Monday, March 19, 2012

Problems With Land (From The Manor Journal)

This is another interesting article from Manor Journal. It is for those of us into Spirituality/Esoterism who also happen to be avid Real Estate Investors or are Real Estate Agents and Negotiators. Enjoy...

The Problems with Land
In the last issue I spoke about the nature of personal curses and their elimination. Of course, you will all remember that a curse is very easy to get rid of. Well is the same true for a property that seems cursed, filled with negativity? 

Well, this is another matter entirely. When it comes to real estate, meaning any building or a piece of land, spirit forces are always involved along with the possibility of an imprint, both of these can be a problem.

I want to make clear that I am not referring to ghosts. A ghost is a spirit of someone that died but has not crossed over to the Other Side. A spirit should go to the Other Side after death but a few remain on a piece of property because they have they feel they are needed for some reason. Some can't accept that they died. Except for rare conditions, ghosts are usually never a serious problem. They can be inconvenient and noisy, but they can be told in a kind manner to leave, and they usually will. You can simply speak to them and tell them that you are concerned about them because they are dead and should go to the white light. This may sound odd, but it works.

Also, I want to be clear that land itself cannot be cursed. It is troublesome spirits on the land that can be a problem. 

Land Spirits
All land has land spirits connected to it. Most land spirits are not especially agreeable with humans, but they are usually neutral. Some might be friendly and will even come to your rituals and magical workings and provide their aid if they are asked (not "commanded" and without a knife in your hand, please).

However, other land spirits are not friendly. This is usually not the case, but in fact, some few land spirits can be very upset, angry, unhappy spirits and they can cause trouble, sometimes trouble. Some people can sense this negativity remotely or by walking on the property or in the house.

Unfortunately, I don't believe there is much that can be done. The land spirits are there and will remain there maybe for hundreds of years. So, in the very, very rare occasion when you find yourself living in a house that has such negativity, the best thing to do is to move. Of course, you do need to investigate the problem and determine if this is the real problem or not. There are people that specialize in this type of work.

Property Imprint
The next serious spiritual problem a property can have is an imprint. This is when a disaster has occurred on a property, usually involving the suffering and deaths of many people. The negativity of the event sets into the land itself, creating a negative imprint. These areas are usually very uncomfortable for sensitive people to be in, or even to travel through.

This is another problem with no solution as the energy involved with an imprint is immense. It cannot be neutralized. So, the thing to do is to keep away from such an area. Fortunately, this type of gross negativity is rare.

Please remember that these negative occurrences are very uncommon. They are rare. We do not live our lives looking for negativity. But, you should at least know about these situations.

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