Saturday, December 15, 2012

Poverty Consciousness in the Name of Spirituality Written by Dr JoshuaDavid Stone

This subject would probably be something intriguing to people, particularly certain lightworkers. There are some spiritual people who think that Spiritual services should be given free. They have what would be called "Total Poverty Consciousness in the Name of God or Spirituality".

Basically what this group does is they are constantly trying to lay trips on other lightworkers, telling them that they should not charge for their spiritual services. Of course, the matter of charging for services is a personal choice. Some Lightworkers prefer to just give it freely. That is their personal choice and there is nothing wrong with that though it would be preferable to at least have some form of exchange of energy. But this is not the scope of this article. This article is about those who would judge others for charging for spiritual services. Let me tell you once and for all the real reason for this: They want your services but do not have any money to pay for it... period!

This group of people have let their negative ego run their lives and their negative ego is angry about this and therefore it lays judgement on those who charge for spiritual services. This is in fact total self-delusion and self deception at work. Why do I say that? Simple... they are in other fields of speciality/profession like engineering, legal etc correct? Do they not charge for services rendered in their respective professions? It's humorous that they should charge money for their service but do not want you to charge for yours. And it gets hilarious when they use GOD's name to support their Total Poverty Consciousness: judgemental, blaming tone. This is all just of their negative ego. Delusional delusional delusional... indeed.

They extend beyond themselves that Total Poverty Consciousness line of thinking, they then lay trips on other spiritual people that all spiritual services such as channeling, readings, healings, consultations, conselling and spiritual products like books, workshops and events should be given free. As I said, this is all because they lack money. the negative ego is by nature a competitive being and would not want to feel that it is losing out on anything. Therefore the feeling of not being able to afford the services/products creates feelings of low self esteem about not being able to take advantage of such wonderful offerings and feels that it is being left behind. So, in order to get itself back onto its position of self-righteousness (or even aggrandisement), it blames others for its own short comings. Instead of just admitting to self that this is an area they need to work on, these people can not do that for their negative ego would then start to judge them. So the negative ego comes up with the idea of using GOD to judge and attack others, crying out "poor me" instead of taking responsibility in this area of life that they need to work on.

This type of person believes all Spiritual services and products should be free. They cannot accept that there are spiritual people around who have Prosperity Consciousness in a proper balanced way. And they claim that those Prosperity Consciousness Lightworkers are the ones being run by negative ego.

The Buddha has taught us that the mind is a very brilliant thing. The mind can be used by the negative ego or it can be used by the Soul or Spirit. This is where the negative ego has penetrated religion and New Age movement.

The truth of the matter is that it is perfectly right for Lightworkers to charge for their services and products whatever they are.

Firstly, there is the issue of people's time. Lightworkers need to be paid for their time spent on the services rendered. Not to mention the focus and concentration of their energies. They are expending chi. Lightworkers also need to eat (they are, after all, human), pay their bills, pay the rent just like everybody else. And this is something those Total Poverty Consciousness people have forgotten.

It has to be said that we should not put overly focus on money and material gain. There are some "Lightworkers" who charge exorbitant prices for services and products that are dubious. This is clearly wrong for their intention is clearly service to self and not service to others. It is true lightworkers need to consider helping people at times not just for money. A great many don’t. Those who always have to get paid to serve and help others are just as corrupted by the negative ego as those in poverty consciousness crying the opposite. Clearly both extremes are service to self oriented and are negative ego at play. And such extremes would open one to the influence of those negative polarity entities from higher densities (dimensions).

The middle path of charging for services while putting others ahead of self (service to others) is the right way. So next time you are faced with such a Total Poverty Consciousness driven "Lightworker" and he/she tries to lay the trip on you, just let it past right thru you for it has nothing to do with you. It is all about their negative ego...

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