Friday, December 14, 2012

Creative Visualization

Work out exactly what you want. Then imagine and create games where you are pretending that you have what you want already. While you are pretending or make-believing you have what you want, be attentive to your feelings. When children make-believe, their imagination is so strong they automatically engage their feelings. Watch little children playing, and you will learn how to use the law of the Universe to your greatest advantage.

Remember, the law of attraction doesn't know if you are make-believing or if something is real, so when you are pretending, you have to feel as though it is real. When your make-believing begins to feel real you will know that you are succeeding in bringing what you want into your reality.

To harness the power of well-being using visualization, imagine with every breath you take that you are breathing in pure, white, illuminating energy. Imagine your body filling with this beautiful, pure, illuminating energy, and see this energy lighting up every cell in your body until the entire inside and outside of your body is glowing and radiating like a brilliant star.

The creation process is so easy, and if you are finding it difficult it is simply because you do not believe. Remember, you have to believe it to see it! And that can be tricky if most of your life you have only believed things when you have seen them. There is some retraining for you to do with your mind. You have to believe in the unseen, and that belief is THE channel through which the unseen moves into the seen.

To attract whatever you want in your life, you do not work out HOW it will come about. Your work is to ask the Universe, focus on the outcome, imagine that you have it, believe that you have it, know that you have it, and give thanks that you have it now.

Do your job by vibrating your desire, and allow the Universe to do its work of bringing that desire to you.

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