--- START (Part 2) ---
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The Annunaki (?) |
Let’s hyperbole here for a moment and let’s just assume that we are created. And not by one alien but several alien races as an experiment. Say, Earth was meant to be a library of sorts. Original intention of the experiment is say for study purposes the same way how our scientist are now experimenting with cloning and genetic manipulations. Those alien races, well… at least when they started out with the experiment, created us for genetic research.
Now, let’s add this conspiracy into the equation. One of the alien races had an ulterior motive right from the start. They preferred to use the new genetic creature called human (or homo sapien) as a slave instead, for whatever reason. Well, then the question would be how the hell would the others have agreed to it and why suddenly slavery comes into the picture? Maybe for one of the aliens (The Annunaki perhaps), their planet was dying and so they were desperate and thus more aggressive perhaps? or well, how about, if Earth was an alien colony for various alien races working here for resources gathering, research, whatever lah etc etc. So, they set out to genetically create a new race. Intention conveyed to get others to agree was that it is for “research purposes”, say research on evolution or whatever. Then once successful, the real reason is brought out to the dismay of the other races. Or perhaps the other races also liked that idea of a whole new race of workers (read as slaves) but somewhere along the line realized within themselves that this is wrong. People, let’s face it, any intelligent being would love to have a subordinate worker that does everything commanded ie. Planet of the apes, universal soldier etc or closer in our real history: the slavery of blacks in the US, use of cheap Chinese laborers abroad during Ch’ing dynasty time (Opium war etc) etc. But any enlightened spiritual being would know slavery is evil. So doesn’t matter if all of the aliens races involved wanted a genetic slave race, but along the way, some didn’t and one or more wanted.
So naturally, conflict would arise between both groups. So let’s say now that the “Confederates” (Slave drivers) won the battle and took over the planet. Then the question would be.. wow... one alien so powerful to the extend they can knock out the rest? Well... what if the rest were more peaceful cultures that know that they are more than just their bodies. So when aggression comes, they just lay down their physical bodies and depart "home". Far fetched? Let's look at Buddhist monks. The more spiritual ones are known to surrender their physical bodies to aggressors and ascend to the inner world in such moments. They just re-incarnate into another physical body somewhere else, that's all. So the theory that some advanced peaceful alien race surrendering physical bodies (intentional dying) when aggressor aliens attack is not that far fetched after all.
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Being of Light |
And all this while, the slaves “happily toil the earth” in Paradise (read as mine resources etc) for their Gods (the winning baddie aliens). But the other group that lost the battle didn’t stay quiet. But with a “Prime Directive” in force, this group of aliens attempted to free the slaves from afar. Maybe from infusion of their DNA into us. Well, it is a known fact that by selective infusion of DNA you can change the direction of an entire specie. Anyway, whatever way they used… doesn’t matter… it worked and one group of human slaves woke up when they gain knowledge about their situation and true nature. They know now what is happening to them and they decided enough is enough, they aren’t going to do it anymore. So they stopped. And the other group of human slaves saw the first group doing that and also decided they didn’t want to go on doing what they were doing. The “baddie Gods” then warned them against doing so, thinking that they will not survive (they are slaves mah… the African slaves and white masters also same case what). But the humans left anyway. Maybe their numbers were more than the colonists so who knows how they left. But that kind of paints the biblical story of Adam & Eve (2 groups of human slaves doing 2 different tasks maybe?) eating the forbidden fruit (of knowledge) and then leaving the Garden of Eden (slave land). Sort of makes sense right?
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Atlantis (?) |
However, humanity, due to it being an infusion of many different alien races, evolved from the basic and sex chakra to the solar plexus chakra – the will center (Thy Will Be Done!). We all watched Jurassic Park right? Evolution finds its way. So humanity found its way. Today we as a whole civilization have evolved with many advances (not necessarily technological advances as evidence would suggest that so called ancient civilizations have better technological advances than we do). As Maslow’s diagram states, once basic needs are sorted out, we seek out higher needs, and once these are sorted, we seek even higher needs and so forth. Today, many of us who have achieved some level of success and contentment are searching for our spirituality. We are evolving as a race and supposedly, let’s say we are due for another DNA reset / re-connected (i.e. evolving). And this is timed coincidentally (or not) with the end of the Mayan Calendar which happens to be when the “Prime Directive” thingy expires. Hmm.. plausible?
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Star Trek - United Federation of Planets |
Could these benevolent aliens, watching us from afar, became worried during WW2 and the Cold War that earth was heading towards world extinction. If the world was going to go kaboom, it could also affect the other galaxies and other dimensions. But because they can no longer interfere from the outside they came out with a plan to interfere from within thus the 3 waves of volunteers. The 1st wave born during the late 40s till late 50s. They are portals for higher frequencies to come through. They volunteered as the call to save earth. Not knowing that earth is so dense and also that they would lose all Knowledge. So they had a hard time. It is no secret that right now, that there are record number of Light workers in the world at the turn of the millennium. These spiritual "volunteers" are awakening in thousands. This would also explain why some people don’t seem to have a past life. If a person does not have a past life as a human, that is like an extremely young soul that could have just evolved from the animal kingdom and these people are usually not so developed in features etc. However, they would still have a past life as something e.g. an animal and that can be read by any channeler, medium or astrologer. But not these light workers. What I mean is that when we go to a channeler, medium or astrologer (any astrology school), they can tell your lessons this lifetime and what you were in some previous life etc. But these people (the light workers), when they go to a channeler, the channeler can’t read them, it’s like they don’t have a past life and that is soooo un-human. These people are just not from this planet.
Now, how does this tie up with new age spirituality or true spirituality as taught by the Avatars (not religion)? But first, let’s just let our imagination run wild here…
If the “Prime Directive” is enforced by some sort of Galactic Federation. Then could it be that what we call Angels, Archangels, Seraphims and some Ascended Masters are actually advanced alien beings of light (maybe not all)? Assuming they are, does new age spirituality or spirituality as taught by the Avatars still hold?
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The Ascended Masters |
Now, let’s go to the future and see what lies ahead for humanity… the epilogue if you prefer…
All beings in this universe are not all equal. This is a paradox. At one level, all beings in this universe are all created equal i.e. we are all spiritual beings of light no matter what corner of the galaxy or universe you are in. However, all beings’ genetic makeup and position in the ladder of evolution are different that that would make the “journey to the light” different i.e. Human beings are at one rung on the evolution ladder, one alien race is at another possible lower rung, and another alien race at a much higher rung. Sometimes we do get a boost in our climb.
Now, let’s hyperbole and let imaginations run wild regarding what lies in the future…
Humanity’s uniqueness as an infusion of say 7 DNAs from say 7 different alien races, is getting to that point of evolution whereby we are evolving faster than the rest (hopefully we don’t hit the reverse gear and go back the other way round at equally fast speed). If we choose Light, in 50 years (or lesser) we will be accepted into the Galactic Federation (Star Trek, yes!) and in 1000 years we will no longer need a physical body (like the Arcturans that Edgar Cayce mentioned in his trance channeling). Earth will then be left to another race that is journeying to be a light being. Humans will then be the then beings of lights that will come back to earth as guardians to help that next race. BTW, one channeled reading that caught even the channeler by surprise is that the human race's future descendants are beings of light and are guardians for the next race to use Earth for their evolution... interesting? Very...
--- END (Part 2) ---
Wow… Now, is that Hollywood Blockbuster material or what? Academy Award anyone? :-D
PS:- This post is a result of interesting bits of stories I got from various sources that I thought would make a very interesting “what if” kind of story. I hope you enjoyed it. If you think you want to explore more, by all means. I will focus on personal and spiritual development. But I always hope that one day the earth would be like Coruscant City during the golden age in Star Wars or Los Angeles in Star Trek. :-D
PPS:- You know? Most ancient writings (on walls, tablets or whatever) left by ancient civilizations like Mesopotamia, Hopi, Sumeria etc all does say that the Gods will return. Hmmmm... I wonder....
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