Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Knowing our Pastlifes - does it serve us?

What a question? Does it serves our soul's purpose to remember our past lifes? Well it depends on what you want to know it for. 

For the majority, it would be better not to as it could send the person onto a downward spiral into deep depression. 

Imagine finding out that you were once a psychopathic sadistic killer who mutilated babies and drank their bloods for sheer pleasure. That's hardly uplifting don't you think. And to top it, at the present life you are a woman who keeps giving birth to deformed children and medical science just couldn't help you. may just end up with severe depression and kill yourself. And that leads you to more shit in the next life.

On the other hand If you find out you were a multimillionaire or some great world leader, then that might just pump your ego sooo big you get "too big for your shoes". You then miss the point and become arrogant. And that in turn stops you from achieving what you wanted to achieve this lifetime. We know of many people who still live in past glories long after those times have passed don't we? 

I must add here that if you go to some whacko medium (fraud)... then you probably hear things like you were Alexander the Great or Cleopatra etc. Oh puhleeezz... It is whacko "mediums" like those that give past life regression a bad name and the general public to look at this as humorous hullabaloo.

Anyway, if we look at it from the soul's journey, it comes forth from the One Source to experience its creation. So knowing ones pastlifes really doesn't matter or you can say is unimportant if one is incarnated here to experience ones creation. Lets look at this scenario. Say Jimmy lives to a 100 years old everytime he re-incarnate. 10 lifetimes would mean he has gone through 10 different experiences and thus enriching his soul (and the One Source in the process) 10 different ways by the decisions he has made in each of those lifetimes. Make sense?

So for the vast majority of souls, it really isn't important to know their pastlifes. Just get on with the present life and enrich the soul's experience of its creation and hence enriching the One Source in the grander scheme of things.

However, the same cannot be said for those few of us who have at sometime in the past or present, in full knowledge (or not) of the consequences consciously (or un-consciously) chooses to grow spiritually at an accelerated pace. For those of us who are crazy or gungho enough to say that, it does make sense to know about our pastlifes. Or rather, know where we stopped in the immediate Pastlife. At present, in this world we live in, the best examples of these people are the Tibetan Tulkus and Rimpoches. These are beings who have at some point in the past decided that they want their spiritual growth to grow exponentially and are prepared to pay the price. They have devoted many lifetimes to the development of their souls. Hence for them, it serves them to know where they left off in their Pastlife. The reason is quite simple.

Using that same example of Jimmy. Say Jimmy was nutty enough to say, "I wanna grow very very fast and shortcut my way to the top". The universe says "your wish is my command". So Jimmy takes on the Boddhisattva path. Let's say in one aspect, he needs 1000 years to develop that certain spiritual aspect. Like before, he lives to 100 years old everytime. So to perfect that aspect he needs 10 lifetimes (forget childhood for simplicity). So if he is starting now, by the time he dies, he would only have gone 10% of the way. So he has to return next life to continue where he left off. Of course he can continue on the inner world but it's more difficult. It's easier to develop in physical incarnation due to the nature of duality in the physical plane. But if he re-incarnates and forgets (we all do), he will have to start from scratch again and by the time he "expires" would have gone to 10% again. Hence it is to Jimmy's best interest to remember his previous life so that he can accelerate the "remembering" of what he learnt in the previous life so that he can then continue where he left off. And if all goes well, by the time he dies this round, he would be at 20%. Hence if Jimmy is now into his 5th re-incarnation on that aspect, remembering his Pastlife would save him 400 years of knowledge gained and save him from having to start from scratch again where that aspect of his soul's development is concerned. Get it? He only got this lifetime (if he works on it) and 500 years more at the end of this lifetime. Make sense?

I mentioned, "in full knowledge or not" above because many of us, especially those of us who practice Tibetan Buddhism, like to chase after Rimpoches. Whenever there is a puja or prayer, zoommmm... we are there in a nifty. And we take vows recited in sanskrit or Tibetan by Rimpoches without knowing what they mean (It's not like the average Joe or Jane can read sanskrit) until after the vow is taken. And we go, "ooops" after that. Well, don't blame the Rimpoche, I'm sure he has explained something before reciting those prayers and he is probably also expecting you to be fully aware of what you are doing before taking those sacred vows. But not to worry, if it is not to your soul's higher good to take such vows, they will be rendered null and void at a higher level (not necessarily automatic though).

So remembering Pastlife serves us if we are into spiritual development. But of course, this is not necessarily true for all of us. If you are really on the Bodhisattva path then it definitely does. And when I say Boddhisattva path I mean really serious about it and not like what most lay-persons do. They blindly take the Boddhisattva vow without knowing it is a vow that would make you keep returning to Earth until all sentient beings are enlightened.  Well... Sorry lor, not for me. I'm not that "Wai Tai". But having said that, the Boddhisattva path is the path that is probably the most well documented path in ancient scriptures. Text in sanskrit are bountiful for this path. 

For the rest of us Lightworkers, who are not on the Boddhisattva path, maybe knowing our Pastlife isn't so important. Maybe it is. Depends on what our soul wants and our spiritual task at hand. For people into energy work, knowing a bit can be of use as we would then know what skills we would want to re-learn and then move to other skills...perhaps. Sometimes however, being spiritually inclined, we tend to meditate a lot and meditation has its side benefits of opening the third eye etc. So we may get flashes of pastlifes. Perhaps this is to "tie up loose ends" from previous lifes. As we grow spiritually, things that are important for our growth will reveal itself to us as we progress. These may be revealed through Pastlife flashes or if you are interested, Pastlife regression etc.

I personally do not mind knowing about my past life. It would be more to knowing what spiritual / arcane skills I have developed before that I can choose to sharpen this lifetime for the benefit of my family and humanity as a whole. But that's me. Others may beg to differ.

Related post:
  1. Mission of the soul
  2. Souls in reincarnation
  3. Reincarnation
  4. The Wise Ones (or Magi)

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