custom of using the broom from the home you are moving from, to sweep out the newly purchased home completely. The broom is then thrown out in an outside trash can. A new broom is then purchased and placed in the new home.If you have already moved in, then clean your home. Discard old items, broken items, clutter and items you no longer use. Don't forget to air-out your home, if possible. When finished, then:

2) Do a Home Purification & Blessing Ritual
This ritual contains a number of effective formula cleansers that are traditionally known as highly effective in ridding low vibration (negative) energy. These strong purification agents are:
  1. fire (candles), 
  2. incense, 
  3. sacred water (or holy water), 
  4. salt, and 
  5. supplication (a prayer blessing). 
Each one has a history of being used separately for purification. All five used together creates an especially potent ritual that is highly traditional to English witchcraft. (Side note: The use of a Tibetan bowl coupled with incense is also effective. The piercing high pitch sound is very effective at cleansing out disease energies and unwanted unseen occupants)

What about an office?

Few employers will allow an employee to light a candle or incense on their desk to purify their work area. However, you can use a little sacred water (very little), salt, and/or self-protection techniques.

Other techniques like Pranic Healing's Psychic Self Defence

In Pranic Healing, practitioners are taught that thoughts and feelings produce both a thought entity and a psychic radiator field. The difference between the 2 is a thought entity  contains the exact thoughts and emotions whereas the psychic radiator field contains the quality of the thought and emotions. Make no mistake about it, a thought entity is a living being that is produced by the process of thinking. They are usually very weak and have short lifespan because most people do not know how to create a powerful thought entity. That's why most eastern religions always teach their followers to be mindful of their thoughts. A psychic radiator field can best be explained by this: have you experienced someone angry at someone else before? The angry person is angry at someone else but he affects you too correct? That's the psychic radiator field that the angry person has emitted and unintentionally affected you.

The subject of Psychic Self Defence is a huge subject and so I'll limit it to just cleansing of a space to keep it short. Anyone who desires to know more about this subject can always look up a Pranic Healer or even other Lightworkers (from other schools, they are just as effective).

Psychic Pollution and Psychic Contamination
Places such as bars, brothels, casinos and other similar establishments are usually filled with some people who unintentionally transmit dirty psychic energies. This places are surrounded with a grayish cloud when seen clairvoyantly, and are therefore psychically polluted. When you are constantly exposed to such environments, you can eventually become psychically contaminated.

It has to be said here though, people of the same "psychic" quality attract each other. Like attract like. Thats why people say it takes two to tango. If someone is angry at you, by being clam you avoid being effected psychically. However, you are only human and there are still anger energies logged into some of your chakras, so you can still be psychically penetrated.

More advanced techniques are creating shields for prevention as prevention is always better than curing. However that's not part of this write up.

Cleansing of a house or office space
According to the Pranic Healing Esoteric teachings, several items can be used for psychic cleansing, namely:
  1. Psychic vacumn cleaner (a smoky quartz or tourmaline crystal in a bowl filled with 2 litres of water and a handful of rock salt). The crystal has to be properly programmed to thoroughly absorb and disintegrate dirty psychic energies and negative thought forms.
  2. Place a small cactus in the room that needs to be cleansed. The spiny needles of a cactus have a certain degree of power by themselves to psychically cleanse a room. They project sharp energies which have disintegrating and cleansing effects. 30 min to 3 hours is usually sufficient to cleanse a room.
  3. Certain types of incense (not all) have cleansing effect - sandalwood, sage, lavender are effective incense to use. However, it is advisable to accompany the incense with prayer to be more effective. Prayers can also be in the form of holy prayer CDs. Incense attracts points of light or minute beings of light the can follow simple instructions from our prayers. Something like, "To the beings of light, thank you for purifying this place of all dirty psychic energies, negative thoughts and emotions and negative elementals. Thank you (for doing a fantastic job)."
The above 3 methods taught by Pranic Healing teachers are just three of the simpler methods. There are other more advanced techniques that involve the practitioner manipulating the chi but these 3 would suffice for the ordinary person.

On a side note, the use of crystals in Pranic Healing involves programming of the crystal for specific purposes. This may go against some crystal esoteric school's teachings. Crystal centric schools specialize in the use of crystals and they study into depth their nature, so they would have certain techniques that are very specific to different types of crystals. I'm no expert on crystals but I'm sure that if you really want to know about crystals, they are the people to go to. Pranic Healing, on the other hand uses crystals for specific purpose of healing and in the manner that suits pranic healing methodology, that's why they do it the way they do it. In my opinion, it is just the method they employ. However, if you do want to know more about crystals, then going for a proper crystal esoteric school is best because Pranic Healing (as with other non crystal centric esoteric schools) are using crystals for a specific purpose only (hence the programming) and thus may not do justice to the subject of crystals (that's a very very wide specialized topic by itself).

Friday, June 22, 2012

From The Secret - More on Gratitude

Pure gratitude is a state of giving. When you are in a state of heartfelt gratitude you are radiating a powerful electromagnetic field around you. The radiations from you are so pure and powerful that they touch all those you come into contact with. The effect on others who receive what you are radiating would be impossible to trace - the ripple effect from one person to another never ends.

Giving opens up the door to receiving. You have so many opportunities to give every day. Give kind words. Give a smile. Give appreciation and love. Give compliments. You can give courtesy to other motorists while you are driving. You can give a smile to the car parking attendant. You can give a warm greeting to the newspaper stand person or the person who makes your coffee. You can give by allowing a stranger to go ahead of you into an elevator, and you can give by asking which floor they are going to and pressing the button for them. If someone drops something you can give a helping hand and pick it up for them. You can give warm embraces to those you love. And you can give appreciation and encouragement to everyone.
There are so many opportunities for you to give and thereby open the door to receiving.

When you reach the highest levels of gratitude, every thought you think, every word you speak, and every action you take comes out of pure goodness.

When you exist in the beautiful state of gratitude, you become a person who only wants to give. You become so grateful that it takes over your life, and you can't find enough opportunities in a day to give. You give joy, you give love, you give money, you give appreciation, you give compliments, and you give kindness. You give the best of yourself in your job, in your relationships, and to strangers.You will know when you have really found true gratitude, because you will become a giver. One who is truly grateful cannot be anything else.

Related Post:

Saturday, June 16, 2012

If my astrology shows that I will be great, then why am I not?

What a topic! It just popped into my mind and I thought it would be good to share...

There are so many different prediction modalities or schools in the world. There is astrology and numerology. And within each, there is even more breakdown. Numerology has so many different schools i.e. pyramid systems, kabbalistic systems etc. Astrology has Esoteric astrology, Western Astrology, Eastern Astrology and each of these is broken down to even more different schools like Vedic Astrology, Chinese Astrology (Bazi, I-Ching etc). The list is truly long. Heck, there is even a christian Astrology. 

All of them work and can be damn accurate about you on condition that you provide precise data for the astrologer to work with. The more detailed the data you give (TOB, DOB, POB etc as required) the more accurate is the prediction. Particularly so if you zoom in on certain specific events of interest to you. In other words, all the different systems are as accurate as the data you have provided. Most astrologers/numerologers also tend to be more positive in their readings i.e. they will tone down something bad so that you look at it in the positive manner and look for possible solutions instead of sending you into depression.

However, sometimes in our charts or readings, the astrologer may say things like you can do this and that, you will be successful in this and that etc etc. But you look at yourself and you don't see it happen and you begin to wonder. Okay, lets put it clearly through. Like your DNA, the charts are your spiritual blueprint that you are born into this world with. It is your configuration to a certain extend. There is still karma. So while you may be born with certain excellent configurations, you may have certain types of negative karmic seeds within you that opposes that configuration within your charts. The biggest and best example is your choice of spouse. However, we all have free will. And Free Will reigns supreme above all. Karmic lessons are but lessons that we, at a higher level, have decided to impose upon ourselves in order to experience certain things to enrich our soul's development. Our soul experiencing its creation, if you prefer. At that higher level, you can always choose to change the lessons that you want to learn. But for you to be in union with yourself at that level, you would already be at a certain level of soul development, such that you can say to yourself that you do not need these lessons. Deep? Yeah it is. Just digressing. So coming back to your charts, though your charts may say certain things about you, you have the free will to decide if you want that to materialize or not. At any point in time, you can say "no" to it and choose a different path.

Take for example a fictitious guy in an unhappy marriage. He/she goes to an astrologer(s) and the astrologer says he/she should have no problem accumulating all these wonderful things and people will give him/her money etc etc but when the person looks at himself/herself, he/she doesn't have any of it. When the person provides the spouse's details to the astrologer, the astrologer, with new data available, can then see if it is still possible based on the couple's collective configuration. And surprise surprise, the presence of the spouse destroys all hope of ever achieving that greatness that is his/her birthright (chart wise). Call it karma if you want. It is highly possible that we have certain positive karmic seeds of greatness in us but at the same time we have the negative karmic seed that attract the opposing forces to us. However it does not mean that we need to surrender ourselves to fate. Having those karmic seeds means only that... having those karmic seeds. That's all it means. There is still your Free Will which reigns supreme above all. 

Someone who is very attuned who happened to have such seeds within him/her would probably have gone within himself/herself at the point of ripening (crossroad) and decide not to go down the path that would have resulted in the negative seeds blooming and negating the positive karmic seeds. In other words, chosen not to marry that other half so that the positive part can blossom uninhibited. But alas, most of us are so "blindly in love" we just don't see it. Sometimes, we chose to refuse to see it. Well, too bad.. but don't fret. You may have chosen unwisely in the past. But the past is the past. It is already cast and can't be changed. But the future is still fluid and can be moulded any way you want it. But it starts now. There's no right nor wrong. Our Free Will will always reign supreme. And that is God's gift to you. 

So yes, it is highly possible for someone to have great charts but do not achieve any of the greatness in that chart because of some choice made in the past that inhibits the ability to achieve anything. However, awareness is always the first step. The next step is to make a new decision. The new decision can be either to continue down the same path (hence the same stuff as before) or to go on to another path (and realize your God given potential). Both paths would be new decisions because you would then be re-making a decision based on the latest information you have and following where your heart tells you to go. So yes, it is possible that some people will forgo the greatness that they were meant to have for the "perceived mediocrity" that they presently have. But they would be doing so with full knowledge and hopefully with full responsibility of that action and then making the most out of it (And stop complaining). But if you are sure that you want the greatness that is your chart birthright, then you will have to take the other path which may be painful initially because you already went down the wrong path but more rewarding to you in the end. And you would be achieving what you said you wanted to achieve before you took incarnation as a human being this lifetime. Either way, your soul would still be enriched by the experience.

On a side note, ordinary sane parents will always protect their sons and daughters. If a parent ever knows that their children's spouse is a "bringer of misfortune" to their son or daughter, the parent will do anything within their power to remove that spouse. The reverse is also true. If they ever know that their children't spouse is a "bringer of fortune" to their son or daughter, that parent will do anything to keep that spouse within the family even if it means that their son-in-law or daughter-in-law have to go through hell to live with them. But as always, there is always Free Will.

With the coming age, I'm certain that anything that no longer serves our highest good would be destroyed. So no amount of manipulation to keep things together can sustain if it is meant to be destroyed. We are all meant for greatness in our own ways. Nothing can stop that from happening except ourselves (our own Free Will). 

From The Secret - Are You The Captain of Your Ship?

If you want to attract money, you may find that you have more power by imagining having the things you want the money for. If there is a lack of money in your life, then your feelings and beliefs about money are most likely not very good, and thinking instead about having the things money will buy may feel much better. You have to learn to decipher your feelings and choose the thoughts that feel better to you.The thoughts that feel better are where your power is.

When people first start using The Secret, they may get a little scared of thinking negative thoughts. Because of that fear, when they think a good thought, immediately the opposite thought may come into their mind. This is not unusual. However, I want you to know that this phase passes very, very quickly. And the easiest way for it to pass is to pay no attention whatsoever to the negative thoughts. Just ignore them and then think a good thought. When a negative thought comes, just shrug it off as if you don't care about it one bit, and think a good thought to replace it.
"If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment."
One of the principal reasons why so many fail to get what they want is because they do not definitely know what they want, or because they change their wants almost every day.
"Know what you want and continue to want it. You will get it if you combine desire with faith. The power of desire when combined with faith becomes invincible."
-CHRISTIAN D. LARSON(1874-1954)Your Forces and How to Use Them
A question you must ask yourself is who is the captain of your ship? You know that if no-one is steering a ship then that ship will be battered about in the seas and crash into rocks. Think of your body as a ship and your mind as the engine, and you as the captain of your ship! Take charge of your ship so that you can use the power of your engine to steer the ship to the destination you want.

Be aware of the big difference between inspired action and activity. Activity comes from the brain-mind and is rooted in disbelief and lack of faith - you are taking action to "make" your desire happen. Inspired action is allowing the law to work through you and to move you. Activity feels hard. Inspired action feels wonderful.

Also, you can most certainly help others through your thoughts, and they can help you. Every good thought you send to another is a living force. However, the person you are sending the thought to has to be asking for the same thing you are sending. If the person does not want it, then they are not in harmony with your thought frequency, and it will not penetrate them.

However, you cannot create in another's life against their will, but if it is something they want, your thoughts are a real force that helps them.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

From the Secret - The Creation Process

Most people can manifest the small things quickly. This is because they do not have any resistance around the small things, and because they don't think thoughts that contradict them. When it comes to the bigger things, however, people often emit thoughts of doubt or worry that contradict those bigger things. This is the only difference in terms of the time it takes for something to manifest.

Nothing is big or small for the Universe.

The process of creation is always about you getting yourself into harmony with what you want. It is never about the law of attraction. One day you think good thoughts, then the next day not such good thoughts, and then the next day good thoughts, and so on.

The permanent state of believing without a shred of doubt is something you have to learn, and you get better and better at it with practice.

In fact, when you are afraid of something happening, by the law you attract it, although fortunately it takes real focus and persistent fear to bring it to you. The amount of emotion you invest in not wanting something to happen is powerful. At the same time it is also impossible to bring what you want when you hold so much fear about the outcome you don't want.

Remove your personal investment of fear from what you don't want to happen, and now use that powerful energy and direct it to what you want.

No matter what you have been thinking or feeling, your power to create something new is NOW.

Here is a way to check whether you are on track with attracting what you want. Do you feel tense and anxious about it? Are you feeling pressure or stress about when it will arrive? Feel your body, too. Is it soft and relaxed? Or is it tense? If you do have feelings of tension, you are on the wrong track, and those feelings are keeping your desire away from you. Be totally relaxed, completely calm, and without any concern of when, where, or how it will arrive.

Every time you think of your desire, deliberately relax, relax, relax, and keep relaxing your body until you can feel that the tension has completely gone.

On a side note, when things change in our life, often we have resistance to the change. But if you understand the structure of the Universe, life, and creation, then you will understand that life is change, and nothing ever stands still. Everything is energy, and energy is in continual motion and change. If energy stood still, you would be gone, and there would be no life.

Change is always happening for the good of you and for everyone. It is the evolution of life.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

From The Secret - On Gratitude

Gratitude is just words, words, words unless you feel it intensely and deeply. To really harness the power of gratitude you must practice, practice, and practice until you reach the greatest depth of feeling and the highest frequency.

That is gratitude at its most powerful.

However, there is a difference between feeling gratitude and appreciation for something, and feeling attachment to something. 

Appreciation and gratitude are states of pure love, while attachment contains fear - fear of losing or not having what you are attached to. When it comes to something you want in your life, appreciation and gratitude attract, and attachment pushes away. If you are feeling afraid that you will not get what you want, or losing what you have, then you have attachment.

To remove the attachment, keep shifting yourself into a state of appreciation and gratitude, until you can feel that the fear has gone.

If you make time to list all the things you are grateful for, and you feel the feelings of gratitude, you will feel amazing everyday. Your frequency will be high and you will move through your days in love with being alive, bringing joy wherever you go, positively affecting one person after another.

When you live a life like this, everything you want will come before you even ask.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Advice when asked and given but not taken (updated)

Do we? I'm not so sure...

Granted, if we never asked for advice, we may not like it, nor would we accept it when some smarty two shoes busy body gives us some unsolicited advice. I mean, who're you? I never asked for your opinion. So shut the f%$# up and mind your own business! Familiar?

But what if we actually did ask for advice. We actually actively went to seek others for advice. Would we accept the advice when it is given? Especially if it is not to our taste.. Hmmm... I think, as human beings, we may not accept it. Or we may accept it but do nothing about it. Sound familiar?

But what's the point then for seeking advice when we are not going to heed the advice? I'm sure we all know people who were in some sort of fix and they came to you for advice and you helped them in a whatever way you can. After some long session through coffee or tea perhaps, you thought you have gotten through to them and they seem to have "seen the light". Then come a few weeks or months later, you found out that they didn't act on it at all. At first you thought they have found another way to solve their problem. And that is fine, after all, there are more than one ways to solve a problem. Then you realize they not only still have that problem, they didn't do anything at all to solve that problem. On top of it all, they are still complaining about the same problem! That would be like.. "You had a problem. You came to me for advice. I've shown you a way out (or several ways out). You said you will act on it. And then, you don't. Why? Because you were too busy? Helloooo?!"

In my opinion, such a person never had any problems in the first place. He/she was actually just looking for attention. An attention seeker as some would call it. A drama king or queen. Nothing more. In my book, it means, no more advices would be given. I will no longer entertain any request for help regarding the said matter. In fact, in future, on other matters, I may reserve my opinion as it would be a waste of my time and effort. The person's record shows that that person will not act on anything. So too bad..

Lets look at another scenario, say it really is a problem that the person really needed advice on. However, for whatever stupid reason the person didn't act on it after receiving the advice(s). Well, then if the problem gets worse, don't blame anyone else. People must understand something here. Nothing changes if nothing changes. We cannot expect a different result if we keep doing the same thing over and over again. The definition of insanity is expecting a different result doing the same thing repeatedly. So, if someone's problems persist because of non-action on their part despite receiving numerous advices, then, well... they asked for it.

But people will be people. And we all know people who had problems, asked for advice, got the advice, then slept on it and then blame others for it when the problem escalates. We can only look on at the ongoing drama and sigh. Just too bad.. you dug your own grave. Take responsibility of your own life for your own sake.

Friday, June 8, 2012

From The Secret - Of Negative Thoughts

What are negative thought?
    The absence of good thoughts
What are negative emotions?
    The absence of good thought!

Negative thoughts and negative emotions need your attention and focus to stay alive. They cannot survive without your attention to them. If you ignore them and refuse to give them any attention you are taking the life out of them and they will be eliminated.

You have the power to transform negative change into positive, but you cannot do it by resisting the change is choosing the negative path - you are focusing on the negative, which brings with it even more negativity, pain and misery.

To transform the negative into positive, first look for the good and positive things in the situation. There is good in every single situation, and as you look for the good things the law of attrition must present them to you. Additionally, command that this change will bring unlimited good and positivity, and know and believe in your heart that as you command it, it must be done. This is choosing the positive path.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Memories of a Shaman

When the Earth was still young, 
we were already old, 
knowing beings in alien bodies. 
Have we been Gods - or demons? 
just timeless creatures from forgotten aeons... 

The wheels of our lives have turned a thousand times, 
like the cobwebs blown away by the wind, 
we were born, have lived in pain and in joy, 
we died, were reborn, awakened anew, 
Samurai, priestess, ancient woman, 
young and pretty or bent and gray. 

Do you remember, brother, 
how we both have sworn to become reborn together only, 
in a cave at the fireplace, 
clad in fur - think about your wishes, 
because they will be fulfilled. 

Dance with your sword, mother, 
stop to fight, because the blade is the mirror of the soul, 
turn round and see behind you shadows on Japanese rice paper. 

Do you remember, sister, 
how we have been running in the night in which our temples were burning? 
In our hair we felt the fiery sparks - that was the night when Atlantis drowned. 

Malta, beloved, do you feel how far we are away from the mothers house, 
where milk and honey flowed? 
Where I played with sacred serpents as a child, 
before the riders came to spill our blood. 

In the labyrinth on the island you were the bull, my father, 
last son of the Minoan World. 
I prophesied the volcanos eruption for you, 
together we have chosen to jump from its cliff. 

Don't forget, my love, what the Merlin told us: 
how we lived the legend of the Round Table - 
I, the Lady of the Lake, gave Excalibur into your hands, 
and you spoke the vow: the king be one with the land. 
But long since our footprints are erased from the sand... 

My daughter, born in the darkest of times, we were separated too early. 
The inquisition knew no love, no compassion, only the fire that burns mercilessly. 

The time has passed only for those who measure, 
and for sure we have never really forgotten: 
Past, Present and Future are three robes of the Goddess of the same patterns. 
Again, we're sitting in a circle, holding hands - 
there are no beginnings, and there are no ends. 


PS: Somehow, I just like this poem from the Spirit Project (if it can be called a poem)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Negative Energy Entities (updated)

This is another interesting article from Manor Journal. It is for those of us who want to understand Ghosts, Spirits, Energy Imprints and Demons. Enjoy...

When talking about negative energy entities, most people will first think about ghosts. Certainly, ghosts are common, but there are other energy entities you may wish to know about. In this newsletter we examine the possibilities, beginning with ghosts.

Ghosts are the spirits of those that have physically died, but their soul has remained on the Earth, physical plane. Ghosts are usually harmless because they cannot physically harm you, although they can make noise and create minor problems, but this is unusual. They are usually not a negative entity although some can be.

Often a ghost is not aware or has not accepted their bodies have died. So, they can be disorientated or confused. Other ghosts are well aware they are in spirit form and have decided to remain on Earth because of a sense of duty or obligation to a loved one, or because of their attachment to the house or land.

This state is not especially healthy for the soul as it is always much better for the soul to pass on to the Other Side, to go "towards the light", as they say. On the Other Side, our friends and relatives greet us on our return. The Other Side is our true home and remaining on the Earth plane is not beneficial. Therefore, it is a good idea to encourage ghosts to go towards the light and enter to the Spirit World.

Surprisingly, a ghost will often respond to what we say. I believe we all have an ethical obligation to help ghosts when they are stuck here. They truly need our help in being directed to cross over and continue their journey to the Other Side.

When you sense a ghost around you, simply tell the ghost something like: "Are you aware you are no longer living. You are now in spirit and you need to go to the Other Side to join your family and friends. All you need to do is to go towards the light" or words to that effect.

Land Spirits:
Land Spirit, or 'genius loci', are spirits that have crossed over to the Other Side but have elected to attach themselves to a specific land area as a local spirit entity to guard it for some reason or just to "hang out". Spiritual places in Britain such as certain holy wells, lakes, mountains, stone formations, and monoliths will have a 'anima loci ' which is "the soul of a place." In olde times people would come to these spirit entities and speak to them and make offerings. It is much the same outside of Britain.

Land spirits exist everywhere. Ordinary land spirits, such as you have on your house property, are are usually neutral to current land owners. It is very rare for a land spirit to cause trouble. However, a land spirit might consider you unwelcome on "their" land. Or the land spirit may simply be unhappy for some reason, or troubled, or may like to play tricks, but this is unusual.

If you feel you may have a problem, land spirits will usually become accommodating especially if they are asked to please cooperate with a new landowner or resident. To do this, invite the land spirit (a day or so ahead of time) to come to your Compass. On the appointed day (night is better), cast a Compass Round outside and explain to the land spirit that you now live on the property, and you want their cooperation and help for yourself and your family. You should make an offering to the land spirit (wine, beer or the like). This shows that you recognize, appreciate, and respect the spirit. This approach is usually successful.

Even if the land spirit is not the problem, they can usually help you with any problem! So, asking for their help is ALWAYS a good idea.

Energy Imprint:
An energy imprints is very bad news. Thankfully, they are very rare. An energy imprint is not one entity but the residue of many spirits created by a horrible human disaster, such as a mass murder, a major military battle, or some other massive disaster involving many people. This is a separate energy force that is powerful. If you think your house on on or near an energy imprint, try to find out the source of the energy by checking your property's history or local history, although the cause is likey to be very well known locally. Historical societies can be very helpful. If you discover your house was built on or near land with an energy imprint, then most likely you will be unable to deal with the problem effectively, although you may be able to lessen its effect. But is it worth it? In my opinion it is not wise to live near an energy imprint. I must tell you that energy imprints are very strong and I believe they are mostly not correctable because there is no way to neutralize the negativity.

It is possible but not common for a negative energy lurking about a person to be a demon. Demons are certainly more than a simple spirit. These entities are different than a ghost; they are a separate malicious spirit form.

Daemons (from the Greek "daimôn"), is the Greek word for a spirit or soul. Although malicious spirits have always existed, in folklore under the influence of Christianity, the Greek term came to be identified with these malicious spirits and church propaganda asserted that "demons" were either created by the devil or they were "fallen angels". Of course, this is not so.

But what are demons? There are several theories. Complicating this is the fact that identifying an energy as a demon may not be easy.

Some believe that often a ghost is mistaken for a demon because of the negativity surrounding some ghosts and their intentions may confuse people into believing they are demons.

Others believe that the negativity within an individual can generate an energy thought form in their own mind that only seems to be an independent entity, but is in reality a figment of their imagination. As our imaginations are quite powerful, and such mental creations come from the depths of our fears, the resulting "demon" can be powerful and frightening.

Others believe a demon is a true separate malevolent spiritual entity that normally resides in the Under World, which is one of the three realms of the Spirit World.

The ability for demons to enter our world to wreak havoc is normally very limited. However, when the entity discovers an "in" for some reason, sometimes through the negligence of playing with ceremonial magick and calling upon a demon to appear, they can enter that person's life and then feed upon the negative feelings of fear, self-doubt, confusion, anger, or jealousy and become quite a serious problem.

Of the three possibilities, I think all three are completely valid. Sometimes ghosts are mistaken for demons. Some demons are a very real illusion in the mind of the creator. While other demons are the real thing.

Final Thoughts:
Battling with negativity is never a healthy way to live your life. Where ever you choose to live, it is important that it be a positive environment.