Saturday, October 27, 2012

What are Dark Forces aka Forces of Darkness?

It is our need to identify with the form and our need to categorize things that result in us labelling certain groups as Dark Forces. Let’s us state once and for all that the so called “Dark Forces” that we are so fixated with are an illusion. There is no such thing as Dark Forces. Instead, what it really is, is varying degrees or gradation of Light. We are all Light Beings. None exempted. However, each of us has varying gradation of Light. So the so called Dark Forces are actually groups of beings who are very lacking in Light and thus called “dark”. They are dark because they themselves have denied themselves light, whether consciously or unconsciously. 

And because they are lacking in Light, they need to get it from others. And over the millions of years, such dimly lit souls have indeed wreak havoc. They live in a world of illusions, spun by dreams of fear and hatred. And because they continue to believe in this nightmare (which they may actually like), the nightmare continues in one form or another. 

How is it possible that they like the nightmares that they live in? Consider this paradigm. We all have desires. When we achieve or obtain what we want, we feel happy (or bliss) don’t we? When we are happy, we are filled with energy. We are on a “high”. The “Light” shines from your face. There is a bounce in your step. However, conversely, when we do not get what we desire, we feel down, especially after trying very hard to obtain it. Basically, when we are depressed, our energy levels are down. That bounce in your feet is gone. The “Light” does not shine from your face. 

For simplicity, let us just call these dimly lit souls, “negative entities”. These entities cannot exist without some light, but because they believe they have little or none of their own, darkness becomes their reality. Seeing darkness, yet needing light (as all creations do), their modus operandi is to take light from others. It seems entities can temporarily elevate themselves by snatching energy from others. They may take energetically or in the many physical forms that we also identify with: Power, material stuff, sexual gratification etc. 

So now if u also understand that light is all there is. We (soul) are light beings...There is abundance in the universe. Therefore if you are filled with abundant light, does it matter if some entity wants to take your light? If we raise our awareness high enough, negative entities cannot possibly snatch from us because there is an infinite flow through us at all times. 

As Sal Rachele said, “The so-called dark forces exist because we give them power. If we deny their existence, we inadvertently give them power. This is because denial of anything means denial of light, because light is everything. When we are in denial, we enter a lower level of light and are therefore susceptible to energy-snatching by negative entities. By shining our inner light on the illusory nature of negativity, the entities are dispelled. This is because they either absorb the light of our awareness and move out of negativity, or they recoil from us because the light overwhelms them and they are choosing to remain in darkness. 

If enough people raise their awareness beyond the 4th dimension, the negative entities will be forced to find another planet more suited to their macabre tastes.”

This is a powerful concept for blessing unconditionally. You can alleviate others in your presence. So if you can grasp this it will change the way you think.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Creative Abundance (pt 2)

As human beings, for us to desire things is only normal. However, desiring something and needing something are two different matters. To desire something is in proper accordance with the law. You attract what you desire. To need something is misuse of the law. You cannot attract what you need if you feel you need it urgently or desperately, because that emotion contains fear. That kind of "needing" keeps things away. Therefore, by all means, desire everything but need nothing. Admittedly this does take some practice as it is a fine line that separates desire and need.

To create:
Step 1 - Ask. That means you get very, very clear about what you want by thinking it through completely. Remember that the moment you ask for what you want, it already exists in the spiritual world. Asking is the active step of creation.
Step 2 - Believe. That means you must know inside yourself that what you asked for is yours immediately. Your belief provides the means for your desire to transform from the spiritual into the material world. Believing is the passive step of creation.
Step 3 - Receive. If you believe you have already received, then you will receive. Receiving is the third step in creating, and it is the result of you bringing the active and passive together, which forms a perfect creation. Creation is identical to a battery. Positive is active. Negative is passive. Connect the two perfectly and you have power.

If you ask for something but really deep down don't believe that it can be manifested immediately because it is so big, then you are the one who is bringing time into your creation. You are creating the time it will take, based on your perception of the size of the thing you have asked for. But there is no size or time in the Universe. Everything exists now in the mind of the Universe!

Beliefs are created by thinking thoughts repeatedly - until they become beliefs. Beliefs are a constant frequency that you are transmitting, and our beliefs are the strongest things that create our life through the law of attraction. The law of attraction responds to what you believe! That is why when you want to create something you must ask and believe, and then you will receive.

In the context of wealth (or having more money), it is when you no longer feel the need for money that money will come. The feeling of needing money comes from the thought that you don't have enough, and so you continue to create not having enough money. You are always creating, and when it comes to money, you are either creating the lack of it or the abundance of it.

Your job is you and only you. When you are working in harmony with the law, no-one can come between you and the Universe. However if you think another person can get in the way of what you want, then you have done a flip to the negative. Focus on creating what you want. You are the center of divine operation in your life, and your partner is the Universe. No-one can get in the way of your creation.

Related post:
  1. Power of Manifestation
  2. Creating The Mould of Your Mind
  3. The Creation Process
  4. More on the Creation Process
  5. Creative Abundance (pt 1)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The thing about Prophecies

According to Wikipedia: 
“Prophecy is a process in which one or more messages that have been communicated to a prophet are then communicated to others. Such messages typically involve divine inspiration, interpretation, or revelation of conditioned events to come (cf. divine knowledge) as well as testimonies or repeated revelations that the world is divine. The process of prophecy especially involves reciprocal communication of the prophet with the (divine) source of the messages.
Various concepts of prophecy are found throughout all of the world's religions and cults. To a certain degree prophecy can be an integral concept within any religion or cult. The term has found deep usage in two of the world's largest religious groups, Christianity and Islam, along with many others.”

Channeling (via Mediumship) is defined as "the practice of certain people—known as mediums—to mediate communication between spirits of the dead and other human beings. While no evidence has been accepted by the scientific community in support of the view that there has been communication between the living and the dead, some parapsychologists say that some of their research suggests that such communication may have taken place. The practice is associated with several religious belief systems such as Spiritualism, Spiritism, Espiritismo, Candomblé, Voodoo, Umbanda and some New Age groups."

Prophecy has to do with world events or macro scale matters while channelling is more micro i.e. for the individual. However, both are essentially similar. I have written something on Channeling andmediumship a while ago so I’ll just look at Prophecies now. Some prophecies have come true while others never did hence many things have been said both in support and to debunk prophecies.

So let us, for now, put the subject of prophecies aside for the moment and look at Role-Playing Games (RPGs). Those of us who grew up playing Dungeons & Dragons (or other RPGs) would remember that we have a Dungeon Master who narrate and guide the game and we have the multi players who take up roles as fighter, magician, cleric, paladin, thief, elves or dwarfs. The players role-play their characters on adventures set up by the Dungeon Master. They decide at each cross road what action or direction to take. Different actions and directions lead to completely different outcomes including death to some of the characters. But there are also some outcomes that are already pre-set meaning no matter what actions or directions the team takes, it will still happen. For those of you who do not remember this type of RPGs, another analogy would be computer role playing games where all the potential moves in the game and all possible outcomes have already been programmed into the DVD(s). Similarly you as the player decides what action and direction and that in turns determine the outcome.

Now coming back to Prophecies, how is that related? A prophecy is essentially a potential outcome based on humanity’s direction and vibration at the point in time when the prophecy is made. Our collective decisions on how to move forward would determine if the prophecies come true at the stated time, earlier time, later time, or not at all. The same goes for prophecies that are written down in Holy Scriptures and Holy Books. They need not come true. They are essentially messages or warnings (for negative events) of things to come if we continue down the same path.

Therefore, when a “good” prophecy comes true, it means we have hit a milestone in our collective evolution. When a “bad” prophecy comes true, it means that we have not done enough to avoid the disaster despite being warned about it. And that is not something to be proud of or to feel religiously vindicated or to place the blame on any groups of people. No, the buck stops with each and every one of us. You are the rest of humanity. It falls on each and every one of us to do our part to make this world a better place to live in. While everything is perfect in the eyes of God with all events already played out in the universe, our vibration and collective consciousness direction determines which “reality” in the multi-dimensional space time continuum that we experience on this planet and universe. Too deep? That’s fine, you’re normal. If you understood that to the Tee, you would be God already. It is sufficient to know that if a particular prophecy is not something we would want to happen, then we all need to shift the direction we are headed in order to avoid that prophecy from coming true. The gist of it is this... All prophecies can be avoided unless it is of Divine Intervention.

How then do we know if a Prophecy is Divine Intervention with no way of avoiding or it is a warning of things to come? Coming back to what we know of God (or the Surpreme Being). God is all loving, all compassionate. God does not need us to do anything for Him. God is omni-everything. God is perfection. To suggest that God would punish us with a calamity because we do not follow any rules that He has laid for us is to suggest that He is less than perfect. This would mean that that God is in actuality a lesser god and not the Surpreme Being or One Source. Therefore, with this as our guiding principal (amongst others), prophecies of impending disaster become mere warnings of what can happen IF we do not get our act together.

Therefore while most religions state that there is a coming Golden Age, some religion also state that there would be judgement day when all non-believers would face judgement etc. This has been misinterpreted by scholars over the millennia with tunnel vision. Interpretations of prophecies cannot be made in face value especially if they are in parables. A parable can have many layers to its meaning. In actuality, what will play out in the coming years will be determined by the choices we make now. Right now there are many battles going on around the world, both seen and unseen. Do we succumb to draconian laws seeking to control? Do we close our eyes and plead ignorance? Or do we collectively choose to exercise people power coming from love and compassion? People power does not necessarily mean mass protest. 

From the Law of Attraction, we know that what we push against comes running straight at us full force. So by using the Law of Attraction, we can use peaceful means like the ballot box, boycotts by using alternatives, or instead of being anti-someone, just focusing on the opponent. The old order’s energy or vibration will not jive or fit with the new energies that are already coming in and peaking in the coming years. To accelerate the process of change, each of us, in all aspects of our lives, should consciously make a higher choice coming from love and compassion. If we have been practicing the negative egocentric decision making process, it would admittedly take some effort to change. But hey... better late than never. What’s not ok is not wanting to change. That may well put us in danger of being wiped out and sent to another planet to continue our soul lessons there once the Earth completes the Ascension process.

It must be stated here that I do not believe that we need to have 100% of the people to achieve critical mass. There is always the Pareto principle of 80-20. In other words, I strongly believe that all it takes is enough of us to choose higher principals, grow and have higher "vibration" i.e. choosing higher choices that of love and compassion and a critical mass will be achieved and the reality that will play out would be that of any impending disaster is avoided. 

Allow me to give a scenario here:

Assuming that we collectively as a race (humans on Earth) choose lower choices i.e. War, dogma, my way of the highway etc. Then the reality that will most likely come true would be that of the New World Order (NWO) Police State. However, Earth is evolving not devolving. Thus the mismatch in frequency cannot be allowed to happen. So for all we know perhaps a comet or something might just brush past us close enough to cause major disasters or mass immune system failures etc. Many humans would then probably just die off and reincarnate in another 3rd Dimension planet similar to Earth to continue their soul lessons.

However, assuming on average we choose higher choices of love, compassion, justicem equality for all, then a likely scenario that would play out would be that of a Golden Age NWO of justice, love, compassion etc. If there is a celestial body on its way to Earth and brush past us, it will still do so but probably the net effect would be lesser i.e. perhaps only those humans who stubbornly refuse to let go of their ego will experience immune system failure or etc and reincarnate in another planet suited for them. While the rest of us would remain here on New Earth. We may even start to get visits, official visits, from our celestial cousins ala Star Trek style. Some Earhtly humans who have consistently worked on themselves for lifetimes may even ascend to higher vibrations like 5th dimension and above.

Personally I do not believe that 2012 will mark the end of the world. I find it very difficult to believe that our celestial cousins who have been protecting us for thousands of years (perhaps even longer if you add Atlantis, Lemuria etc into the count) are protecting us from outside intrusions all this while just so that we can be destroyed later. I do not believe that is on the cards. Cayce have even seen to the 3Xth century if I recall correctly. So fret not, we're going to be around for some time. And we will eventually be helping other worlds to grow on the same path as we are on now. But that's another story for another time... :-) 

So come 2013, as J V Hart (script writer fro "Contact") said in, I know I won't be buried under water by some catastrophic event. I'll instead be basking in the new era and looking forward to the multitude of good tidings that would last for the next few years (or decades to come) as "barriers" are torn down worldwide in this new Golden Age.

Quote from Carl Sagan, "IF we are alone, seems like an awful waste of space."

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Keeping the Romance On in your Romantic Relationships

Further to my write up on Making your Romantic Relationships Work, I thought I would just add a few more opinions on keeping the Romance On in your Romantic Relationships. Some people may wonder what has this got to do with spiritual growth and personal development. Well... make no mistake about it. Your relationship with your spouse has everything to do with your spiritual growth. As stated before, we are the “God” within and therefore our spouse is “God” visiting you in physical form. As Dr David Stone said, everyone in a relationship needs to understand that romantic relationships are the ultimate teachers for spiritual growth and Self realization.

Anyway, coming back to maintaining the Romance in one’s Romantic Relationships. It is a common belief that there is an inevitable loss of romance in all marriages especially when children come into the picture. I thought that once myself. And it took a simple statement from a movie to make me realize that that is not true. The romance, the passion, the spark can be kept going indefinitely. However, it takes effort to achieve this. When issues of having children, money pressures or job pressures come in, it is easy to get lost in the grind of life and put romance to the back seat. For those of you who are already making conscious effort not to allow that to happen, kudos to you. But I am sure the majority are not so lucky.

Sometimes it is often the little things that make all the difference such as writing little loving notes, making a loving phone call, bringing flowers or buying a little gift for no special reason and creating special times for romantic intimacy. No one size fit all here. If you are not a person who writes notes, well, getting you to write notes would be a tall order. But something you do when you were courting can easily be maintained now to keep the spark on. Sometimes it can be simply listening and pillow talking to your spouse. Of course in terms of talking, women will talk more than men. It has been scientifically proven that women use approximately 20,000 words a day on average while men only use 7,000. So, men, just listen.. J

We need to be conscious as to not go on automatic pilot. And this is admittedly quite difficult with issues of money, children, work pressure etc. But it is nevertheless important to remain vigilant for God and God’s kingdom. It is easy to let down and sometimes say things you don’t really mean out of mental fatigue or just slip of the tongue. A master remains vigilant at all times and never lets down, even for an instant, his or her attunement to God in thought word and deed. God and the ascended masters hear and watch everything, and everything is written into the soul records.

Once a while, go on a romantic vacation, even if it is just for the weekend. This will do wonders for a relationship. It is often hard to maintain the spark, romance and passion in the daily grind of Earth life. Even when you have children, short vacations away can be arranged and it is fine to take the children along or leave them with their grandparents. Even a family vacation can have time off for romance. It's a matter of having the will to do it.

On the issue of sexuality, this is quite a complex issue. While sex is not the one and all in a romantic relationship, it is nevertheless an important part of it. Each couple will differ in terms of what this means. Some couples can get along fantastically fine without sex. But the majority probably can’t. That’s fine. Higher level initiates may not have sexual relationships as much as younger disciples, although there is no hard and fast rule. Ascending couples may be interested in tantric sexuality which will be for the purposes of both enjoyment and raising the sexual energy. With tantric sex, the couple uses sexual involvement as a type of meditation.

As what Dr David Stone recommends, couples must find a selfish/selfless balance in terms of the sexual relationship so that both parties’ needs are met. Both must ask for what they want and be willing to teach their partner. Often relationships get into sexual habits and ruts that become rather unexciting after a while, and both parties must be willing to experiment a little and, perhaps, take some chances. It is essential that both parties be willing to initiate sexual involvement, for this should not be only the man’s job. Both partners should try to serve one another’s needs first, while also enjoying the sexual interaction. Communication in this area, as in all areas of life, is the key. With sexuality, as with all things, balance, moderation and integration with other areas of one’s life need to be maintained. It is another form of communication and an expression of love. Sexual expression is appropriate when it serves the Higher Self and not the lower or carnal self. Sexuality is appropriate when it is loving, supportive, and pleasurable to both partners. Sexuality is appropriate in terms of that which creates intimacy and love.

Last but not least, at least for now, “Love develops from letting go not from holding on.” We’ve heard it many times before, even in movies, that if you love someone, let the person go. Hanging on comes from the need to feel love. That is needy and is of the ego and is usually due to lack of self love. One must understand that holding too tightly to love kills love. Preferences should be stated and then let go of. If something is meant to be it will come back to you, and if it is not meant to be, just let it go. A bond based on this truth is the most powerful and long lasting bond, for it is free of all coercion.

Related Post:

Friday, October 19, 2012

Genetic Roulette - The Gamble of our Lives

This is a good documentary on GMO. I think everyone should see this. At least even if you decide to continue eating this stuff, you know what you are getting into.

I do not know how long this video would remain free.

Making your Romantic Relationship Work (updated)

With the coming age, more and more couples may find that they are at crossroads in their relationships. This is particular to those who have not been working on their relationships or have swept it under the carpet, so to speak. So it is no surprise that the universe is forcing things out in the open in order for couples to resolve their issues and decide on their relationships direction i.e. to re-align or to break it up. There is no right or wrong. Like I have stated before, I do not advocate breaking it up. I would advocate looking at ways to re-align first and to exhaust all avenues first before deciding on terminating the contract. There are many ways to re-align but the core of it all would still be communication.

Perhaps a good place to start for couples going through a bad patch now would be to understanding why they have gotten into a romantic relationship in the first place. What was it that attracted them to each other? The true spiritual reasons to become romantically bonded are to share love, to accelerate your spiritual growth and to have more joy on your spiritual path. This is not to say that single people cannot have equal joy but most people are more the bonding type. However bonding comes in many forms. For most young couples, it was hormones J. But that does not mean they cannot make it work once the “honeymoon” ends. Perhaps by re-kindling that spark that brought them together would at least get them to sit down and talk things out.

Where forgiveness is required, forgive not forget. But that does not mean that the party that was wronged can use that incident for emotional blackmail in the future. To use that for blackmail means there was no forgiveness in the first place. When one forgives, one forgives and let go, never bringing it up again. A wise man once said, “To forgive is divine but only a fool forgets”. However, forgiveness does not just come from the party that was wronged. The most important party to give forgiveness is the party who seeks forgiveness i.e. self-forgiveness. Jesus said, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you,” As A Course In Miracles says, “Forgiveness is the key to happiness.” Lack of forgiveness hurts self much more than it hurts others. All that happens in life are lessons, challenges and opportunities to grow. Mistakes can be turned into gold by learning from them!!!

Another important key to making relationships work is to learn to have preferences instead of expectations (attachments and addictions) in your relationships. The Lord Buddha said that all suffering comes from your attachments. A preference on the other hand is an attitude in which even if you don’t get what you want you are still happy. With expectations, if you don’t get what you want you usually get upset and angry.

Next is the concept of commitment. When a couple takes their marital vows to bond in holy matrimony, a spiritual contract is signed for this one life time. As in all mutually consenting contracts, commitment is required to keep that spiritual vow on all levels. It is also a commitment to communicate when things are bothering you and not sweeping it under the carpet. Commitment deals with holding up your end of the partnership on all levels. It is a commitment to love and to help your partner, as well as yourself, to become actualized to their highest potential.

Let’s not forget listening. In issues you are both dealing with, it is absolutely essential to learn to listen to your partner before needing to come up with your own opinions and thoughts. Listening is caring. The lesson here is truly to listen and hear what your partner has to say. Remember... each of us as souls have seeked out incarnation in the physical plane to learn certain soul lessons. We are all sons and daughters of God. We are the God within. Hence, your partner is “God” visiting you in physical form and same goes for you to your partner. Aren’t you both interested in what God has to say? That is why you need to be true to yourself. This is why you must listen and have compassion.

Having said all that, the most important relationship in your life however, is not your relationship to your spouse or partner, your children, the ascended masters or God. The single most important relationship in your life for making your relationships work is your relationship to yourself. If you do not even like yourself, how would you expect another person to like you? If you are wrong with yourself, you will be wrong with God, and your partner. If you are run by your emotional body, your inner child, your negative ego and your subconscious mind, how can you possibly be right with another person?

From the experience of most spiritual relationship counsellors, and I am sure marriage conselors probably have similar stats, 80% of marital problems can be cleared up by getting each person into their own personal power, self mastery, self love, proper parenting of their inner child and the conscious creating of their own reality. The second most important relationship in your life is your relationship to God or a higher power. Once these two relationships are right, one’s romantic relationship problems would resolve itself. But if both these relationships are not right, one’s romantic relationship would also not be right.

As Dr David Stone said, everyone in a relationship needs to understand that romantic relationships are the ultimate teachers for spiritual growth and Self realization. There is no better way to become Self-realized than to be in a marriage and/or committed romantic relationship. The romantic relationship is guaranteed to bring up all, and I mean all, of your stuff. Any dysfunctional pattern or complex that is in your subconscious mind which is not apparent is guaranteed to be triggered. Anyone can be spiritual living in a cave, in a monastery or in the Himalayas. The true test of being spiritual is living in the “real world”. If you can practice the presence of God in your romantic relationship, you can do it anywhere. Romantic relationships are the ultimate teaching tool if you will use them in that way. There is also much spiritual growth and beauty that comes from being with one person for a whole lifetime. One is not better than another; it is just a matter of learning from the life experiences and destiny that unfold for us.

Related Post:

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ending a Romantic Relationship (updated)

The famous Marriage/family Counselor, Virginia Satir said, “Communication is to a Relationship what Breathing is to Living.” In other words, for any relationship to work, the pre-requisite is to have open communication channels. Where the lines of communication are not open, the relationship is as good as doomed to failure.

But what if the future of the relationship already looks bleak i.e. you think you have already exhausted all avenues to make it work.

Well, first and foremost, know that divorce is not always a bad thing. Sometimes it is the right choice. Life is too precious for one to hang on to a relationship that no longer serves one’s higher purpose. Neither should one leave the relationship too soon. I most certainly do not advocate what most young people now do i.e. they are quick to talk about breaking up when there was the first sign of an argument or disagreement. This is childish and should be stopped especially if you have this pattern going on. Every couple should make an agreement and a spiritual vow not to speak of breaking up unless you really mean it. And this should be only after all other options have been attempted. It is amazing how a simple agreement like this can sometimes make an enormous difference in the relationship. There was an incident whereby a young lady kept talking about divorce to her husband and they were just two weeks into their marriage. Within two weeks, she moved back to her mother’s house. Sigh!

Therefore, before going down that line of mutual separation, every couple should first deal with the feelings of disappointment in their relationship. Were expectations too high and unrealistic? Note that no one is to blame here. It must be understood that disappointment stems from attachment, addiction etc. According to Dr David Stone, it gets back to the lesson of needing to have only strong preferences. Happiness needs to be inside of self, not based on what another person does. There is nothing wrong with having strong preferences. But the nature of a preference is that you are happy whatever the outcome.

If we are disappointed in a relationship, that is a sign of having expectations which are the same as addictions and attachments. Now again this is the ideal. If you can’t shake it by the process of attitudinal healing within self, then share it with your partner. Again this comes down to communication.

Most of the time, by sitting down and communicating with one’s spouse, most issues can be addressed and the couple can re-align to common goals and move on. So.. when couples or one party in the relationship talks about breaking up (divorce), have they really exhausted all avenues? Perhaps there are ways to save it after all. But of course, it would take two hands to clap. However, let’s just assume that there don’t seem to be much to look forward to anymore... it really is a bleak situation.

Well, in the context of Karma, we need to know if a relationship is really worthwhile to continue. The key here is that we should never leave a relationship until you learn the lessons of that relationship. Otherwise you are destined to repeat the same lessons again with a new partner!

Therefore, one should never make such a decision (to divorce) when one is emotionally triggered. When one has calmed down and is more objective, one must consider if the person you are involved with meets enough of your preferences (or criteria in a spouse). No person on this planet Earth or in the infinite universe will meet all your preferences. They will just have to meet enough of them to make the relationship worthwhile. If you are in at a lost on this, a good start would be to make a list of all the things you hope for in your spouse and your relationship. And I do mean actually writing it down (or typing it out). Then you need to also have a list of all the reasons why you would want to remain in this relationship, and then a list of why you want to get out.

Once it is written down, you can then look at it objectively to know what you are getting and what you are not getting to see if the relationship meets enough of your preferences for it to be worthwhile. What may be worthwhile for a few years may not be for the long run. There just are no hard and fast rules on this. This is an exercise to do by yourself, between you and God. It will give you a very realistic look at your reality and the choices you are making.

In the event that the decision is made to end the relationship, it should be ended with total love, forgiveness and non-judgment. In other words, you should part in good terms. Otherwise, you will have to reincarnate with that person or another like that one in a future life. If you forgive and end in unconditional love, and your partner doesn’t, you are freed from the karma, and your partner who is holding a grudge will have to reincarnate in a future life with someone similar to you who did not learn the lesson. For you to be freed, you do not need your partner to learn the lesson; you only have to learn your own lessons.

Related Post:

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Our True Nature

Many personal development experts, motivational speakers and spiritual gurus have explained to the masses, in their own ways, directly or indirectly, our true nature. Being created in His likeness, your true nature is love, and the proof is that you have an unlimited supply of it within you. No human being has a lesser amount, nor does anyone have limits on the amount of love they can bring forth from within them. The almighty power of love ignites the law of attraction - it is the strongest magnetic force in the Universe.

The truth will set you free. All the pain and suffering in the world has come from people not knowing the immutable cosmic laws of the Universe. The principles within The Secret were given to each person to prove the cosmic law for themselves. Prove it to yourself, and the truth will set you free.

As you practice and practice the law of attraction, the vibrations of your thoughts and feelings go higher and higher. There is no limit to how high they can vibrate, and as they vibrate higher and higher your life becomes higher and higher. This is a step-by-step process however, and the only way to go higher is step by step. So feel as good as you can each day, think as many good thoughts as you can each day, and you will get there! 

Although there is much to learn and much to study, the Truth of Life is in everything in the world around you, if you have the eyes to see. It is only our ignorance and fixed beliefs that blind us to the Truth. Continue to ask questions within yourself, continue to learn, continue to let go of fixed beliefs, and the Truth will unfold within you.

In fact, at every level we are constantly learning as new truths emerge at higher levels when we are ready for it. But that would be for another write up that I’ll do later.

As Anthony Robbins put it, as human beings, we are motivated by two things: pain and pleasure. We are pushed away from what pains us and towards what pleasures us. No human being would ever deliberately bring anything to them that they did not want, but unfortunately throughout the history of humanity many human beings have suffered pain, sorrow, and loss because they were not aware of the one law that affects their lives more than any other. The course of history has now changed, because you have the knowledge of the law of attraction and you can create the life you deserve. You are changing history!

In the context of the Law of Attraction, suffice to say that you must speak as though you have what you want now. This is very important. The law responds exactly to your thoughts and words, and so if you see something as being in the future you are actually stopping it from happening now. You must feel it as though you have it now.

Related Post;

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Master Within You - All Answers Are Within

The vast majority of people go through their whole lives chasing everything in the material world. We want more money, more wealth... this car, that house etc. We get so caught up with “life’s treasures” that we fail to discover the greatest treasure of all, which is within us. Shut your eyes to the outside world. Direct your thoughts and words to the inside of you. Go within yourself. The Master within you is the key to all the treasures in the world.

How is the movie of your life going? 
Do you need to make any script changes on money, health, or relationships? Is there any editing that you want to do? 

The Now moment, The “Today” is the day to make any changes to your movie that you want, because today's changes will be screening tomorrow. You are creating the movie of your life and it is in your hands - every single day. However, in order to do so, would require you to go within you and be the Master that you are.

The perfect vehicle that is your body is exactly like a movie projector, and the film running through the projector is all of your thoughts and feelings. Everything you see on the screen of your life is what has been projected from within you, and is what you have put into the film. By choosing higher thoughts and feelings you can change what you see on the screen at any time. You have complete control of what goes into your film!

When you are undecided on which way to turn or what path to follow, remember there is one who knows and will guide you through every decision and turn in your life. All you have to do is ask, believe you will receive the guidance you want, and then stay alert to receive your answer. The Supreme Power of the Universe is with you every step you take, and all you have to do is rely upon its power and ask.

You have the master within you, and you are being guided in every single moment of your life. Think for yourself, and choose for yourself. You are receiving thousands of messages from the Universe every single day. Learn to become aware of this communication from the Universe, who is speaking to you and guiding you in every moment. There are no accidents and no coincidences. Every sign you notice, every word you hear spoken, every color, every scent, every sound, every event and situation is the Universe speaking to you, and you are the only one who knows their relevance to you, and what the communication is saying. Use your eyes to see! Use your ears to listen! Use all of your senses, because you are receiving communication through them all!

Science is only starting to unravel this mystery and they are barely scratching the surface to our true nature.

Related Post:
Faith in Ourselves - All Answers are Within Us
Everything you need is within you

Friday, October 5, 2012

Free Will and Karma

Part of this article is based on Sal Rachele’s channelling.

Eastern religions believe in Karma (or “cause and effect”). Western religions do not place much emphasis on it other than to mention cause and effect. Even then, they would say “cause and effect” is different to karma. New Age philosophies emphasize more on Free Will. With such differing school of thoughts is it any wonder that we get all confused as to which is right or wrong?

Well, to start with, I wouldn’t say that any school of thought is right or wrong. I prefer to say that they are all somewhat right because they all place different emphasis on each of the above. You see, truth is not the exclusivity of any one culture, religion or part of the world.

Karma IS “Cause and effect” but without the over emphasis that eastern religions place on the subject. And there is Free Will that “reigns” surpreme. I say “reigns” in inverted commas because at a higher plane of existence (dimension) your free will equals God’s Will. You will choose no other but the one that gives you the highest bliss and at that level it is none other than God’s Will.

We will look at both Free Will and Karma separately

Free Will
This is a greatly misunderstood subject. When I say Free Will, I do not mean the free will to change universal laws. Free Will only means that you can choose what to take on at a given time. Eg: a soul’s lessons (karma) can be a long, slow and painful journey for most ordinary folks. However, it can also be short and dispelled rather quickly by learning the lesson fast and through forgiveness, letting go, embracing the present etc. However, for most people this would be next to impossible as they are too caught up with “life” that they do not stop to take stock on where they are. All motivational speakers and personal development trainers advocate the need for us to take stock on where we are. But not many of us who attended those trainings take it with us outside the training room (or seminar hall). Dispelling karma is only possible with awareness and the willingness to understand the traps and detours of the ego. The more aware we become, the higher we climb on the spiritual ladder (or dimensional scale).

There are limitations to Free Will too. Within a given dimension, there is a certain amount of free choice. Why? When we enter a certain vibrational density (or dimension), we automatically abide by the laws that govern that density or dimension. The exception is that you come from a higher dimension with the sole purpose of guiding those in the lower dimension into higher realms. Even then, you will still be somewhat limited or governed by laws of the lower realms. For example: Jesus, Buddha and the other great Avatars of our time were able to perform so-called miracles because they used the laws of higher dimensions to supersede the laws of 3rd dimension. I will take the opportunity to state here that we are all, at present on Earth, in the 3rd dimension. New Agers will tell you that we are all in the process of shifting to a higher dimension at present. Some say 4th dimension. Some say all the way to 5th dimension. Hence all the upheaval on this planet today as old structures are being dismantled and deconstructed in order for new ones to be put in place. But that’s another story for another time.

Generally, most people confuse free will with their own ego-based decision making. Eg: Say a couple is going through a bad patch in their relationship. Say the husband attends a personal development seminar. After completing the seminar, he decides to terminate the relationship with the spouse claiming his free will. But the problem with the relationship could actually be him and not her. In a situation like this, it is quite obvious its the man’s ego making the decision and not true free will.

Free Will and Ego based decision making are not the same. It really depends on what level of awareness we are coming from. One way to look at this is to consider that very few of us actually have free will. This is due to our own habits, belief system, conditioning and programming. From higher dimensional points of view (6th or higher), it is all free will. At some point (pre-incarnation etc) we made a decision to have a veil put over our awareness in order to experience “life”. This subjected us to the laws and deceptions inherent in the 3rd dimension without remembering the knowledge of how to transcend them. While this may seem strange that we would do that to ourselves, it actually isn’t. Our soul chooses to learn certain lessons and hence experience its creation. The veil serves to enrich our experience as we re-discover and learn the lessons that our soul desires to learn. However, being stuck in 3rd dimension illusions, we then made decisions based on fear, scarcity, need for approval, etc. Many motivational and personal development speakers have taught about our need to feel accepted and gain approval etc so I will not go into that further. Anyway, once we realize this and then consciously choose to step out of the routine i.e. use our free will to choose awareness over ignorance, then our future decisions are not dominated by fear and 3rd dimension illusions.

There is a certain amount of pre-destiny inherent in the Divine Plan. Eventually, all of us will ascend into higher realms. We have within our DNA the blueprint for ascension. However, we can by exercising our free will, delay the perfect unfoldment of that DNA blueprint. In a temporary sense, we can override it with negative beliefs and stuck emotions. In actuality, if we let go of our judgments, guilt, fear and constant worry and strife, the program unfolds more easily. Let it go and let it flow -- and it DOES just magically happen. But the paradox is, we must work hard to unlearn all the lies and distortions we have been taught for millennia that says the path to enlightenment is a struggle -- you know, "no pain, no gain" and all that.

Our exercise of free will is dependent on what aspect of the self we identify with. We may seem to be bound by the laws of the physical world, but only if we are attached to that perception. For example, once we let go of our identification with the body, we are no longer at the mercy of the medical profession. We are then free to let our spiritual awareness decide what is best for our bodies.

In summary, I believe free will is what one has when one is free of all illusions. Probably none of us on planet Earth have true free will because our wills are imprisoned by limiting thoughts and beliefs. But then, when we are free of all illusions, the concept of free will becomes meaningless anyway because there is only God's Will, which is the creative force. And as stated earlier, at higher levels of existence, your free will equals God’s Will as that gives you the highest bliss.

Law of Karma
Coming back to Karma; Karma is basically the soul’s lessons. You as a soul have elected to learn certain lessons to enrich the soul’s creation (or separation from the Divine). Basically your soul is experiencing its own creation to enrich the One Source.

The law of karma (or cause and effect) is a 4th dimensional principle. That means it operates in the 1st to 4th dimensions, but not the higher ones. The common perception of karma involves the idea that what goes around comes around. And for Eastern religions, karma is a big thing. This is partly true, but only if one is stuck in the lower four dimensions. Once we fully understand our actions, behaviours, thoughts, feelings and perceptions, we can then use our free will to consciously create a different path of karma. By aligning our heart, mind and body (or all your etheric bodies to put it simply), we can make a decision with our whole being, thereby avoiding what is called “residual karma.” The idea of residual karma involves incomplete decisions, or decisions that leave a lot of unfinished business. If we come to a closure with our relationships, and keep to our agreements, we do not create additional karma. When we forgive ourselves, we actually erase karma.

To repeat a major idea, a stumbling block in understanding karma and free will involves the “all is illusion” viewpoint of eastern religion that people use to escape responsibility for everyday life and to avoid looking at issues.

If you consciously let another person choose a life fish to be cooked thinking that the other person is the one creating karma and that you are not, but you also look forward to eating the deliciously cooked fresh fish when it is served, then you are greatly mistaken.

What these arrogant I-am-mightier-than-thou detached souls fail to realize is that love (or compassion) is a higher law, and love will respond to suffering. It may not necessarily involve preaching to the other person on the virtues of being kind to animals and that we should go vegan. But it will most certainly not involve going into denial about the suffering of others nor the hypocrisy that it is not your karma. Having compassion towards the suffering is not the same thing as sitting detached in intellectual supremacy, while rationalizing about the suffering.

Thankfully the 5th Dimension Law of Love (or unconditional love or compassion) supersedes the 4th Dimension Law of Karma. No one can attain the 5th Dimension without letting go of intellectual superiority and embracing God’s Unconditional Love and Compassion. So God’s Love transcends karma.

5th dimensional consciousness is love and unity, and love always finds some way to respond to a call for help. Millions of our brothers and sisters are calling out for help, and the Love Within will respond if we open to it. Love's help may or may not appear as outer action, but closing our hearts to suffering is definitely not a 5th Dimension response. The response can be in many ways: physically, energetically etc.