Thursday, January 26, 2012

Noah's Ark

The biblical story of Noah's Ark and how a pair of each species of animal was brought onto an Ark to be saved is an interesting story indeed. 

But really, is such a feat possible? Let's be realistic here... even if we try to explain it from the perspective of energy, it still bogles the mind.

On the other hand, instead let's consider another possibility...

Well, we know the bible and other religious and spiritual scriptures talk in parables. It is human-kind that like to interprete it in its literal meaning. And the powers to be at that point of time, had to elevate and inject a bit of mysticism into the whole thing and voila... after 2000 years of misinterpretations... here we have what we have. sigh...

So, what possibility are we considering here?

Let's say, instead of literally saving of a pair of animal species, the bible actually meant "saving" of DNA per species. Now... would that be more believable? I would think so.

Firstly, it is possible to store DNA information and it definitely requires a whole lot less space. But hold on, DNA wasn't discovered until 1869.

Yes that's true... for humanity anyway at least. But what if there were other powers at work?

There are theories around that the "powers" capable of such DNA bank at that point in time could be Extra Terrestrials (ET). And really.. If you put ET into the equation, it sorts of make sense don't you think so.

After all... what makes us humans think that we're the only talking animals in the universe. And to make it more interesting, what we call God could actually be a group(s) of ETs out on a science experiment. Now what movie was that that Jim Carrey played a man whose whole life was a movie for every other human? Ah... Truman Show.

So.. ok .. if ET is in the equation, what was he doing collecting all these DNA? Well... let's say (let's let our imagination run wild here), they were at the brink of giving up on us as a race and so they were considering starting a new somewhere else. That's good enough reason to collect DNAs don't you think so?

Fruit for thought huh? We should make a movie out of it, yes... :-)

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