Thursday, October 11, 2012

Our True Nature

Many personal development experts, motivational speakers and spiritual gurus have explained to the masses, in their own ways, directly or indirectly, our true nature. Being created in His likeness, your true nature is love, and the proof is that you have an unlimited supply of it within you. No human being has a lesser amount, nor does anyone have limits on the amount of love they can bring forth from within them. The almighty power of love ignites the law of attraction - it is the strongest magnetic force in the Universe.

The truth will set you free. All the pain and suffering in the world has come from people not knowing the immutable cosmic laws of the Universe. The principles within The Secret were given to each person to prove the cosmic law for themselves. Prove it to yourself, and the truth will set you free.

As you practice and practice the law of attraction, the vibrations of your thoughts and feelings go higher and higher. There is no limit to how high they can vibrate, and as they vibrate higher and higher your life becomes higher and higher. This is a step-by-step process however, and the only way to go higher is step by step. So feel as good as you can each day, think as many good thoughts as you can each day, and you will get there! 

Although there is much to learn and much to study, the Truth of Life is in everything in the world around you, if you have the eyes to see. It is only our ignorance and fixed beliefs that blind us to the Truth. Continue to ask questions within yourself, continue to learn, continue to let go of fixed beliefs, and the Truth will unfold within you.

In fact, at every level we are constantly learning as new truths emerge at higher levels when we are ready for it. But that would be for another write up that I’ll do later.

As Anthony Robbins put it, as human beings, we are motivated by two things: pain and pleasure. We are pushed away from what pains us and towards what pleasures us. No human being would ever deliberately bring anything to them that they did not want, but unfortunately throughout the history of humanity many human beings have suffered pain, sorrow, and loss because they were not aware of the one law that affects their lives more than any other. The course of history has now changed, because you have the knowledge of the law of attraction and you can create the life you deserve. You are changing history!

In the context of the Law of Attraction, suffice to say that you must speak as though you have what you want now. This is very important. The law responds exactly to your thoughts and words, and so if you see something as being in the future you are actually stopping it from happening now. You must feel it as though you have it now.

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