Sunday, October 21, 2012

The thing about Prophecies

According to Wikipedia: 
“Prophecy is a process in which one or more messages that have been communicated to a prophet are then communicated to others. Such messages typically involve divine inspiration, interpretation, or revelation of conditioned events to come (cf. divine knowledge) as well as testimonies or repeated revelations that the world is divine. The process of prophecy especially involves reciprocal communication of the prophet with the (divine) source of the messages.
Various concepts of prophecy are found throughout all of the world's religions and cults. To a certain degree prophecy can be an integral concept within any religion or cult. The term has found deep usage in two of the world's largest religious groups, Christianity and Islam, along with many others.”

Channeling (via Mediumship) is defined as "the practice of certain people—known as mediums—to mediate communication between spirits of the dead and other human beings. While no evidence has been accepted by the scientific community in support of the view that there has been communication between the living and the dead, some parapsychologists say that some of their research suggests that such communication may have taken place. The practice is associated with several religious belief systems such as Spiritualism, Spiritism, Espiritismo, Candomblé, Voodoo, Umbanda and some New Age groups."

Prophecy has to do with world events or macro scale matters while channelling is more micro i.e. for the individual. However, both are essentially similar. I have written something on Channeling andmediumship a while ago so I’ll just look at Prophecies now. Some prophecies have come true while others never did hence many things have been said both in support and to debunk prophecies.

So let us, for now, put the subject of prophecies aside for the moment and look at Role-Playing Games (RPGs). Those of us who grew up playing Dungeons & Dragons (or other RPGs) would remember that we have a Dungeon Master who narrate and guide the game and we have the multi players who take up roles as fighter, magician, cleric, paladin, thief, elves or dwarfs. The players role-play their characters on adventures set up by the Dungeon Master. They decide at each cross road what action or direction to take. Different actions and directions lead to completely different outcomes including death to some of the characters. But there are also some outcomes that are already pre-set meaning no matter what actions or directions the team takes, it will still happen. For those of you who do not remember this type of RPGs, another analogy would be computer role playing games where all the potential moves in the game and all possible outcomes have already been programmed into the DVD(s). Similarly you as the player decides what action and direction and that in turns determine the outcome.

Now coming back to Prophecies, how is that related? A prophecy is essentially a potential outcome based on humanity’s direction and vibration at the point in time when the prophecy is made. Our collective decisions on how to move forward would determine if the prophecies come true at the stated time, earlier time, later time, or not at all. The same goes for prophecies that are written down in Holy Scriptures and Holy Books. They need not come true. They are essentially messages or warnings (for negative events) of things to come if we continue down the same path.

Therefore, when a “good” prophecy comes true, it means we have hit a milestone in our collective evolution. When a “bad” prophecy comes true, it means that we have not done enough to avoid the disaster despite being warned about it. And that is not something to be proud of or to feel religiously vindicated or to place the blame on any groups of people. No, the buck stops with each and every one of us. You are the rest of humanity. It falls on each and every one of us to do our part to make this world a better place to live in. While everything is perfect in the eyes of God with all events already played out in the universe, our vibration and collective consciousness direction determines which “reality” in the multi-dimensional space time continuum that we experience on this planet and universe. Too deep? That’s fine, you’re normal. If you understood that to the Tee, you would be God already. It is sufficient to know that if a particular prophecy is not something we would want to happen, then we all need to shift the direction we are headed in order to avoid that prophecy from coming true. The gist of it is this... All prophecies can be avoided unless it is of Divine Intervention.

How then do we know if a Prophecy is Divine Intervention with no way of avoiding or it is a warning of things to come? Coming back to what we know of God (or the Surpreme Being). God is all loving, all compassionate. God does not need us to do anything for Him. God is omni-everything. God is perfection. To suggest that God would punish us with a calamity because we do not follow any rules that He has laid for us is to suggest that He is less than perfect. This would mean that that God is in actuality a lesser god and not the Surpreme Being or One Source. Therefore, with this as our guiding principal (amongst others), prophecies of impending disaster become mere warnings of what can happen IF we do not get our act together.

Therefore while most religions state that there is a coming Golden Age, some religion also state that there would be judgement day when all non-believers would face judgement etc. This has been misinterpreted by scholars over the millennia with tunnel vision. Interpretations of prophecies cannot be made in face value especially if they are in parables. A parable can have many layers to its meaning. In actuality, what will play out in the coming years will be determined by the choices we make now. Right now there are many battles going on around the world, both seen and unseen. Do we succumb to draconian laws seeking to control? Do we close our eyes and plead ignorance? Or do we collectively choose to exercise people power coming from love and compassion? People power does not necessarily mean mass protest. 

From the Law of Attraction, we know that what we push against comes running straight at us full force. So by using the Law of Attraction, we can use peaceful means like the ballot box, boycotts by using alternatives, or instead of being anti-someone, just focusing on the opponent. The old order’s energy or vibration will not jive or fit with the new energies that are already coming in and peaking in the coming years. To accelerate the process of change, each of us, in all aspects of our lives, should consciously make a higher choice coming from love and compassion. If we have been practicing the negative egocentric decision making process, it would admittedly take some effort to change. But hey... better late than never. What’s not ok is not wanting to change. That may well put us in danger of being wiped out and sent to another planet to continue our soul lessons there once the Earth completes the Ascension process.

It must be stated here that I do not believe that we need to have 100% of the people to achieve critical mass. There is always the Pareto principle of 80-20. In other words, I strongly believe that all it takes is enough of us to choose higher principals, grow and have higher "vibration" i.e. choosing higher choices that of love and compassion and a critical mass will be achieved and the reality that will play out would be that of any impending disaster is avoided. 

Allow me to give a scenario here:

Assuming that we collectively as a race (humans on Earth) choose lower choices i.e. War, dogma, my way of the highway etc. Then the reality that will most likely come true would be that of the New World Order (NWO) Police State. However, Earth is evolving not devolving. Thus the mismatch in frequency cannot be allowed to happen. So for all we know perhaps a comet or something might just brush past us close enough to cause major disasters or mass immune system failures etc. Many humans would then probably just die off and reincarnate in another 3rd Dimension planet similar to Earth to continue their soul lessons.

However, assuming on average we choose higher choices of love, compassion, justicem equality for all, then a likely scenario that would play out would be that of a Golden Age NWO of justice, love, compassion etc. If there is a celestial body on its way to Earth and brush past us, it will still do so but probably the net effect would be lesser i.e. perhaps only those humans who stubbornly refuse to let go of their ego will experience immune system failure or etc and reincarnate in another planet suited for them. While the rest of us would remain here on New Earth. We may even start to get visits, official visits, from our celestial cousins ala Star Trek style. Some Earhtly humans who have consistently worked on themselves for lifetimes may even ascend to higher vibrations like 5th dimension and above.

Personally I do not believe that 2012 will mark the end of the world. I find it very difficult to believe that our celestial cousins who have been protecting us for thousands of years (perhaps even longer if you add Atlantis, Lemuria etc into the count) are protecting us from outside intrusions all this while just so that we can be destroyed later. I do not believe that is on the cards. Cayce have even seen to the 3Xth century if I recall correctly. So fret not, we're going to be around for some time. And we will eventually be helping other worlds to grow on the same path as we are on now. But that's another story for another time... :-) 

So come 2013, as J V Hart (script writer fro "Contact") said in, I know I won't be buried under water by some catastrophic event. I'll instead be basking in the new era and looking forward to the multitude of good tidings that would last for the next few years (or decades to come) as "barriers" are torn down worldwide in this new Golden Age.

Quote from Carl Sagan, "IF we are alone, seems like an awful waste of space."

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