Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Mission of the Soul

This article is further writings on my earlier article on Souls in Reincarnation.

At the beginning there is the One Source of it all. We have called it many names: God, Allah etc. We do not know much about it other than that it is The Creator. There are scriptures but the fact is those are all interpretations and have been subjected to misinterpretations and personal agendas. We really don't know much about HIM. This One Source is all compassion and all loving. It is Omnipotent, Omnipresence, Omni-“you name it”. It is perfection. All souls comes forth from the One Source to experience its creation. In a way you can say that the One Source seeks to enrich itself through the experience gained by the souls that comes forth from HIM.

Think of it as a bright star from which many “solar flare”s spew forth. Only these “solar flare”s goes forth further and comes back to the star. Every soul goes forth on its own mission to do its work taking physical incarnation if necessary to complete its work before returning to the One Source. Souls takes multiple physical incarnations much like we change our clothes every day. What then could be a soul's mission or if you prefer, what work does a soul seek to do in its lifetime?

Before we begin, I must explain that the soul may then split itself into multiple smaller souls which may also split to again multiple souls. Hence the term Oversoul to describe a group of souls with certain characteristics and in built configurations. The governing Oversoul oversees the group of souls. From my limited understanding, soul mates fall within the same Oversoul.

Each soul then, prior to taking the next physical incarnation (or change of clothes) decide the lessons it wishes to learn (or self enlighten on, experience etc) during that incarnation. The physical life is played out in detail to perfection before embarking on the journey. You have chosen your parents, your career, your partner, your life path etc etc.

Some souls may not take physical incarnation, they may instead choose to remain in non-physical forms to guide those that have chose physical form. However, in their mission to guide those that have taken physical incarnations, they may themselves, if necessary, take a short physical incarnation if it serves the purpose of guiding the other soul that has chosen physical incarnation. From my understanding, this usually happens to guide the guided back to the intended path. And it can be as an animal (pet) or a short-lived baby etc.

The lessons a soul chooses to learn may be what the eastern religions/teachings tries to explain by Karma. But then it begs the question, karma seems to be something you cannot avoid, but lessons gives the impression that you can choose not to learn it. Well.. put it this way. Our souls are all compassion and all loving as they are made in the likeness of HIM. So the lessons we said we want to learn are something that our souls seeks to enrich itself with. So while we may complain about the karmic lessons in our physical lifetime (our shit always seem bigger than another person’s shit), once we die, and as long as we don’t succumb to the hell of our own creation (read my article on heaven and hell here ), we i.e. our soul, being all compassion and all loving would most probably still choose to learn those same lessons that we failed to learn in our physical incarnation, hence what we call karma (this explanation makes it a whole lot palatable don’t it). So it’s not that you can’t avoid Karma, it’s YOU, at the soul level, chose to go through it. Ouch you say.

Well, look at it on the bright side, we don’t just incarnate for 1 or 2 lessons. There are a hosts of lessons that we have chosen to learn. So, in my opinion, even if we don’t learn the lesson in its entirety, we may still move on to other lessons first before returning to the unfinished lesson. We do that in physical life don’t we? If we get stuck at one subject, we take a breather, go to another subject, complete it, then come back and finish off the previous. Same thing. And, having learnt other lessons first, our context grows and thus we may be even more equipped to learn the unfinished lesson. Make sense?

However, I would like to bring attention to the following. Sometimes, individual souls from different soul groups, and thus different characteristics, may come together to perform specific tasks. Sort of like a secondary mission thing if you prefer. But this are usually one off in my opinion. And, in my humble opinion, should not interfere with the soul’s main task within his/her soul group. A situation like this could be as per the following example: 5 individuals of completely differing lives and from completely different places on the Earth may at one point in their life, somehow feel drawn to a common place at the same time. When they get there, there is a sense of Deja-Vu. And when they meet each other there is a sense of “recognition” like you know this person from somewhere but it’s not like this person is your soul mate. Upon further investigation each of them come to realize that they each have different knowledge and abilities and that place that they are in have an urgent need of such skills. And the task cannot be completed without all 5 individual’s involvement. If any of the 5 chooses to walk away, the task (or mission) fails. Thus they are meant to do something there with those skills of theirs for that place. Once the task is completed, they will bid each other farewell and return to their original paths. If they fail to complete this task, they may have to complete it at another lifetime under different but yet similar circumstances. I believe such instances are major cross roads whereby humanity’s collective consciousness (if it’s to do with Earth) either evolves or not.

How then was this secondary mission first incubated? My understanding of it is that before we came down here in physical form, we “signed up” for the secondary mission. It could be as simple as that and I believe so. It’s voluntary because you’ve got your own main tasks to accomplish.

Well… this is all just my opinion. More later.

Related articles:
Souls in reincarnation
Heaven and Hell
Young and Old Souls
What should we do in an extremely karmic relationship?

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