Monday, December 10, 2012

Children and The Law of Attraction

It is possible to be happy and joyful most of the time. You just have to look at little children and see their natural joy. You may say that little children are free and don't have anything to worry about, but you are free too! You are free to choose worry or to choose joy, and whatever you choose will attract exactly that. Worry attracts more worry. Joy attracts more joy.

The most powerful way parents can help their children be positive is to be the living example of positivity and love themselves. As a parent focuses on being those things, their children will also absorb all of their positivity.

As we become more and more positive and more and more joyful, by our powerful example we uplift all of those around us.

Create vision boards with children and teach them how to play the game of visualization. Let them know that they have to make-believe that they already have what they place on the board. Children have such a wonderful imagination that pretending is second nature to them, and they will become a great inspiration for you.

"Be like little children and make-believe," are the words of truth that were spoken two thousand years ago.

When a family is creating a vision board it is important that each member of the family who is involved wants to be involved. It must be fun for each person. Each person in the family can then choose what they want to put on the board, without limits or restrictions. Drawings, cut-out pictures, and words are all great. Those who are the most excited will automatically focus on the board every day, and they will be the ones who manifest the things on the board into their life. The more energy given, the faster the things will manifest.

A heart on fire with excitement and passion has a huge magnetic power.

PS: I am trying to instill the basics of the Law of Attraction in my kids. It ain't easy. Half the battle is actually within myself as it does go against conventional wisdom.

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