On the other hand, the accelerated way to spiritual development on the other hand also has many inner schools but the pitfalls are many. To want to accelerate ones spiritual development is to say to God that you want to grow as fast as you can and therefore all the lessons that were meant for you comes rushing head on to you. From the perspective of Karma, it means the good stuff and bad stuff happens one after the other so fast it’s like it happens all at once and overwhelms you. So sometimes, be careful what you ask for. Maybe instead of asking to grow fast, you should add, fast but at a manageable pace J
Hence to accelerate our spiritual development, one cannot forget to constantly cleanse oneself. Cleansing our bodies (physical, emotional, mental and other etheric bodies) is utmost importance so that we can contain the downpouring of divine energies onto us without undesired side effects like kundalini syndrome. This is just my understanding of course.
However, sometimes, even though we are cleansing ourselves, the danger of falling by the side is still there because due to some configurations within us, our eyes may be veiled. The pitfalls are indeed many. It is also very easy to be tempted into the wrong path. With power comes great responsibility. Those words ring true but sometimes events are so obscure as to test our discernment that we end up making a lesser choice and thus darkness. The scary part is, you may not even know that you have chosen darkness as I said… it can be so obscure. But there will be hints and signs that we have fallen. Once close loyal supporters/followers who followed you because of the Light that shines brightly from you starts to disappear or leave. That is one very clear sign. But the ego may choose to disregard that. Hence continued darkness smoke-screened as Light. Even a high level master can fall into darkness. A typical e.g in the Movies is Saruman in the Lord of The Rings trilogy. Saruman was an example of a high level master who should have known better.
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