Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Kundalini and Kundalini Syndrome (走火入魔) - updated

The Medical Cadeceus and
the Ida Pingala and Sushumna
This excerpt is from Wikipedia:
"The Kundalini Syndrome is a set of sensory, motor, mental and affective symptoms reported predominantly (according to certain writers on the subject) among people who have had a near-death experience; it has also been attributed to practitioners of meditation or yoga. 
Researchers in the fields of psychiatry, transpersonal psychology, and near-death studies. describe a complex pattern of sensory, motor, mental and affective symptoms associated with the concept of Kundalini, sometimes called the Physio-Kundalini syndrome, or Kundalini-syndrome. This psycho-spiritual and transformative process is believed to occur in connection with a near-death experience, or with prolonged, intensive spiritual or contemplative practice, as practiced within a few sub-disciplines of meditation or yoga. Other factors that may trigger this symptomatology includes a variety of intense personal crises or experiences. According to writers in the field of transpersonal psychology the process is not always sudden and dramatic, it can also start slowly and increase gradually in activity over time. If the accompanying symptoms unfold in an intense manner that destabilizes the person, the process is usually interpreted as a spiritual emergency."
This explanation is erroneous. This is NOT Kundalini Syndrome (走火入魔)! A typical example of Wikipedia getting it wrong. But can't blame them. The write up is mostly by so called experts who do not know nor acknowledge their true nature as beings of light. Of well...

Meditation can awaken
the Kundalini Serpent
So what is Kundalini Syndrome (走火入魔)? First we need to explore what is Kundalini. The Sanskrit word, kundalini, means coiled, like a snake. Hence the awakening of Kundalini energy is also called "awakening of the fiery serpent"Kundalini Fire (Kundalini Energy). Kundalini Energy resides at the base/tip of our spine. Energetically, it is at the Basic Chakra. It is usually dormant in the vast majority of us. This means for most people, they do not even realize it is there. Medical Science definitely do not recognize this energy... yet. Well... if the vast majority of people has it dormant (not awakened), how is medical science going to know its existence (it's dormant, remember), right? But it has to be said here that medical science is way behind and has forgotten that the very symbol that represents their profession actually also represents our spiritual channels (The Ida Pingala and Sushumna) with the Kundalini located at the bottom of the staff of CadeceusKundalini energy is also often little understood even among teachers of Yoga and meditative traditions. It is, however, mentioned extensively in the literature of Yoga and Tantra (both Buddhist and Hindu). Certain Esoteric Schools with inner masters (unseen Wise Ones, inner world spiritual teachers etc) would give a better explanation of Kundalini then one without. 

But in a very few people, perhaps one in a thousand, this dormant energy becomes aroused (or activated). The awakening of the "fiery serpent" can be a happy event or it can be scary and disruptive, depending on whether you aroused your kundalini on purpose or by accident. For the serious spiritual practitioner or Yogi/Yogini, the arousal of Kundalini energy gives the spiritual aspirant a powerful ally that can help smoothen the spiritual path. E.g: The Lord Christ received His Baptism by Water followed by the Shaktipat (Baptism by Spirit and Fire) from John the Baptist hence His Kundalini is awakened and He quickly "remembers" to the last stage of His development before that lifetime (The Lord Christ is a Boddhisattva whom has gone through many many reincarnations), to put it simply (Christians will disagree with this but that's their problem for refusing to accept Truth).

However, if the Kundalini is awakened accidentally, then there could be serious problems to the person. A normal person's body is not purified enough to be able to take this kind of energy. Kundalini Syndrome (走火入魔) is when the Kundalini energy is awakened in a body that is not yet ready for it. Kundalini Syndrome (走火入魔) may manifest in several ways, for example:
  1. Chronic Fatique (or Chronic General Weakness);
  2. Overheating of the body (an unexplained and incurable fever);
  3. Chronic insomnia;
  4. Depression;
  5. Skin Rashes;
  6. Overactivated Sex Chakra;
  7. Hypertension; or the worst...
  8. Rapid Ripening of Karmic seeds (loads of bad luck keeps happening that just can't be explained and is completely out of the ordinary... You will know if it is, there would be no doubting it as you just cannot manifest anything and the term "bad luck" would seem like an understatement)
Therefore it is important for the spiritual aspirant to constantly purify his/her body as well as mind. That's why we need to keep our bodies clean. Matthew 9:17 in the Bible states, "You do not put new wine in an old wine bag." Why? The old wine beg is already stretched; therefore when you put new wine, which is still fermenting, the gas pressure will increase and the bag will burst. The wine bag is likened to the body. The wine corresponds to the descent of spiritual energy. You must make your body like a new wine bag to prepare it to receive higher energy and to be able to withstand the awakening of the Kundalini serpent. That's also why we should not smoke, take excessive alcohol, eat energetically dirty food if we are serious about our spiritual development. Our body is the temple of the holy spirit (our incarnated soul). So why do we defile it with impurities?

Of course, advanced souls have the ability to transmute energies so it would appear that they can take energetically dirty food and yet be able to develop spiritually. But just because those advanced souls can do it doesn't mean the rest of us can follow. Are you an advanced soul? How do you know? While I am not suggesting that one completely abstain (though that is highly recommended), one should be clear on what one wants. If we have decided that we want to develop as high as possible this lifetime, then definitely we need to be also serious about purifying our bodies (physical, emotional, mental etc). Kundalini syndrome is no laughing matter. Once awakened by accident, there are not many gurus around who can help you "put it back to sleep".

the act of praying would probably not result in Kundalini Syndrome (走火入魔) though it also brings down spiritual energy because it is not at an accelerated pace. However, for priest, monks, nuns etc, it can still accidentally awaken because they spend most of their times praying and for those in monasteries and convents, they could be practicing certain meditations without even realizing that it is a meditation (meditation aren't necessarily done sitting down cross legged or lotus position). This is why we sometimes hear of some clergy men or monks who "misbehave" sexually. The movie "Samsara" shows this quite well with the monk after a long period of isolation meditating, has his kundalini awakened and unregulated, and thus his heightened sexual desires (he was caught sleeping with an erect penis) and thus committed a transgression by having sex with a local woman. He then left the monastery to marry her to be responsible for his actions...etc etc

Related post:
  1. Energy!
  2. Lord's Prayer - Energy perspective
  3. Lord's Prayer - the meaning of the verses
  4. Yoga
  5. Medical Cadeceus
  6. Baptism by Water, Spirit and Fire
  7. Boddhisattva - What is a Boddhisattva?
  8. Wise Ones
  9. Souls in Reincarnation
  10. Different Levels of Truth
  11. advanced soul (Young / Old Soul)

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