Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Choosing Baby's Birthday, and Time

There are women who would purposely choose the time and date of birth of their child, right to the dot. Especially the chinese and this is mainly done for the sole purpose of having a favourable birth date and time for the child and thus a good BaZi or Astrology chart. There are some who chose a specific date due to expected circumstances on the due date like for example overseas posting for the husband. And this is understandable. Doctors choosing a specific date due to medical reasons are also an exception. What I am referring to in this article is specifically choosing a date because of BaZi or astrological reasons.

I am not convinced that such manipulation or intervention actually does any good or works at all. Well.. perhaps a little but I believe there are certain configurations that cannot be changed. Here's the reason why...

All souls come forth from the One Source to experience its creation hence enriching the One Source in the process. Before a soul incarnates, he has already planned and mapped out his incarnated life ahead with the help of higher beings, and in great detail to perfection. Whether that plan works out perfectly when it is being executed is another matter or together. 

What I mean here is this:

Say you are a soul seeking to reincarnate. You, with the help of other light beings, would then map out and plan that particular re-incarnation from birth all the way to death... right down to the minute details i.e. what kind of parents you want, region, country, state, school, character, school, career, parenthood etc. Everything would be planned to perfection. And all in order to learn certain lessons (called karma) related to the above. After planning it, you as the soul than subject yourself to re-incarnation in the physical plane to live that plan. However, one of the conditions of physical incarnation is that you will not remember what you have planned in order for you to maximise your realizations and experiences. So, life may not work out as perfectly as you (at soul level before re-incarnating) have planned and that is perfectly all right...after all, you have free will. And to know you plan, just get your astrological chart mapped out.

Note that though I use the male gender here, I am referring to both male and female. 

Hence the question is when does to soul enter the fetus?

Different religions have different interpretations on this. Catholics believe that the moment the sperm and egg come together. Buddhist believe it happens at around 40 days after conception. Moslems may believe that it happens at day 120. Medical science shows that the fetus heart starts beating at around 5-6 weeks from conception, still within the 1st trimester. Many asians, especially the chinese, consider it taboo to announce a pregnancy before the 2nd trimester. So while different religions and cultures have different believes about this matter, one thing remains the happens between conception (mostly after 1st trimester) and well before birth. 

In other words, the soul of the baby is already in the baby's physical body by the 2nd trimester.

And we know all souls have already pre-determined (or planned) their physical incarnated lives ahead of seeking re-incarnation. In short, you have already chosen the kind of lessons you would like to learn in this lifetime. Some would call this karma but that's essentially lessons that you have chosen to impose upon yourself in order to experience and enrich yourself (the soul).

Hence, your rightful birthday would already have been pre-determined by yourself (before you are even a baby) and the corresponding Astrology chart would contain your spiritual blueprint from which your path in this incarnation would have been encoded into.

What happens, if your parents decide to intervene to give you another birthdate by choosing caesarian birth on a particular date and time just to give you a better BaZi?

Good question..

I personally believe that intervention of this kind can only work for smaller matters that are not of consequence to the soul's chosen path prior to re-incarnation. For karmic matters of divine proportions (heaven's will) or lessons that the soul has determined that it wants to learn, skewing the birth date and time would not work at all. In fact it creates unnecessary problems as you would then have problems deciphering your "real" astrology chart. Your astrology chart contains the blueprint of your soul for this lifetime. That's why, those parents who go through the whole natural birth process (unless in cases of emergency), are actually doing their child a big favour. Not just that the child has on average less physical problems, the child's astrology chart would contain his real soul blueprint. Hence to know his path, all one needs to do is read the charts. And if anything is not favourable, there are always remedies that can be applied using the laws of the universe.

Whereas, if the mother had purposely gave birth to the child ahead of his actual due date by choosing caesarian, that child's astrology chart would not be the real astrology chart if he had been born on his actual natural birthdate and time. However, the soul is already in the baby's body while the baby is still in the mother's womb. The soul has already pre-determined his path this lifetime. And that path would be encoded into his astrological charts at his real intended date and time of birth. So what good could there be for changing the birth date and time for a favourable BaZi when it doesn't change what the soul has already decided that he would do and learn this lifetime.

Such an action would only serve to create that false sense of security for the parent that the child would have a good future (based on the manipulated BaZi) and... well... let the doctor laugh all the way to the bank (it does cost more to have a c-section than to have natural birth).

In my humble opinion, a better way would be to use the Law of Attraction and source for what you would like to have in your child i.e. filial, creative, normal, healthy, intelligent etc and you will be amazed at the soul that you have attracted to you to be your child.

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