Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Intuition - Our Inner Voice

This write up is a follow up to a friend's blog on her inner voice. I am not saying that I am right. This is my opinion of it based on my limited knowledge on the subject. So here goes:

Like she wrote, everybody has it, its there, we know its there, we doubt it, we believe in it and then we don't believe in it etc. Well... some call it intuition. Some call it gut feeling. Some call it guardian angel. Some call it inner voice. Then again... for some, it would be your higher soul's "voice". Whatever you call it, bottom-line is it serves you. But you don't necessarily listen to it. Sometimes to your own peril. Sometimes, you listen to it and then realize that in the long run, its not exactly to your highest good.

The source of our gut-feel
Well...the thing is this, our "intuition" as we call it could actually be one of our bodies "talking" to us. What we call our intuition need not necessarily be our higher self. This so called gut feeling can come from numerous origins. Namely:
  • One of our chakras e.g. Solar Plexus, forehead;
  • Our etheric bodies i.e. emotional body, mental body;
  • Our soul;
  • Our higher soul; or even
  • Our guides, guardian angels, or another higher being
Well... if your intuitive source is your soul, higher soul, guardian angels or spirit guides then they would have your greater good in mind. Even if it is with another higher being like say Guan Di, Kuan Yin, or an Ascended Master, then it would be for the greater good also. In fact, if it is one of these higher beings, then it would not just be for your higher good, it would also include other's higher good also. However, if it is from one of your own etheric bodies then not necessarily. Why? Because your emotional and mental bodies are just like your physical body. Well, to be fair, I would say none of the above would actually want to harm you intentionally. Its just that the emotional body and mental body have their own selfish needs and so the intuition that comes from them may not necessarily be to your highest good but serves their own interest. Confused?

Our Etheric Bodies
Here, let me attempt to explain. Our emotional body governs our emotions. Our mental body governs our mental. People who are highly academic have a strong mental body (usually). So if their mental faculties cannot reason or logically rationalize something, they will discard it. Similarly, people who are highly emotional have a strong emotional body. If things don't "feel" right despite their mind telling them that it is logical, they will still discard it. For most of us, our 3 bodies: physical body, emotional body, and mental body are going in 3 different directions at the same time. Only a highly developed soul has the 3 bodies aligned to the soul's will. And for an even more highly developed person, the higher soul governs and aligns all the etheric bodies including the soul. 

Anyway, lets take someone with a strong emotional body. Such a person would react emotionally to almost everything. So when we get an intuition on something, it could be the emotional body reacting to the situation and telling you to respond (or even react) in a certain way... which helps you at that point of time but which may not be to your higher good in the long run. Kinda complex huh.. But alas.. that's us humans. the same goes for people with strong mental bodies. I must say though, some people may knowingly choose to respond in a certain way that conveys emotions. This is different from reacting emotionally. This is purposefully responding in an emotional way to generate a desired response. That is someone who have his mental body governing his emotional body to respond in a certain way.

What if our source of intuition is our Solar Plexus?
Lets now look at what if the source of intuition is our solar plexus. Well.. our solar plexus is the source of our "I want this and that". Living in this world of duality at this point in time with all the development and fast paced life that we all lead, most of us would have highly developed solar plexus. And our so called gut-feeling comes from there. But again, it not necessarily serves our higher good. Don't get me wrong... it does serve you. It serves your lower interest. One of separation which is necessary for survival. But not if we are striving to be a better person looking beyond survival and looking at abundance.

What if our source of intuition is our Forehead chakra?
The forehead chakra is where our third eye is located. This chakra gives you access into the inner world. With a developed forehead chakra, we may be able to see the non-physical e.g. spirits, energy etc. The source of intuition that comes from this chakra, now I can be wrong, would most likely be our higher self or another higher being. Well, while not much is known about this chakra (heck, some schools even purposely hide the real location of the third eye and purposely say that it is the ajna, the area between your eyebrows), intuition that come from here is definitely better than that from your solar plexus.

In summary
Anyway, I think I'll just stop here. Just to recap.. What we call our intuition can come from many differing source depending on our level of development. All of us have intuition. We may choose to ignore this inner voice. Some of us listen to our gut-feel attentively. People who are street-wise have developed the knack at listening to their gut-feel (usually the solar plexus). One thing is for sure, for the spiritually inclined, we tend to pay attention to our intuition. And we purposefully develop it such that it comes from a higher chakra and not the solar plexus. This coupled with consistent meditation is the first step to developing our psychic faculties (latent in most of us). Having said that though, this should not be the reason to develop spirituality. It is a side benefit/effect of spiritual development but it also doesn't happen to every aspirant.

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