Saturday, May 12, 2012

Conversions in the Name of God? really...

Certain religions in the world place importance on their followers bringing in the numbers. Well.. perhaps not a top priority but certainly with importance placed on it i.e. spreading the word of god. Some of them openly encourage it. Some are more subtle. Some have man-made rules or doctrines that state once you're in you're forever in. Amongst those obviously practicing such active "enrollment" processes are Yi Kuan Tao (A Taoist Sect), certain sects of Christianity, Jehovah Witness (mainstream christianity does not view Jehovah Witness as Christian), even Moslems to name a few.

While the majority of every religion's followers are good natured, mean no one any harm and are moderates. The same cannot be said about the loud-mouthed I'm holier than thou minorities. Well... In my opinion, if you need to recruit for the glory of your god (small caps intended), then obviously your god cannot be The True God. The Surpreme Being, Surpreme God, One Source or whatever else you may call Him/She/It is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omni"you name it". He is All Loving, All Compassionate, All Forgiving. He is also Just but not in any vengeful way. He certainly does not punish. And He most certainly does not need you to do any recruitment on His behalf. Only a lesser in-adequate being needs that kind of recruitment (or any other "needy" process for that matter).

Throughout history we have seen how certain religions embark on "missionaries" armed to the teeth. Their conversion of the natives of new found lands are basically a "convert-or-else". Of course, not all are like that. Some missionaries do not practice this. But those few are rare indeed.

While some Christians today may look upon the crusades as "not so holy" and a thing of the catholic past. Some may even admit with regret about the crusades, they are still very much into conversion today. In the past, it is done with the sword and spear and eventually guns and cannons, today with international agreements in place, they can't just walk in with guns ablaze. However, it is still done subtlely in missionaries disguised as charities with conversion as the hidden agenda. I use the word disguised because when you have a whole group of staunch religious believers that their-way-is-the-only-way in this whole universe, and they set out to "help" a group of people who are not, then it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what the real intention is. "Spreading the word of god" as they call it. Really... if you truly are out to give, you just give with no conditions attached. There is no need to be a believer of your religion to be part of your team nor recipient of your charity. But of course, they will deny it... as usual. So what's new? But I must add here... most of the time, it is staunch followers that are the over-enthusiastic recruiters. They are also the most intolerant ones that are indirectly making the world a worst place for everyone. Let's face it, if you strongly think that your way is the only god damn way in the whole universe and that everyone else (including other sects of your religion) are wrong, then you are essentially a hypocrite even to your own family and friends who do not share your religious view despite your being nice to them. You are basically saying to them in a subtle manner that they are going to hell and that unless they let you "save" them by joining your brand of your religion, they're screwed.

Lets not forget the Taoist group that has enrollment as a kind of "sales quota". And I say sales quota without apologies because guess what? They have quotas to meet. For gawd sake... is your god that lowly and insecure and so afraid that it will disappear into the annals of history like other demigods that it needs to get its head honcho to get the ma-chais to go on a numbers game recruiting people into their fold? Its like its some sort of sport. How repulsive and disgusting! What a lesser being of a god you've got. Clearly not the Highest of the High. And to further raise eyebrows, when informed of other's misfortunes or circumstances like for example: kids misbehaving etc, they can say things like we're different, those things don't happen to us because we're baptized. WTF? What so great about you being baptized in Taoism? With that kind of I-am-mightier-and-holier-than-thou attitude, your self professed "good karma" is going to run out faster than you can imagine. Geez. How repulsive... how deviant!

Well, I believe most old souls tend to tolerate and not pay attention to these overzealous religious recruitment process unless perhaps if stepped on once too often. There is always a limit to one's patience. Old souls within each religion also tend not to engage in these numbers games as they know deep down inside that it is bull crap. As I have said many many many times before, ALL the rivers in the world lead to the oceans! And I say "ALL" without exception. In fact, geologically, there is also NO separation as we all know today, there is water underground in the soil. If you dig deep enough, you will eventually hit the water table and with it, water. This is a scientific and engineering fact. So essentially the oceans, seas and all water bodies are actually one. So really, whose glory are you out for when you recruit? Your own glory? Your religious head honcho's glory? or some deviated lesser god's glory? What if one day, ETs arrive and they have their own religion and they are also like you, on a conversion process (not very spiritually evolved ETs obviously but that's besides the point) and guess what, their guns are bigger. How then? Ever thought about that? Then again, maybe you'll say, there is no such thing as ET. LOL! What a waste of space if we're the only ones around in this vast universe. Wake up! Haiyayai...

Related post:
  1. Heaven and Hell
  2. Perversion of Religion
  3. The Difference between being religious and spiritual
  4. Religious Dogma

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