Saturday, February 4, 2012

Does the coming new energies have an effect on markets?

Yesterday a fellow light worker asked me whether the new energies coming in would have any impact on financial markets. My answer at that time was that I do not know. And honestly, I do not know.

However, after leaving and proceeding to my next destination in my calendar, that question came to mind again. And this time, I'm not so sure anymore. Maybe there is. Hmmm...

Supposedly (I say supposedly because I have no way of verifying it...for the moment), the new energies coming in this past few years and intensifying lately is to bring us to a new era of self governance, compassion etc etc etc. And therefore in my humble opinion the old structures of governance that has bred corruption and abuse at all levels have to be destroyed first.

Hence we see upheaval everywhere. The smart ones from the old school realize this and thus try to initiate change to "evolve" with the times so that they get to stay in power. Some of them may succeed if the change comes fast and real. Most of them will fail because theirs is just a smokescreen and not real change. Those who refused to change are being destroyed. A political eg is Ghadaffi. I'm not saying that I'm pro US intervention. No. What I'm saying is that he had what's coming to him because he refused to change.

However, at the same time it is still a struggle at the moment. As I have said before, will humanity's collective consciousness choose light and evolve or will we destroy ourselves by choosing darkness. While I tend to have faith that we will evolve and choose light, both outcomes are still possible. The world potentially faces World War 3 starting from the middle east if darkness prevails.

If the old structure wins, it's darkness. If the new consciousness wins, we all evolve to the Light. The US has passed several laws that most Americans don't realize takes their liberty away. So, even the government of the so called greatest "free country" in the world is choosing to maintain status quo and thus darkness. But a growing number of its citizens can feel that something isn't right and are crying foul. These people are choosing Light. So it's not just the middle east, it's everywhere... Europe, US, Asia etc.

And before any American starts to protest, let's just say this: most of your politicians (senators) have been in politics all their lives they have dynasties. This means they are no longer connected to the people. They are now like the aristocrats of Europe. They should be removed from office with limits to their terms like the president. There is a joke that goes like this, "politicians and diapers should be change often for exactly the same reason" :-)

The "struggle" between old and new is seen everywhere. In politics, in individuals, heck... I have had record number of friends who changed jobs around the same time. Even relationships that no longer serve our higher good are being reviewed. It's like it's the "season" for change.

Coming back to markets...

The precious metals market has been quite turbulent lately. While its in a steady uptrend, there are instances where it is as if there are people trying to suppress the prices. GATA (if I recall correctly) has investigated and uncovered that in the commodities futures market, investment banks have record short positions. Positions that cannot be possible because there just isn't that many physical precious metals in the market. The only logical reason for this is suppression of prices for whatever reason. Gold is pricier now so not so easy to suppress (but not impossible). Silver on the other hand is a whole lot cheaper when there is actually potentially less silver around than gold. But because it is soooo cheap relative to gold, it is easy to suppress. But a growing number of the masses have caught on that all is not what it seems and have been buying both gold and silver. China and India are buying record gold and silver. China had even encouraged its citizens to buy and keep gold and silver.

So come to think of it... Yes, the new energies are effecting markets. It's adding to the volatility of an already volatile market as the powers-that-be continue to attempt to maintain the status quo while growing awareness amongst the masses have resulted in the masses "waking up" and demanding that enough is enough and they want their financial rights to be preserved, hence a growing number of people decides to hedge with precious metals or other means.

Who will win? I don't know but I have faith that Light will prevail.

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