Friday, March 23, 2012

Are We Really Lacking of Resources in the World?

At present the issue of conservation and lack of resources is becoming an important issue in the world. Everywhere we are looking at how to be more efficient in order to conserve resources, save the environment etc.

While saving the environment is a noble cause that we should all do, I am not so certain that the lack of resources should be a prime focus or reason. While I agree that we should become efficient to avoid wastage, the truth about our resources is that there is more than enough resources for all.

We have everything we need in this world to sustain ourselves as a race for many more decades as of right now. All the resources we will ever need is available right now. There is no lack of resources in this world. If we wanted, we can easily:- eradicate poverty; create jobs for everyone; eradicate famine; eradicate diseases; find all the resources we need, etc. the question is not if we have the resources, it's whether we have the will to make the necessary shift to achieve that. While I will not provide figures here, any of you can pursue this and do your own research. Your research will without fail lead you to the conclusion that we are actually in-efficiently mis-distributing our natural resources and that we actually have abundant resources for all. The evidence are all there screaming at us. It's a question of whether we have the will to make the necessary changes for a better future. Or do we buy the bullshit that industrial lobbyist sells to us.

One of the best examples is in the food industry. Again, I will not provide figures (I don't need to) and I'm sorry to say that you must either be living in denial or be blind if you can't figure this out yourself with a little simple research of your own. Great personalities like Anthony Robbins, hollywood stars, and the likes have been telling us that eating meat is an inefficient means to getting the energy and nutrients that our body needs. We actually burn more to get the energy from meat. So really, it doesn't make sense to continue taking a lot of meat. Even our physiological make up actually fits eating more veg and fruits.
What's the point in consuming something that is a net energy lost. While meat eaters will claim that they feel week if they don't take meat, that is actually their body's craving (or addiction to put it bluntly). All they need to do is get disciplined and once they overcome the initial craving phase, they will actually feel a whole lot healthier and energetic.

The amount of land used to plant grass for cattle is huge. One cow requires a huge land for grass as its food. That one cow we slaughter for its meat feeds how many people? Whereas if we use that same land area to plant vegetables and legumes, how many more people can we feed? A whole lot more that's for sure. Just do your own research and the obvious answer would scream at you. Well...humans being humans, we'll probably go "I like and want my meat". Well, you're one of the selfish causes in this planet that is creating the lack of resources issue.

Our governments and the respective agencies can easily educate people of this but unfortunately they lack the will (or is it due to lobbying but meat industrialist?). As a result of this inaction, vast majority of people do not know the hard facts. Some meat eaters (or meat proponents) even go as far as saying that their culture and religion "requires" the sacrifice of some animal at certain dates. Oh puhleeezzz... What a load of bull crap. Your religion and God is obviously very cruel if what you say is true. I also know of some people who are so righteous that they just insist on taking their meat... right up to the point when their health starts deteriorating to a danger level.

I'm not saying that we should all go veg. What I'm saying is that we do not need that much meat. We should be eating less meat and more veg anyway. but the prevalent eastern and western cultures are heavy on meat and that's what we should be changing.

I can go on about the meat industry but I'll stop here.

Next lets have a look at the energy industry. Do you know that in the 20th century, we already had the technology to produce electric cars that are so environmentally friendly and yet powerful? This technology was already invented in the early or mid 20th century. The trial runs were full of promises but the cars were on loan i.e. they users can use them during the trial run period (contractually binding) of a few years but cannot purchase the cars. However, upon completion of the contract period, for some reason unbeknownst to all, the cars were recalled and destroyed. Yes... destroyed. This despite the users asking for the motor companies to sell them those cars. Why is that? Intense lobbying from the petroleum industry.

The Middle East has intense sunlight for months every year. We have the technology to build many solar panels there that can power the entire earth. But do we do that? No.. they build expensive real estates and continue to pump oil from the ground.

The list truly goes on and on.

But the bottom line is that we have ALL the resources that we will ever need. The Earth is Abundant in natural resources and there is more than enough to go around for all of us. It is the selfish greed of select group of humans (and their corporations) that keeps us at this dire strait thinking that there is a lack in resources. 

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