Does magic exist?
Does magic (wizardry, sorcery, witchcraft etc) really exist? When we say magic, in modern day terms, we normally think of illusionist like David Copperfield. Magicians the like of Merlin exists in the realms of fiction. But really, is that so?
To me magic is something science have yet to discover. Put it this way, if we take a gun or plane or etc to the middle ages, the people of that era would look at it and say "what manner of sorcery or witchcraft is that?" So essentially, whatever that we, at this day and age, still call magic, it is something that we have yet to "scientifically" explain. And the fact is that we all can do "magic". Christ could do it. So could the Buddha. Why can't we?
Actually, today, there are already people around who have the ability to perform real magic. Not the entertainment illusionist type, but real magic. These people come from the various esoteric healing schools like reiki, Pranic healing, etc. They use energy (aka chi, ki, prana) or the life force that surrounds and permeates us all to do their healing work, hence appear like doing "magic".
Those of us who have been to these healers know what they can do that modern medicine can't. It is quite an experience. And having learnt one of these modalities before, I can vouch for it. It is "magic" and all of us can do it coz "we're created in His likeness" anyway... :-)
Of course, energy healing is not meant to replace mainstream medical practice yet. Humanity's collective consciousness has not grown to the stage where we can all do this at a snap of our fingers. Maybe in another few decades, we would all as a race grow to that stage and what is now complementary therapy will become mainstream. However, being a world of duality, one cannot know good if we do not know evil. So if "energy" healers can heal, there must also exist those that use it for evil purposes (black magic).
With power comes great responsibility. And the knowledge of manipulation of energy (while the masses still do not) is power indeed. I personally know quite a few of these healers or white magic practitioners. I know of 1 who is with the dark side. And the path is definitely a path less taken (at least in modern times) so one can easily be swayed to the dark side if one is not spiritually strong.
Magic does exists.
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