Thursday, March 15, 2012

Crystals & its Nature Care (Part 1) - by Victor Lu

From the desk of Victor Lu:

Crystals are everywhere now in the world. I still remember during the 90's Crystals and its properties just sprouts their way to us asia. and Lots people were crazy about it. Many people using crystals to support their manifestation process, namely romance and wealth, serves for personal growth here in asia. Through times, after 10 odd years, crystals in Malaysia has turned to a fashion where tons of crystal shops slowly make their business from selling raw stone origins to plenty of bracelettes and has become a generic and ALMOST everyone you saw in Malaysia, has a crystal bracelet but not quite sure what it can be done.

However, luckily there are a few small group of people almost two handful that works alot with crystals for personal growth here. And today, this articles, i like to share about Crystal Nature Care by myself and from the experts i know locally and that of overseas.

First Care : Cleasing a Stone. Every crystal that you bought back to home, it is very vital to shower them to cleanse their previous energies. Many techniques outhere, but there are pro cons here that i would like to address....

When and Where? Ideally, healing stones or bracelet or pendant should cleanse right after you used them. Other collections such as meditation or channeling pieces can be at least once a month. a very USED up stones for healing or bracelett takes longer time to recover.

Nature Cleanse: Crystal respond MOSTLY with the natures. so you can expect they enjoying FULL MOON as well as Morning Sun before for around min 3hrs 1130am.

Buried them on the ground - Can be done UNLESS you know the ground/earth energies at that place are harmony. In modern layout, many earth land energies are exploited and personally, i've seen my friend happily place her stone and buried onto the ground and 3hr later it turn MORE DULL instead of bright. So becareful on this.

Rains: Ideally after 1hr rain so tat the toxic from the clouds can be cleanse off will then it able to cleanse a stones. Same goes to rivers or seas, it should be as clear as possible.

Salt: genetic modified and refine salts doesnt work here. NAture sea salts or organic from the sea respond the best.

Intention or Reiki or Aura-soma, Pendulum or Whatever energy projections: Crystals DO NOT GENERALLY Respond to such cleansing. Unless one is Skill enough to attune to listen to the stones what it wants BUT hardly people were not so good ad will not ABLE to Tune In the stones based on their modality. This is not a judgment but really it is a ground fact of observations.

Holy Shrines/Altar Cleanse: Putting stones on the altar is a delight way of cleansing as they both support each other. However, do you know why it works and why sometimes it dont? It works because it requires a sincere DEVOTIONal practice and it doesnt work if it just Ritualistic Worships without any sincerity of devotions in it.

Programing Stone: generally, crystals can be programmed and amplify what we put in. However, most of the time Stones/Crystals require you to work and attune and get familiar with it before you programe it. Tuning in and gain relationship with it then only programe it will makes your stones works quicker. This is one of the reason why people are not getting real results in programing stones.

What more to say about lightworkers that so Desperate wanting to Top up their stones energies onto something else from their modality. People hardly understand the vibrational nature of the stones and quickly want to top it up on something else.

For e.g. i've seen ppl collecting Isis Geometric Quartz without knowing why its being name ISIS at the first place! All they said - oh it helps me to connect to Isis herself. (well, you may be wrong connected somehow because Isis Quartz are not really about channeling Isis. ) and i also see people saying Phantom quartz consist of Ghost haunting inside so its not good to use that.

Grids or mandala - can be POWERFUL and potentially boosted and increase high voltage of vibes. SO don't simply grid a stones , tune in and then grid them.

So i hope this brings clear understanding to some of you who interest in crystals.

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