Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Our spiritual blueprint

This article is to further expand on my previous article on The Soul’s Mission. I felt that I need to add this additional information.

Continuing from that article, the question comes to mind how do we know what we are here to learn? I believe that where DNA is our genetic code (read as blueprint) that determines our genetic and physical makeup/features, our astrology charts is our spiritual “genetic” code/blueprint that tells us of our life mission (or lessons if you prefer). There are many astrology chart types. Vedic (Indian), Bazi (Chinese), western etc. Numerology (Pyramid systems) and Horoscopes (western, vedic, Chinese etc) all form part of astrology.

While astrology is sometimes fun to read just for kicks, it can tell a great deal about you right down to the most minute detail. The caveat is this: the information provided by you to the astrologer has to be accurate. Information right down to the minute you are born. With this information, an accurate chart can be made of you that tells of your characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, personality right down to your life paths. Of course, there is always free will. Anyone can always exercise Free Will and say no and choose a different path. But of course, that would depends on a few things. Are the things you say you don’t want to do something you have to do or you MUST do? The charts will give an indication of what is a must (or destiny of you prefer) and what are possibilities (you can change this).

Of course, if you are very advanced spiritually, and you have “remembered” and grown beyond where you last stop (where you stopped in the past life), who knows? You may even have the ability to, in meditation, take a trip up there and make changes to your akashic records and voila, life down here changes for you to whatever you want :-p. I know of one person who’s able to do that. That would be a useful skill wouldn’t it but, damn, most of us can’t.

Anyway, to give an example of how astrology influences our lives, here’s an example. We all know of people who sometimes seem so “protected” i.e. nothing seems to be able to touch them. And perhaps they may even know this themselves but can’t quite figure out what it is. Of course protection could have come from angels or shields created by magicians but I'm not talking about those forms of protection. I'm talking about natural inborn type. The charts will show this clearly. So knowing it actually helps you to capitalize on your strengths. Of course, there is always cause and effect. Knowing your strengths doesn’t mean you can start harming people with it because what goes round comes round.

Also maybe ourselves – we find some things so simple we take it for granted and we thought everyone else thinks the same and we get surprised that others actually found it difficult to comprehend what we thought was as simple as ABC. Well, probably something in your charts about what you have done in past life, or perhaps some strength in you. For example of course…

And before anyone says this is hullabaloo… puhleezz… it’s all energy (or chi, ki, prana, life force). The movement of planets will cause the energy around us to change. Heck the gravitational forces of each planet and the way they interact with each other when they are at various positions in the solar system would already create natural events in our environment. So what more to us. Especially when we are all energy beings with differing energy configurations.

Some people would prefer to not know theirs. That’s fine. Knowing your charts doesn’t mean anything anyway. It is just information to you that may confirm something you already suspected about yourself. But in my humble opinion, why not? It’s additional information that can be of use anyway. Well… this is a matter of individual preferences.

A person’s astrology would show the path of least resistance for that person including lessons (karmic) that they are meant to learn this lifetime. It is also possible to determine with extreme accuracy any aspect of a person’s life at a certain point in time. With that information, then we can determine our best course of action whether to equip ourselves to overcome situations or to go around it. If you know you can’t win a battle, why fight?

Some people may now ask how and who do I contact. Well, I would recommend getting a good astrologer that is with the Light. Never go to one with the dark forces as he/she can use that information to manipulate you when you are at your weakest. While I do not know many, I know of a few friends who is with the Light. Their FB page is Soul Circles. Their official website is here (BTW, I’m not doing marketing for them. But I do write content for the FB page. This is if you are interested only).

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The Mission of the Soul
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