Friday, November 30, 2012


Change in a country begins with one person. Each country reflects the inner peace or turmoil of its mass population, and so as one person changes they affect the rest of the population. One person has the power within them to bring massive change to their country through immense love and peace within themselves. But you cannot bring about peace and well-being in your country unless you have conquered them in your own life. Do you see? You cannot give what you do not have. Each person's job is to bring utter harmony into their own life, and then they will become the greatest human gift for their country and the world.

We are intelligent enough to trade in an old car when it is not serving its purpose anymore. We hand over the old car and we take possession of a newer model and continue our journey in our new car.

The greater part of you is also intelligent enough to trade in the vehicle of your body when it is not serving its purpose anymore, update to a newer, better model, and continue on your journey in the new vehicle. Human bodies and cars are vehicles - and you are the eternal driver.
Energy cannot be created or destroyed - it just changes form.

Isn't it great to know that you cannot control your world from the outside? To try to control things on the outside feels impossible because it would take so much work, and in fact it is impossible according to the law of attraction. To change your world all you have to do is manage your thoughts and feelings on the inside of you, and then your whole world changes.

As you live in the power, the love, and the joy of your own being, you will uplift millions. Follow your own path. Follow your own truth. Follow your own heart. Follow your own inner bliss, and allow each person to follow theirs, whatever it may be. Look for the good in everyone and everything, and let your love and joy radiate out to the world every day.

The current state of our planet is just a mirror of humanity's minds en masse. The disharmony you see on our planet is a reflection of the disharmony inside human beings. The link between our planet and humanity is a connection that cannot be broken. The world will change and our planet will change as each human being changes inside. One human being inspires many others, and the many others inspire thousands, the thousands inspire millions, the millions inspire billions, and that is how we bring harmony to planet Earth.

The most beautiful thing of all is that every day in every situation we can see how we are doing. Our world and our life are continually giving us feedback on our field of energy, and when we have begun to create a new field of energy (through good thoughts and feelings), the changes that take place around us are nothing short of spectacular. It is worth every step and every effort, because there is nothing greater than to live in harmony with the Universe.

No-one is destined to live a life of poverty, because each of us has the ability to change everything in this life. The law of attraction is the law of creation, and it allows each person to create the life they want. Every person has their own unique circumstances to overcome, but every single person has the opportunity to achieve anything - and change everything.

Every good thought you think, every good word you speak, every good emotion you feel, and every act of kindness you perform, is lifting the frequency of your being to new heights. And as you begin to raise your frequency, a new life and a new world will reveal themselves to you. You will emit positive forces of energy across planet Earth that will reach every single living thing on it. You will lift yourself, and as you lift yourself, you lift the entire world.

Related Post:

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Everything Happens for a Reason

When faced with a challenge that feels to you as though it is bringing negative change into your life, remember that every single thing that happens is ultimately for the good of each of us. It is not what happens, but what we do with the opportunity, and how we choose to look at it.

The Universe has to move things out to allow the better and more wonderful things to appear. Realize this change is happening because something fantastic is coming through!

Your life is a learning process - you can become wiser only from learning. Sometimes you might have to attract making a painful mistake to learn something important, but after the mistake you have far greater wisdom. Wisdom cannot be bought with money - it can only be acquired through living life. With wisdom comes strength, courage, knowing, and an ever-increasing peace.

No matter what you may think, you are becoming more and more every single day. No human being can go backwards. You can only go forwards and upwards. Even when you feel things are not getting better, remind yourself - today you are so much more than you were yesterday.

Remember, if you are criticizing, you are not being grateful. If you are blaming, you are not being grateful. If you are complaining, you are not being grateful. If you are feeling tension, you are not being grateful. If you are rushing, you are not being grateful. If you are in a bad mood, you are not being grateful.

Gratitude can transform your life. Are you allowing minor things to get in the way of your transformation and the life you deserve?

Gratitude is one of the easiest and most powerful ways to transform your life. If you become truly grateful, you will magnetize everything you need, wherever you go, and in everything you do. In fact, without gratitude, nothing can ever change. Your life will change to the degree that you use gratitude and begin to feel grateful. If you are just a little bit grateful, your life will change just a little bit. If you are very grateful, your life will change a lot. It's up to you.

Negative frequencies do not have good things on them. Get yourself onto the positive frequencies where your desires are sitting. To do that, look at every single thing in your life with NEW EYES; with grateful eyes, with positive eyes, and with eyes that only see the good.
Adjust your vision and start to see clearly. Life is spectacularly beautiful.

Remember to keep checking on how you are feeling during the day. Check the feeling in your body and make sure your body is relaxed. If you detect any tension, then take a minute to focus on letting go and relaxing your entire body. A feeling of peace in your body and mind is your aim, because that frequency puts you on a frequency of harmony with the Universe.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Law of Attraction in Relationships

In terms of relationships, you may be convinced that someone is right for you when in truth they may not be. You may be asking for a harmonious, happy, loving relationship with a particular person, but if the Universe can see that you are not able to have that happy relationship with that person, the Universe will not bring them to you. That is if your vibration is that of harmonious, happy, loving etc whereas his/hers is anything else but that. Therefore have faith and just ask for a harmonious, happy, loving relationship, and then allow the Universe to deliver your perfect partner to you - whoever they may be. Sometimes we are so fixated on a particular person as our ideal partner that we fail to notice the real ideal partner when he/she passes us by.

You are in a partnership with the law of attraction, and it is through your partnership that you are creating your life. Every other person is in a partnership with the law of attraction as well, and they are creating their own lives. That means you cannot use the law against another person's free will. If you attempt it, you run a real risk of attracting your own freedom being taken from you. 

You cannot use the law of attraction against someone else's free will. If you think about this deeply, and in particular in regards to love relationships, you can only come to one conclusion: thank goodness the law operates this way. If it did not, then somebody else could decide you are the love of their life, and use the law on you. They cannot do that, and neither can you. 

We are evolving human beings, and as we grow our frequency changes. A relationship ending between two people is the result of the two people no longer being on the same frequency. When frequencies of people no longer match, the law of attraction automatically responds by moving them apart. Frequency change is growth, growth is life, and life is good. 

Trying to change someone is a waste of time. The very thought of changing someone is saying that they are not good enough as they are, and it is soaked with judgment and disapproval. That is not a thought of appreciation or love, and those thoughts will only bring separation between you and that person. 

You must look for the good in people to have more of it appear. As you look only for the good things in a person, you will be amazed at what your new focus reveals. 

It is not enough to know the principles in The Secret - you must DO them, unceasingly, every single day. You must LIVE the principles. Step by step you will become the master of your thoughts and feelings, and the master of your life. 

There is nothing more important than this, because your whole future life relies on you. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Master Your Thoughts

You can make your mind do what you want! If you are really serious about banishing negative thoughts and changing your life, then here is an easy process to help you. Every day without fail, write out a hundred things you are grateful for. When you do this you are taking control of your mind and making it think good thoughts. If you do this every day, you will be gaining control of your thoughts. Make a commitment to yourself to control your thoughts. When you gain control of your mind, you will be the Master of You.

The fastest way to become the Master of your thoughts and emotions is through challenging situations. If your life is going along fairly smoothly, there are not the same opportunities that enable you to strengthen your power and become the Master of your thoughts and emotions. You see, even challenges are beautiful opportunities in disguise.

When you are no longer the slave to your own emotions and thoughts - when they no longer have their way with you without your consent - you have become the master of your own being, and your entire life in the outside world will be transformed. You will be the Master of the law, you, and your life.

Ask yourself if in one day you think more positive thoughts than negative. Ask yourself if in one day you speak more words of goodness, appreciation, kindness, gratitude, and love than negative words. Ask yourself if in one day you take more actions that are based in goodness, appreciation, kindness, gratitude, and love than any other actions. In every moment of your day, there are two paths before you. Take the path of goodness, for goodness' sake.

If somebody says something negative to you, do not react. You have to get yourself to a point where you can stay calm and peaceful inside no matter what negative things happen on the outside. When you can maintain peace and joy within you despite any situation on the outside, you have become the master of everything.

You are responsible for your frequency, which is determined by your thoughts, words, feelings, and actions. As you think, speak, and act through higher thoughts of love, compassion, and goodness, your frequency goes higher and higher. Your true work in life is to keep lifting your frequency. It is the bottom line to everything, because everything in your life comes as a result of the frequency you are on. Everything!

The future is created through our past thoughts, words, and actions. The future is the reaping of the seeds that we have sown in the past, whether those seeds are good or bad. Each sustained thought, every word we utter, and every action we take is a seed we will reap in our future. To create a beautiful future, make as many of your thoughts as possible good ones, speak good and kind words, and make sure your actions come from goodness.
Your future depends upon it.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Importance of Owning Your Personal Power - Our Sub-conscious and conscious minds

All of us have 3 types of consciousness: The Super-conscious mind, the Conscious mind, and the sub-conscious mind. The super-conscious mind is akin to our higher self, the all-knowing mind. The conscious mind is our reasoning mind. The sub-conscious mind is the non-reasoning mind.

Our sub-conscious mind is an information store (or memory bank if you prefer) containing all our thoughts, emotions, imaginations, habits, patterns, impulses and desires. It has been programmed by our environment, people we come in contact with, the media etc since the day we were born. As children, we were already poisoned from small with faulty thinking and faulty beliefs. All parents are guilty to different degree of this, not by conscious choice, but by their own sub-conscious too. So, just as the body can be filled with physical toxins from poor eating and abuse, the sub-conscious is filled with mental toxins from improper programming and education.

And the thing about the sub-conscious mind is that it is as happy to destroy the body as it is to create perfect health. It will create whatever it has been programmed to do. No one consciously destroys themselves, but many people unconsciously program diseases into their bodies with self-hatred, victim syndrome, revenge, depression etc. The idea is that we should consciously tell our sub-conscious minds constantly that we are in perfect radiant health and that every day we are getting healthier and healthier.

From the Law of Attraction, we know that what we focus on, we become. So those of us who talk a lot about making money, makes the most money. Conversely, those of us who talk a lot about the lack of money, always have to struggle for money.

It is probable that the sub-conscious mind is where the Law of Attraction operates. The sub-conscious mind is continually attracting and repelling things to and from us according to what it has been programmed to do. Therefore, it follows that a master would use this law via affirmation and visualization to his own conscious benefit.

The sub-conscious mind is also the seat of our psychic abilities. All human beings have psychic abilities. It is just either latent or awakened to varying degrees. We have 5 senses. The sixth sense is what most people associate with psychic abilities. Not true. The “sixth sense” is actually 5 corresponding inner senses to our 5 physical senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. They are inner sight (clairvoyance), inner hearing (clairaudience), inner smell, inner taste, and inner touch.

The best proof of these 5 psychic abilities is when we dream. I am sure some of you would have noticed that in your dream, you have 5 senses available to you while you sleep. How is this possible if you are physically asleep? You are using the 5 inner senses of your sub-conscious mind. Everyone has psychic abilities and we can all develop it further. It requires proper training and practice just like any other skill. There are schools who teach the use of these abilities and they have become quite common place now compared to a few decades ago.

Anyway... the key function of the conscious mind is to be the driver of the sub-conscious mind. Unfortunately, most people let their sub-conscious take control of their lives. In Buddhist terms, it is akin to letting their ego take charge of their lives. And this creates a lot of problems for us.

Even when we say we want to change, after going for some personal development program and coming out on a high note, very often, we end up going back to our default mode which is letting the sub-conscious run our lives. Look at it this way... Think of it as an iceberg. Only 1/3 of an iceberg is above water whereas the bulk of it is submerged. The submerged part is like our sub-conscious mind while the part above water is the conscious mind. So even if we say we want to go in a certain direction, we end up going another direction, the direction that our sub-conscious mind is programmed to move in.

The first key to change would of course be awareness of our patterns. By being aware, we are “pushing” the water level down and we then can make a conscious effort to catch ourselves when old patterns repeat. It is said that it takes 21 days to make something into a habit.

Psychological health is the process of letting into your mind only the positive spiritually balanced thoughts. Just like if we want to be physically healthy we put healthful food into our bodies, we need to put good healthful thoughts into our minds if we want to be psychologically healthy. By disregarding negative thoughts (not pushing it away) and letting go of it, we are not giving them energy. Eventually, like a plant that is not watered, the negative thoughts would die off from lack of attention and focus. In its place, we will keep affirming positive thoughts or spiritual thoughts. By continuing the process over 21 days a new positive habit can be formed in place of the old negative habit.

Always remember that if you do not take ownership and responsibility of your sub-conscious mind, your sub-conscious mind or other people will run your life. It is always ideal to be the cause, creator and master of your own life.

When circumstances or someone attacks use psychologically or psychically, you can protect yourself by visualizing a golden bubble shield encompassing you and protecting you. Any negative energies directed towards you hits this bubble shield and slides off like water off a duck’s back. You can even imagine it bouncing off like rubber pillow. You make a conscious effort or choice not to let it into your sub-conscious mind. However, it is important to note here that this bubble needs to be semi-permeable and allows positive energies in but keeps out negative energies. Your intention is important in this aspect in order to make the bubble shield strong.

Sometimes, it is not possible to protect yourself with the shield especially if you are in a room full of negative people throwing negative vibes at each other unless you are very powerful spiritually (or are a powerful healer). In such circumstances, it is better to just leave the room. No one is responsible for your own psychological well being other than yourself. If leaving the room is not possible, then do need to watch yourself to make sure you do not react to them and maintain your inner core’s stillness. You can respond by choosing how you want to deal with the incoming negative energy. But do not react to it because reacting would be to let it in to your sub-conscious.

One of the best metaphors I have read is likening psychological health to physical health. If a person you know catches a cold or the flu, you certainly don’t want to get it. You do everything in your power not to get it. You stay away from that person. You take extra Vitamin C. You tell yourself you are not going to get sick. You eat well and try to get enough sleep. In other words, you build up your resistance. If you keep your resistance up you don’t get sick. Doctors and nurses don’t get all the sicknesses of their patients. How come? The reason is that there is no such thing as a contagious disease. There are only people with “low resistance”. This analogy is exactly the same on the psychological level. There is no such thing as a contagious psychological disease. There are only people with low psychological resistance.

The protective bubble shield is one technique. Another is maintaining one’s personal power. There are other ways but I’ll not delve into them here. We are here in this world to set a better example for others. We are here to bring people up, not let ourselves be sucked down.

We will now look at Personal Power.

What is Personal Power? Personal Power is Personal Will is the guiding force of a healthy personality. It is first and foremost an attitude. We can choose to hold an attitude of weakness or strength every single day from start to end. Your power is the energy that you use to enforce your decisions.

Say for example you decided to wash the car at 6pm. When 6 pm comes, do you wash your car as you have committed to do or do you push it to another time? This power is also needed to control your sub-conscious mind. Your sub-conscious mind will push you around unless you own your own personal power. That means your conscious mind’s enforcer is your personal power. It is that energy that your conscious mind musters to command and direct that personality.

One cannot be a master of one’s own life if one lacks personal power. Let alone help others.

Many personal development gurus have advocated that everyone find their own personal power to take charge of their own lives. We all have personal power. It is whether we choose to use it or not. Some forms of yoga teaches that life is not only a school but also a battlefield whereby progress means taking three steps forward and taking two steps backwards until the top of the mountain is reached. People who own their own personal power will never quit.

Your personal power is required to even keep your bubble shield strong and impregnable. The moment you waiver, it collapses. By using your personal power for long periods of time, you will eventually develop discipline. Owning your personal power will allow your conscious mind to stay in control and not be overwhelmed by your sub-conscious mind nor the environment.

You need not be afraid of your own personal power even if you are a wilful person. Why? Because you are only going to use it to serve yourself and the people around you in a loving way. You will feel good when you maintain that power with you. And we must own our power if we are to create our own realities all the time instead of being a victim of circumstances.

You can claim your personal power every morning, the moment you get up, by choosing to affirm in your mind that you have it. Therefore, every morning, when you get up, claim your power and commit to yourself by becoming the master of your own life.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Different types of Energy healing - which to choose? (UPDATED)

First and foremost, I would like to state clearly here that ALL energy healing modalities work. There is no one method that is better than another. It depends on the healer (giver), patient (receiver) and condition (issue).

These energy healings were once known as shamanism and faith healing (religion based). In the past, anyone in the west who practised these forms of healing work or energy work were branded witches and wizards. While the practice was quite obscure before the dawn of christianity, it was accepted that there were both white wizards and white witches as well as dark wizards and dark witches. While many viewed these practices with caution, these wizards and witches were approached when there was a need (like in healing work). Hence the many tales we have. With the onset and eventual firm footing of Christianity (or rather Catholicism) in the west, these practices were viewed with suspicion and many practitioners were executed and burnt at the stake for practising so-called dark arts. There was no differentiation by the church on white or black magic. To the church all energywork was evil because they could not comprehend it. In the east however, they were more tolerant. Shamanism (Taoist, Vedic, aborigine etc) were quite mainstream and it was widely accepted that there are both white shamans (white magic) and black shamans (black magic). Interestingly, while christianity has labeled these practitioners as evil, they themselves practice faith healing which is essentially the same.

With the coming age of Aquarius (that some say is already here), these types of ancient knowledge are coming out into the open again but called different names. The most popular and widespread energy healing modality is Reiki. While Reiki may have been officially revealed to Usui in the late 1800s or early 1900s, the technique has actually been around for thousands of years. It was merely "re-introduced" at the turn of the 20th century to Usui. From Reiki (as it is now known), many different modality has mushroomed that utilize the same fundamental methodology. The technique utilizes a "blessing" technique and the energy is from a Divine Source and it flows to wherever it is needed. A practitioner may even look like he is using faith healing. I like to call these type of healing work the Passive Intelligent Divine Source Type.

Similarly another very popular healing modality today is Pranic Healing. This technique was revealed to Master Choa a Filipino engineer of Chinese descend in the late 20th century. Pranic Healing is very different from the Reiki type. This technique is clearly more shamanic in nature involving many hand movements in addition to the blessing technique. Tools include crystal wands and the like. And the energy that it draws can be from the Divine Source or even from nature itself. Again, this technique has actually been around for thousands of years. Taoist priest in ancient China use it. Indian Shamans and Red Indian Shamans both use it. Because of it's active hand movements, a practitioner may look like a whacko to the uninformed. I like to call these type of healing work the Active Shamanic Type.

Both the passive and active types of healing modality use energy to do its work. British Trad Craft refers to this "energy" as the universal life force, the "spark of life", such as what is mentioned in the Bible, that brings "life" to every living thing. This energy is universal and should be thought of as ONE energy force, not individual life forces. Some akin this universal energy as god; others akin it to the "Universal Consciousness." It is a very powerful force that most people never think about. This energy has many names: chi, ki, prana, lifeforce etc. They are essentially the same.

We now know conclusively through science that energy can never be created or destroyed - it can only change form. We are made of energy, therefore we also cannot be created or destroyed - we just change form. Many human beings have such a fear of death, but we are eternal life that simply changes its outside form.

So which type is suitable for you? It depends on the type of person you are. Are you logical minded? Are you intuitive? Pranic Healing is suitable for those who are very logical minded because it employs a recipe book approach coupled with active hand movements. Reiki on the other hand suits those who are more intuitive (or like to feel). But this is not something cast in stone. A logical minded person may still find Reiki better and the same goes for an intuitive person, he may find Pranic Healing more suitable. It really depends on the individual. Only by trying it will you know which type you have more affinity with.

Before anyone says, "is these kind of healing work real?" let me assure you that it is very very real. How do I prove it? Refer to my posting on feeling and seeing energy. Look at your hand, we see a solid object but if you look at your hand through a powerful microscope, you will see cells. If you look into the cells, you see atoms. In the atoms, you see protons, electrons and neutrons. At that level, we already learnt from school that there is actually more empty space than protons, electrons and neutrons. So essentially, we are made up of empty space. Dig deeper and you get energy. Energy that binds all that together. So coming back to that solid hand of yours, how is it that at a deeper level we are more "empty space", and yet to the naked eye, we are a solid object? It is because the matter (protons, neutrons and electrons) are vibrating at a certain frequency. This vibrational frequency causes the naked eye to see something as solid.

BTW, at the time of the Rama empire and Atlantis, these forms of healing work are common place. And they even revolve their societies and their technology around this "life force" which was at one time called "aether".

Related post

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Law of Attraction (pt 3)

Happiness is a state of being, and comes from within you. By the law of attraction you must become on the inside what you want on the outside. You are either choosing to be happy now, or you are making up excuses for not choosing to be happy. But there are no excuses for the law!

All of us are “magnets”. In the context of you, as an individual, you are a magnet. You bring to you whatever you are feeling on the inside, so it only makes sense that you be the magnet of joy, and continuously work at this with all of your might. Joy is a feeling inside you, and you can cause yourself to feel that no matter what is happening in the outside world. Know that to live in accordance with the law you must be in joy so that a life filled with joy can come to you.

You are diligent in keeping your car full of fuel, aren’t you? Are you as diligent in keeping yourself full with good thoughts and good feelings? You can only go in the direction you want in your life when you have the right fuel, and enough of it. And this is something we should all be aware of.

Remember to be aware. Remember to be aware in this moment right now. Being aware is seeing everything around you, hearing everything around you, feeling everything around you, and being completely focused on what you are doing right now. Most people bring what they do not want because they are not aware that they are listening to the thoughts in their heads about the past and the future. They are not even aware that they are being hypnotized by those thoughts, and are therefore living their life unconsciously. When you remember to be aware, you are aware immediately. You just have to remember to remember! And if and when you catch yourself sidetracking towards negative emotions, consciously bring yourself back to the positive while not throwing a pity party for yourself.

Having said that, it does not mean we suppress our emotions. Remember, whatever we push against pushes back. Suppressing our emotions is a manner of pushing and eventually our emotional inner child would come back with a vengeance. No. Do not suppress your emotions. Instead, be with it, acknowledge it (accept / embrace it) then let it go.

While we cannot see everything in our future as ordinary human beings, the supreme power of the Universe (or God if you prefer) can see every possibility. All we need is to tap within us and focus on attracting that which we want. What we give energy to (focus on) is drawn to us whereas what we do not give energy to (do not focus on) is not drawn to us.

In terms of health, if a person is focused on illness i.e. beliefs that he/she is of ill health, then they are inadvertently attracting more illness to them. On the other hand, if a person focuses more on health than illness i.e. beliefs themselves to be healthy, then the law of attraction must obey and produce health. The principles of the law of attraction are a powerful tool to summon the healing power within us, and can be used as an aid in total harmony with all of the wonderful medical procedures that are available today. Remember that if there were no healing power within us, nothing could be healed. As a side note, to suggest that we fall ill easily would be to say that God is less than perfect in His creation. He has given us the perfect vehicle to carry about our lives. It is us that defile it and bring illness to ourselves by attracting negativities.

With this knowledge, we can turn things around and use the Law of Attraction to our advantage. The way to have complete control of the law is to have complete control of yourself. Control your thoughts and emotions and you will become the master of the law of attraction because you have become the master of yourself.

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