And here's how:
Chi is everywhere. Air has air chi (or air Prana or Ki etc). So let's take air chi for an example. How do we see air energy? Simple and you may try this. During daytime, go outside and look up into the sky. But don't look to the sun or you'll spoil your eyes obviously. I want to add that you may want to try at differing times of the day so that there are differing levels if daylight as it really depends on the individual. Anyway, looking at the sky, you may notice some spots blinking or swirling in the sky. No... I don't mean that thing that looks like a cell stationery or moving slowly. If it looks like a cell, that's bacteria on your eye balls or your eye's blood vessels :p . I mean those spots that blinks and swirl. You probably can't describe what you see as you have never noticed it before, neither have you seen it before therefore you may not be sure how to describe it, but I am sure that when you see it you'll know it. It's distinctive and you most certainly would not be expecting to see that. Those spots that blink and swirl around are air energy (chi, Ki, Prana etc). They are easier to see than other types of chi.
Buddhism Is Not a Religion
Buddhism has become very popular in the West, however, the "western" practice of buddhism is no doubt very different from Eastern traditional...
Buddhism has become very popular in the West, however, the "western" practice of buddhism is no doubt very different from Eastern traditional...
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Now let's find out how to see auras without a kirlian camera or one of those aura cameras. Ask one of your friends to stand with his/her back to the wall (but not touching the wall). Preferably the color of the wall should be white. Now focus your eyes on your friend. Observe the region between your friend's body's outline and the wall. Do you notice a tinge of white "glow" emanating from your friend's body outline? That's your friend's aura. Clairvoyants would probably see the colors as well but us ordinary folks would only see white. Avatars, prophets, highly developed spiritual beings have very bright auras. In fact the easiest place on the body to see this light is at the head region. That's why in all religious arts from all religions, they draw a white halo at the head of the deity, God, or Avatar etc. Well.. surprise.. surprise.. we all have that white halo.
Interesting huh?
Next we'll go to feeling energy
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I would like to know what this 'stuff' is, but everywhere all I find are fables - i.e. beliefs. Belief is not the truth. If we can't see that, then we will be caught in falsehoods, fancies, which all beliefs are. It is surely better that we admit we don't know.