Every religion in the world talks about this. Although there may be some slight differentiation, there are common themes that they agree upon. So while it may depend on what one's faith is, there are some common things that all religions seem to point to. And that is that something will happen at around this time period. Some people thought that it would be in the year 2000. But 2000 has come and gone. Now it is 2012. Some talk about the Mayan calendar. Some people think the world will end. Most think it is baloney that it will end. Alien theorist thinks that we will be re-visited by the "Gods". Religions claim that Matreiya, Jesus, Iman Mahdi (or whatever else you want to call it/him etc) will be coming. But that's like kinda 12 years late. Then again, Edgar Cayce said to one of his "patients" (I use the word patient coz I can't remember his name) that that "patient" has a long life and will only die when Christ returns. Well... that "patient" died in 1985 if I remember correctly. So that effective means that if Cayce is right, Jesus should have been "re-born" again already. So that makes him 27 years old this year. Maybe not time to reveal himself yet. Hey... it wasn't like the world knew who he was back then, 2 millennia ago right. He only attracted attention when he started gathering a following... know what I mean. So give him sometime man. He's only 27 tops. Heck, if he was re-born in 2000, then he's only 12 years old...duh. Patience patience. ;-p
Well, the above is just some musings but in my opinion, 2012 will just past by for most of us without much major hoohaa apart from what we've grown used to this past few years... upheaval in many parts of the world and maybe in our own lives (especially if one has not been working on one's own self in any particular aspect of one's life). But most certainly the world isn't going to end. We'll just have more upheavals. And that's probably what it is. Upheavals and more upheavals. Why? Supposedly, the new energies coming in (if not already here) are forcing us all to consciously (or unconsciously) flush out the garbage or old status quo (or whatever you want to call it) that no longer serves us. Carpets are being removed and Skeletons are coming out of the closet so that the cleansing and healing can begin. Some people are sensitive to energies and they have claimed that they "feel" the change. You don't need to be a rocket scientist or a theologian. All you need to do is just take a look at the world and see what's happening and tie it back to what some new age joker is saying and it kinda ties in. So perhaps we need to all take a step back from the trees and look at the whole picture. Perhaps by studying what all the ancient scriptures are saying, together with the new information made available this century, without bias towards any one religion, a clearer and truer picture will emerge.

As such, all relationships (or "contracts") that no longer serves our higher good are being systematically destroyed so that we can all collectively and individually move to greater heights. Looking at the world today, it can be said that we are seeing this happening at all levels of society. Some of us may brand this as a "good vs evil" battle. Some of us may look at it otherwise. But essentially the common thing here is, if there is something clearly not right with it, it is being exposed, awareness is being created about it, people are clearly reacting and responding to it (how they react and respond is their karma), some countries have gone into major upheaval with dictators overthrown (clearly the new age does not have space for dictators and their kind). Though it remains to be seen what would happen to the Federal Reserve and those big corrupt superbanks.
At a more micro level, even marriages and relationships within families are being "re-visited". Pent up emotions and issues that have been swept under the carpet for decades (and the people involved had attempted to pretend that all is fine) have been brought to the surface and a healing forced upon all. In one instance, a family who had many pent up issues had those issues brought up in the most unlikely manner. A daughter who in my opinion, is a harmless soul who would never intentionally hurt anyone, became the catalyst for the explosive event for all her uncles to resolve some differences between them. Well... while I do not know the exact details, it appears that those old pent up issues were finally settled and they all could move on. Unfortunately, it may have resulted in her own father passing on to the other realm possibly out of sadness. Sigh... Then again, really nothing to be sad about as "death is just the beginning" as Gandalf the White said to Merry in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Well, coming back, I don't think its her fault as she really is a simple person who would not harm a soul. She was just the catalyst that the universe chose to use to spark the healing for all of them.
In another case, a relationship that wasn't working due to some issues was forced to come to a junction where the couple involved needed to look at where they are and where they intended to go. He decided to end that relationship. She then had the opportunity to move on to a whole new life. A path that may take her down a completely different destiny. However, he ended it not because he no longer loved her. On the contrary, he made the decision to end it because he loved her and didn't want her to waste her time waiting for him (he had some confidence issues). Now that to me is what it means by really loving someone. You are able to let the person you love go so that that person can achieve greater heights and not be tied down by your's selfish needs. Being a smart girl however, she tested him. His response would decide for her which course of action to take i.e. to move on or force a re-alignment. His response, by means of his actions and mannerism, told her that he actually still loved her. And so she made the decision to stick with him despite having another path opened for her. And together they re-aligned themselves and got married. Hence the new energies essentially made them come to head with what wasn't working with them and forced them to address the issues and re-align or end it and move on. They re-aligned and thus now move on together as a couple. I am happy for them and wish them all the best.
In another case, a relationship that is also clearly not working is constantly at war. It takes two to tango. If only one side wants to improve the relationship by resolving the issues while the other refuses to give way at all, it is a matter of time before the one that wants tires out and no longer wants to. And when that happens, the other one would have a major (if not impossible) uphill task to rejuvenate or resuscitate the one that has given up. They are clearly not aligned and this relationship is clearly not serving their higher good. Not only are both not benefitting from the relationship, all parties involved are being sucked dry because of this union. Perhaps with the sole exception of the stubborn recalcitrant party that refuses to admit that he has some issues that needs to be addressed even when it is clear to all that he is the party to blame. It's sad to see one destroy oneself through self sabotage. It is even sadder to see one purposely holding one's other half down like a chain to a bedrock for one's own egoistic self serving purpose, prohibiting the other to fly when it is clearly that party's destiny to fly. But it becomes atrocious when one's sabotaging also involves poisoning of a child's mind. It also becomes an unwelcome intrusion to others when close relatives become effected by one's purposely selfish actions and the constant warring. When a parent says to a child that the other parent is bad, he/she is essentially telling the kid that half of the kid is bad. Where else do you think dysfunctional adults come from? sigh.. truly sad. As long as this relationship does not get a reboot i.e. re-aligned to a common goal with both parties taking up ownership of it, the upheavals will only become stronger and stronger and its only a matter of time before something becomes a catalyst to force both parties to make a final decision on their relationship. No prizes for guessing what the outcome will be. And don't anyone say "poor kid" over that. As long as they remain together without re-aligning themselves, then it is "poor kid" because the upheavals will leave scars in his memory. However, if they cannot re-align, then breaking the relationship actually saves the kid's future and minimize the scarring and the kid can start to heal. For other couples in similar situations, they have parted ways and they have begun their healing and both parties have moved on to achieving things they want to achieve. For this particular couple, one wonders how much pain must the universe send to them before they face up to their problem and resolve it like adults. Cancer is bourne of such unresolved issues. The food we eat is just one of the many catalyst. sigh... I feel sad for them. It is clearly one party's destiny to achieve great things this lifetime but due to some karmic seeds, makes the decision to enter a union that chains the legs even when it was clear from the start what this relationship would be like. I am also flabbergasted. To me, if the one that was meant to achieve greater heights achieves it, it is actually also good for the spouse for it also helps the spouse realize his/her fullest potential. So I truly wonder what goes on within the deviated minds of some men.
Well.. for those of us who work on ourselves, keep working on ourselves and bask in the new energies. The next few years are going to be really interesting.
Well.. for those of us who work on ourselves, keep working on ourselves and bask in the new energies. The next few years are going to be really interesting.
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